Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 329 The Battle of Changyue Island (Part 1)


The Flying Moon Feather Rabbit that Yue Ji was sitting on let out a belligerent call, looking at Fu Yue and the people from the Yueshen Qishenbing family opposite, under the huge full moon, two groups of people were facing each other, with strong killing intent and fighting spirit. Intention has erupted faintly.

"I really didn't expect that Yueji would actually protect us. Why?"

Coming to Wei Miaoyue, Mingxue asked, the current situation is a bit chaotic, the two forces in Gaotianyuan are fighting together, is it so disharmonious inside Gaotianyuan?

"She's not for us, she never helps anyone, it's just that Fuyue's operation has already annoyed her, not to mention that the two of them didn't get along at all."

Weird Moon said, shrugging her shoulders, looking at the sky as if watching a good show.

"Get out of the way, I'll take those outsiders and leave, Yue Ji, do you want to start a war with us?"

"Go to war? Didn't you go beyond the rules and come to my Tsukishima Shrine to provoke? If you want to take them away, you have to ask my opinion, and my answer is, no."

The tone was unusually firm, and that appearance made Fu Yue angry.

"Damn women, I'm going to take them away today. I'll see who dares to stop me. Those who stop me, deal with it directly! Give it to me!"

The current situation is exactly what Takishi Yingli wants to see. She has long seen the surviving Mingxue behind Fuyue, and she can't help but feel angry. The family also has its own selfishness, and there is no way to work together.

"Get them for me!"

Takishi took the lead, rushing down to catch Mingxue and the others, completely ignoring Yueji, Yueji was furious, with an even more angry look on her face.

"If you are good at breaking into Long Moon Island, you will die!!"


A round wheel appeared behind Yue Ji, the round wheel was golden, and a beam of light shot out from the golden wheel, attacking Takimuro Yingli.


Fu Yue instantly blocked the blow, and in her hand, a strangely shaped spear pointed at Yue Ji.

"If you want to fight, then your opponent is me!!"

"Takiyasha Hime, come and try!"

A more domineering aura erupted from Yue Ji. At their level, the spirit rings and spirit bones are no longer effective, but the other party has sixteen spirit rings and seventeen spirit rings, which still give people too much shock .

"Who are the martial souls of these two people?"

"Amaterasu and Takizawa Forkhime,

Tsukihime's original name is Amaterasu Yu, her father is Izanagi, her elder sister is Tsukiyomi, and her younger brother is Susanoo who hurts their mother and is sealed in the exile. Create endless soul beasts. "

"As for the latter, Takiyasha Hime, a princess-level martial soul, the weapon in her hand, Takiya Xingsha, is second only to the three great artifacts."

"The strength of the two looks about the same. Who do you think can win?"

"Instead of caring about these two guys, you might as well think about how to deal with these lunatics in front of you!"

In the Sleeping Moon Forest, people from the major families have already gathered around, Takishi, Shufu, Qi, Fu...

People from several families had already gathered around.

Among them, the lowest level is also the nine-ring level, and there is no lack of ten-ring god level.

"Today it seems that offending them is inevitable, so let's make a big fuss!"

Mingxue looked at the people rushing towards them, with flames rising from her body, a terrifying nine-ring ratio appeared, Wei Miaoyue appeared on her side, she covered her fan and chuckled, these little guys, they really didn't pay attention inside.

"You haven't recovered from your injuries, hide behind me!"

Said to the other Mingxue, in this case, she still remembered the injured Mingxue, the two had the same name, and she cared a little more for her.

"Don't worry, I will protect her."

Huiyue Ji landed behind them at some point, glaring at the members of the Luna Seven Gods Armor family like Huajiaoyuelu and Fengweiji.

"I didn't expect that we would have the opportunity to fight side by side. Once this battle starts, there will be no turning back for us."

"Just make a fuss about Gao Tianyuan, they don't have a good attitude towards us anyway!"

"The third spirit ring, the first skill, Suzaku Wandering Dance!!"

The soul ring lights up, Mingxue is already blocking the front, her figure is spinning, and the Suzaku seems to be dancing, one after another Suzaku flame shadows attack the crowd on the opposite side.

"Extreme fire? Sure enough, she burned the Muhuan Pavilion. Do you want to protect such a person?"

Swinging away Amaterasu Yu's blow, Fu Yue asked, in terms of strength, she was still somewhat behind Amaterasu Yu.

"Even if they are guilty, they shouldn't be killed directly. If you want to solve the problem, you have to face it. Your method is too extreme."

"Anger has gone to your head. Is someone trying to provoke you?"

This statement is telling the mystery of it. The reason why Fuyue came here angrily and brought so many people is inseparable from Tuyue and Keyue. Keyue played an important role in it, and even Taki Yingshi is adding to the flames.

But with Fuyue's arrogance, even if he knew that Keyue was designing her, he had no choice but to jump into the pit.

Even if Amaterasu pointed it out, she would not admit it.

"There is no one at all, verbal intervention is useless to me, continue to die!"

Continuing to attack, Amaterasu has no choice but to continue to fight. Although she is stronger than Fuyue, it will take a long time to win, and it is difficult to directly win Fuyue.

"You Family, defend in front of the Moon Shield!"

"Shoot the moon bow and retreat, and shoot to cover the positions on both sides!"

"Set up the formation, Fujia Tianhanyue's troops attack forward!"

Single-person attacks are not effective. Ming Xue and Wei Miaoyue are too strong in single-handed battles. If they fight head-on one-on-one, they will not be opponents at all.

Everyone has their own hole cards, and so do families. The seven families of Luna Seven Gods also have their own unique formations, which belong to Yueyomi Ming's original creation.

"Be careful, the array they are forming now is called the Moon Judgment Array, which was created by Yueyue Ming. It is very powerful. It is their trump card. The seven families are more powerful when used together. When they faced the exile in Yueyuan During the riot, the formations of the five families should not be underestimated at the same time, not to mention the Gui family and the Qi family in group battles with this formation."

"How to break the formation?"

"The method of breaking the formation is a bit troublesome, we can't do it yet."

"Wan Yue Feather Bow! Let the Arrow!!!"

At the back of the formation, the moon shooting bow was pulled up, and several bows and arrows fell from the sky and shot towards them. There was a rain of arrows, and there was nowhere to hide, but to resist.

"Let's come!!"

A neat voice rang out, it was the Star Winged Phoenix-tailed Lady, facing the rain of arrows, they raised the short bamboo flute in their hands, one after another green light shot out from the bamboo flute, facing the large-scale rain of arrows.

"Lianyue Family! Thousand Flood Dragon Scale Halberd!"

On the left, the Lianyue clan raised the scaled moon halberd in their hands, and the tip of the scaled moon's halberd pointed at Starwing Fengwei Ji, bursting out countless silvery white scaled flood dragons.

Among the many family members, Lianyue Qianyu and Lianyue Wuling are also among them. They were originally the family that guarded Changyue Island, but now they have to follow Fuyue's order to fight against the people here, and they feel a little complicated.

"Blissful Wind Dance!!!"

A few pink hurricanes were unleashed, hitting the range of this group of attackers randomly. These guys are really killers! Even weaker soul beasts like Star Wing and Phoenix Tail Ji are not spared.

The combat effectiveness of the Star Winged Phoenix Tail Ji clan was not high, and some of the weaker ones had already been hit and fell to the ground, and some even died.

"Damn!! I'm going to kill them!!"

Huajiaoyuelu said angrily, a ball of light bloomed in the horns, it seemed that he was going to use his hole card.

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