The tree cover is lush and lush, and it grows quietly under the moonlight. The wind blows the leaves and whirls, and at the same time blows the strings of wooden sticks tied under the tree.

The wooden sticks were tied under the tree with a red thread, and they swayed left and right in the wind. Some wooden sticks made a knocking sound when they touched one piece. These wooden sticks were written with names one after another, and the names were all in pairs.

It is said that the wooden sticks hanging on the Yuanjie Sacred Tree can fulfill the wishes on it, and those who make wishes to the Yuanjie Sacred Tree are usually the wishes of lovers who want to get married eventually.

So they wrote the names of themselves and their lovers on the wooden sticks, and hung them on the Yuanjie Sacred Tree with red strings. From the first day the Yuanjie Sacred Tree grew, someone came to tie the red string wooden sticks, and it has been hung up to now. The wooden sticks are full, and some of the couples on the wooden sticks finally get married together, while some of the couples on the wooden sticks parted ways, or fell apart across the blue spring.

Encounter and parting have always been carried out under the fate tree. At night, lovers secretly meet here, and confess their love under the moonlight under the tree. They say everything that cannot be said, and wait for the other party's answer and ending.

One of the Eight Gods, the God of Fate, is in charge of the Fate God Tree.

Yuanjieshen is a cold guy, she sneers at love and such things as love, but her supernatural power needs enough confessions from lovers, so her pleasure is to hide in the tree and watch couple after couple Couples confess their love, or make complaints about it, or make fun of it silently.

In Gao Tianyuan, this should be the most leisurely god, but sometimes she will be bored, and when she is bored, she will think of the little guy who often comes over.

The figures are like weaving, the girls hug each other, kiss, and say the sweetest love words, vows forever.

A small figure shuttled among these people, but she was not very moved by it. She hugged a little fox and looked around, as if looking for something.

"Master Yuanjieshen! Lord Yuanjieshen!"

The girl screamed, as if she was looking for her. Yuan Jieshen saw her hiding in the tree, smiled secretly, and playfully took an empty wooden sign from the tree trunk, and threw it over the girl's head.



It hit, Yuanjieshen smiled, a rare smile appeared on his face, and even clapped his hands, the girl raised her head and looked at Yuanjieshen sitting on the tree trunk, the little fox in her arms cried out unhappily One sound.


"An Er, why did you come here?"

Saying that, Yuan Jie jumped down from the tree, looking at An Er in a rather mischievous manner.

An Er of Inari Palace is very familiar to all the gods in Gaotianyuan. Because of her two mothers, basically no one treats her. Why do people in Gao Tianyuan hate her? Everyone says that she is a child without a mother, but An Er is puzzled. Isn't her mother Master Yu Jinjin?

Although Yu Jiajin told An Er many times that her mother was someone else, she didn't seem to care who her mother was. In her world, there was only Yu Jiajin and Yuanjieshen.

Only these two people are good to her.

Yu Yijin is both a teacher and a mother to An Er, and Yuan Jieshen is like a friend and confidant to her.

They met by chance because of this. At that time, An Er didn't know what the sacred tree of fate was for. Some people said that if you want to know your mother, you should go to the sacred tree of fate. Might not even know their names.

So An Er came, but she couldn't find the wooden sign with Si Qingrong and Wei Miaoyue on it, so she asked Yuanjie God, who met An Er for the first time at that time.

Yuan Jieshen still remembers the scene of the first meeting.

"Why did you come here? I don't know that this is a holy place for lovers, so you can't just wander around?"

"sorry Sorry……"

The little girl in front of her nodded her head.

"I want to know the names of my two mothers and who they are, but no one told me, no one told me about my mother, everyone said that I was a child without a mother, and my mother was a sinner of Gao Tianyuan... "

Little An Er clutched the hem of his clothes and said, lowering his head.

Under the moonlight, looking at An Er with this appearance, Yuan Jieshen seemed to be deeply touched by something in his heart, and his eyes opened wide, like a full moon in the sky.

"No, I don't have what you're looking for here either!!"

"Hey, what do you believe in those people? Just believe what they say. They just look at you and bully you. When you become stronger, no one will dare to bully you."

"Where I am destined to become a god, I will cover you!"

Yuanjieshen said, in fact, she knew where her mother's wooden sign was. It was in the Yuanjieshen tree, on a slightly higher branch. Among the successful couples here, her mother was the hardest couple. .

But Yuanjie never showed An Er.

That's how they got to know each other.

"I was late for training. I don't know what happened. The master also limited the time for me to come out. It's only one hour. I don't know what happened. What happened, it's too annoying."

An Er said, Yuan Jie listened attentively, but was taken aback.

Oh, yes, that woman is back, and she heard about it too. I wonder if she knows that her daughter is still alive and here?

Damn, I have been exiled for so many years, why come back, don't let her see, otherwise...

"What a fuss, it's not a big deal if you want me to say it, just play with me here, and I'll go and tell her about Yujiajin's side."

"That's great! It's better, Mr. Yuanjieshen!"

"Woo woo woo~~~"

Cang Bori, the little fox in An Er's arms, also let out a happy cry.

"Let's go, I have delicious food there, the only product of Fengshou's family, how about we go play hide-and-seek later."

Two little girls whose minds are not grown up at all, sometimes they are very suitable for being together.

Maybe they don't even notice it themselves.


Feng Shou Yuewei looked at An Er and Yuan Jie thoughtfully, she had just delivered the food.

She didn't mention Yun Chang's death to anyone else, as if it was gradually buried in her heart, but a voice told herself that she couldn't let Yun Chang die like that, she wanted to avenge Yun Chang! !

If the people in Gao Tianyuan don't do anything, then she will find a way by herself.

With this in mind, she has been carrying out a plan, which seems to have gradually become clear.

After packing up the food box, she came under the Yuanjie God tree, found a place with few people around, sneaked as if she was about to do something bad, and secretly took out a wooden stick from her arms.

There is a red string hanging on the wooden sign with words engraved on it.

"Moon curtain Yunshang."

Two names, her and Yunshang's.

Holding the wooden stick, Fengshou Yuewei shed tears in pain.

Obviously there are only two or three sides of fate, obviously she is a food official and the other is a god, obviously she is dead.

But something was still at work in her heart, she secretly carved their names, and came to the Fate Knot Tree in her spare time.

Wanting to hang up represents a strange feeling, she doesn't know if it is love, maybe it is two confidants who have an inexplicable resonance.

Who stipulates that this feeling cannot be love?

With tears in her eyes, Feng Shou Yuewei secretly put up the sign of her and Yunshang in a hidden place, then hurriedly packed up the food box and left quickly.


A soft sigh fell, and it sounded at the place where Fengshou Yuewei stood before. A figure stood there in vain, looking at the wooden sign hidden between the two leaves, and the wooden sign wandered around.

"Things in the world are eternal reincarnation, endless possession and loss..."

"No one can escape or get rid of it."

The figure gradually disappeared and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.


The "Book of Exile" was closed in front of his eyes, and there was a trace of purple light in the eyes of the God of the Moon, as if he was thinking.

"Condensing the soul into jade, the cave of Naraku..."

"I finally understand, the final solution left by Izanagi, and the secrets that I spied, Tsukuyomi, artifacts, demon swords..."

"Desolate Moon!! Our plan should be advanced

Yes, there are more and more accidents now! ".

Suddenly, a phantom came out of a bead in the item of Huang Yue, resembling a woman.

"Don't worry, Wenche, I have already understood the truth about the exile of Yueyuan. There is only one last step left to free you. The entire Gaotianyuan is beyond redemption!!"

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