Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 328 Every Sinner Has a Future

The huge Flying Moon Feather Rabbit crawling on Changyue Island suddenly raised its head and looked outside. It seemed that there was some unpleasant aura coming. Under a bright yellow full moon, the wind was gradually picking up on Changyue Island.

"Quiet, are you still expecting me to come back?"

Wei Miaoyue, who was standing in front of Gui Yueyan, asked softly.

"Because of me, the Gui family has suffered a lot these years."

"My lord, the people of the Gui Family have always felt that you did nothing wrong, and we have never regretted it! Even if we are suppressed by the major families now!"

"Silly boy, I am a sinner to the Guijia, and I have no face to see the Guijia."

"It's nothing! My lord, don't feel guilty! Since your lord left, the Gui family has never re-appointed the head of the family! It's just for one day, your lord will come back!!!"

"Every saint has a past, but every sinner also has a future!!!"

Hearing these words, Wei Miaoyue's face changed, she had a look of sudden realization and shock, she repeated what Gui Yueyan said:

"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future?"

"Sinners, sinners like me, do they have a future?"

"Before you become a sinner, isn't your lord the saint of the entire Gaotianyuan? Your past is over, why can't you have a future?"


"After so many years, I didn't expect to be awakened by you. You are right, but this Patriarch, I will not do it. I have more important things to do. Guiyueyan, you are willing to listen to my orders Is it?"

"Serve the adults! Do whatever you want!!"

"Today, I will regard you as the Patriarch of the Gui family. Now, lead the people of the Gui family back to the territory of the Moon God Seven God Soldiers and rebel against Gao Tianyuan!! Can you do it?"

"Follow your lord! Yueyan will go back and order!"

For Wei Miyue, Gui Yueyan seemed to have a kind of fanaticism of worship, she got up and left in a hurry, Wei Miyue slowly turned back, still reminiscing about Gui Yueyan's words.

In Sleeping Moon Forest, Mingxue gradually woke up from serious injuries, surrounded by strange things, only a red-haired girl was silently watching her, the girl was extremely beautiful, with emerald eyes and red hair, sitting beside her.

"This, here is..."

"Long Moon Island, Sleeping Moon Forest, you have recovered from your injuries, do you still remember that I saved you?"

"Remember, remember, thank you for saving my life!"

"You don't have to thank me, I still remember your name, your name is Mingxue, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

"It's really destined, my name is Mingxue, and I have the same name as yours."

The red-haired girl said, Mingxue swayed when she heard the figure. She already thought it was not unusual for her to have the same name. After all, a guy mistook her for the first time and said it was because he had a younger sister named Mingxue.

Could it be that the person in front of him is the younger sister that Ming Tian is looking for? Thinking of this, Ming Xue observed the other party carefully, then shook her head again.

Probably not, firstly the hair color is different, and then the appearance.

After the dark blue silver awakening, the Suzaku sublimation, and successively absorbing the soul rings of 100,000 years and millions of years, Mingxue has completely changed her temperament, and her appearance has become very different from before, even if Mingtian meets her face to face. To recognize her own sister, unless Mingxue admits it herself.

"You don't look like someone from Gao Tianyuan, are you also an outsider?"

"Yes, because I killed a person here, so I was hunted down."

"Oh? I can't see that you still killed people here."

"One called Takimuro Tsukishe,

I didn't kill it alone, it was just a fluke. "

Hearing the name Takimuro Tsukishe, Mingxue on the opposite side was no longer calm, with a strange look on his face.

She was the first to contact Takimurotsuki, and the latter shot Takimurotsuki to death. If she doubted it, she might not be able to escape the suspicion. What this person provoked caused him to get into trouble, Mingxue immediately regretted saving this guy.

"If you want to avoid the attention of Wuhundian in the future, you can find a substitute, or have the same appearance, or the same name, and attract the attention of Wuhundian on the bright side, so that you can hide behind the scenes, and then plan another plan."

Thinking back to what Long Jinyue said earlier, the two of them discussed the future of the Holy Spirit Sect. At that time, she still complained about where to find someone with a similar appearance or the same name and similar strength. Now, the Mingxue in front of her is very suitable for all the conditions to be her puppet. Could it be that this is the fate arranged by the heavens, and when she needs it, she has arranged for such a person to come.

"Luck also requires strength. Your strength is very strong, and I have never seen a martial soul."

"The other shore flower is just an ordinary plant that grows by the Yellow Spring."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Yue Ji at the side heard it, and her expression changed. The news of Huang Quan entered her ears, and it reminded her of a long time ago.

"Teacher! Teacher!!!"

Seriously injured Izanagi, who was dying, surrounded by people around him, Izanagi handed the "Book of Exile" to Yunshang, and slowly dispersed the rest of the people, only Tsukihime remained by his side.

"Teacher, teacher... don't die, please, don't die..."

"Uh... Amaterasu, there is no one now, can you call me father?"

"Father! Father!!"

"Ahem, I've been away from Gao Tianyuan for so long, and I've been trying to find your mother. If I didn't find her back, would you hate me?"

"No, I don't hate you."

"Maybe your mother is really not dead. I followed her breath to Huangquan, borrowed the eyes of Yan Mo, passed the source of Saizhi River where the other shore flowers were blooming, and finally found Izanami."

"She asked me to wait, so I couldn't visit her, but I didn't follow the agreement between us. I took a peek at her and saw her in the ugliest form. Her body was full of bugs..."

"I ran away in shock. She caught up with me and chased me to the edge of the kingdom of the underworld. She gradually collapsed and went crazy. I couldn't beat her at that time. It was the Bana flower of the underworld that stopped the crazy Izanami."

"But Bi'anhua was also seriously injured. In order to treat her, she was reincarnated by Yan Mo. I don't know where she went."

"Since then, the kingdom of the underworld has been blocked by me, and I can no longer go to the kingdom of the underworld, unless I find the flower of the other side..."

"Your younger brother, Susanoo, is hiding in the exile of Yueyuan, and has transformed into three monsters that have been wanting to go out. It is difficult to suppress it with your sister Tsukiyomi, you must unite with Tsukiyomi, and don't release Xu Come out..."

"You are my youngest daughter, and outsiders don't know it. As Yue Ji, protect Gao Tianyuan and the last Long Moon Island..."

This is Tsukihime, that is, Amaterasu's last conversation with her father Izanaki. Izanami is not dead, she is in the kingdom of the underworld, and the kingdom of the underworld only allows the dead to enter, or the guardian, Higanhua.

"Coincidence? Or fate..."

Amaterasu looked at Mingxue who had the Bianhua Wuhun, and seemed to want to see her through, but even with Amaterasu's eyes, he didn't see Mingxue's flaws.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Several powerful men have noticed that a tyrannical momentum is invading the Tsukishima Shrine.

It was Fu Yue and the members of the Luna Seven Gods Armor family that she brought with her.

It seems that there are no rules, people from Lianyue's family, Takishi's family, Shufu's family, You's family and Fu's family all follow behind Fuyue.

"Don't move, I'll go and have a look."

Yueji said to Mingxue and Wei Miaoyue, and whistled, the Flying Moon Feather Rabbit flew into the sky, Yueji sat on it, and behind her were Huiyueji, Huajiaoyuelu and other hundred thousand and million year soul beasts. follow.

"Fuyue, why come to my Changyue Island when you have time? It's a bit inappropriate to come here without asking."

"I'm sorry, Yue Ji, there should be some outsiders here. I'm here to ask for someone."


"That's right, hand them over, they have violated my Gao Tianyuan's rules."

"I understand what you mean, but they..."

"I'm afraid people like you won't be able to take them away, and if I keep them, they won't die."

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