Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 330 The Battle of Long Moon Island (Part 2)

The Huajiaoyuelu faced the direction of the Seven Gods Soldiers family, and was furious. They hurt the Star Wing and Fengwei Ji, and it would definitely make them pay the price. Sleeping Moon Forest is their territory, and it should be peaceful here. Huajiaoyuelu and Xingyi Fengweiji are also soul beasts who have always gotten along very well. Now that the Xingwing Fengweiji family is in trouble, it cannot watch the Xingwing Fengweiji Ji die one after another, falling to the ground to die , turning into one cold corpse after another.

"The Horn of the Vine!!!"

Bow down, several long vines burst out from the big horns on the head of the Huajiao Yuelu, and the vines rushed to the opponent's formation, at the same time, a large pink pollen array lit up under the feet of the Huajiao Yuelu, and crisscrossed vine horns gushed out from the ground , The horns of the vines are highly poisonous, and they will kill you if you touch them. They slightly disrupted the formation on the opposite side, which is a good opportunity for them.

"Peacock Thousand Feathers!!"

"The imperial wind on the top of the vault!!"

Mingxue and Wei Miaoyue moved together, attacking one corner, there is hope of breaking the formation.

"Hold on, don't panic!!"

"Moon-covered shield! Make up the horns!"

"Strong Moon Barrier!!"

"Cut off these nasty vine horns!"

"Fuyue pose!"

"Understood, the Fujia people help me!"

Fu Yuezi, who was holding the Tianhan Yue, said, the ax in her hand became bigger, and the people behind her who also possessed the Tian Han Yue martial spirit poured their soul power into her, and the ax in Fu Yuezi's hand instantly expanded several times!

"Avatar of Artifact Soul!!"

"Cold Sky Frost Moon Slash!!"

Swinging the huge axe in her hand, the blade of the ax swung out, smashing the poisonous vine horn instantly. All ten soul rings on Fu Yuezi's body lit up at the same time. After she eliminated the vine horn, she didn't return immediately. In the formation, a few more ax beams were cut out, blocking all the two major attacks coming.

"Four Ax Moon Phases!!"

Another cold light of an ax and ax struck towards Mingxue and the two of them. The cold light of the ax blade became bigger and divided into four parts.

"A clone?"

"The Suzaku flames are destroyed!!!"

Mingxue split four flaming shadows of Suzaku in an instant and attacked the four Fuyue figures. She thought she would stop it, but unexpectedly two of the clones rushed to the front to block it, while the other two clones rushed forward to block it. The speed is heading towards the Huajiaoyuelu.


The target is not them? !

Who would have thought that they would directly kill the soul beast group in Changyue Island without fighting the two powerful ones! Is this really a plan to stay alive, and not give Yueji any face?


"Jiaolin Yuechong!!!"

Both sides tried their best and took out all their hole cards. The antlers on the head of the Huajiao Yuelu grew out in a colorful and luxuriant manner, as if they were about to grow a forest of wooden horns, and gradually expanded in the air to form a Tianhan Yue Spinning, slashing in from the growing wood horn forest, smashing the wooden antlers of the Huajiao Yuelu to pieces, the momentum unabated, and chopping down in the middle of the Huajiao Yuelu's head!


"Bright Moon Star Barrier!!"

The closest one is Huiyueji, but Mingxue and Weiyue are too late to rescue, there is another Mingxue behind Huajiaoyuelu, if Huajiaoyuelu is killed, then it will also suffer the same disaster Mingxue behind.

The faint radiance of the clear moon formed a barrier, trying to block the blow. Huiyue Ji was not good at fighting, she was only an auxiliary soul beast.

The two avatars blocking Mingxue had already been destroyed, Mingxue's left arm black flame kite shot out, and threw it towards Tianhan Yue at a very fast speed.

"Shooting the Moon Bow Martial Soul, help me!!"

Takimuro called out to the Takimuro family members behind,

She stood the Moon Shooting Bow in front of her body, and the Moon Shooting Bow became as tall as two people. She pulled up the bow string fiercely, guiding all the arrows, forming an extremely long Moon Shooting Arrow.

With one foot on the body of the bow and one foot on the ground, both hands ruthlessly pulled back the bowstring of the moon shooting bow, aiming at Mingxue, and the bow and arrow left the string in an instant.

"Falling Moon Arrow!!!"


The arrow was so fast that she didn't even have a chance to dodge it. Mingxue turned around and looked at the long arrow that was so close to her. The point of the arrow shot towards her heart in her eyes!

"Snow! No!!"



Wei Miaoyue yelled in pain at first, but in the next second, something unexpected happened. The bow and arrow shot at Mingxue's heart hit a lotus flower on Mingxue's coat, and the place where the lotus bloomed was Mingxue's heart s position.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Being shot by the bow and arrow, Mingxue was not shot through the heart as expected, but pushed back because of the huge impact force generated by the bow and arrow, with her feet on the ground, a long mark was drawn.

"Fire Rat Fur..."

Caressing his heart, the lotus flower was woven with the last silk thread of the fire mouse fur, plus Ling Chanyue's last painstaking efforts, it can be said that it is invincible, there is no weapon that can break Mingxue's body. Rat Qiu Jiayue Baibo's defense.

"Damn it, I forgot. Snow's body is made of fire mouse fur and moon white silk. These two materials are strong enough to be described as tough, but there are very few of them that can be broken."

She let out a sigh of relief, as the so-called concern leads to chaos, Wei Miaoyue knew that at that moment she was really worried about Mingxue, which meant that Mingxue already had a special important position in her heart, see Come on, she really likes her.

"Even if you didn't hurt her, the arrow just now is enough to sentence you to death!"

Said viciously, Wei Miaoyue jumped up, opened the folding fan in her hand, and the fan surface showed star lines and destiny.

"Fan Hua·Withered Star Wind Dance!!"

"Axue, take care of Huiyueji and the others first, and I'll deal with it on the other side!"

When Mingxue heard the name of the skill called out by Wei Miaoyue, she was taken aback, and glanced at Wei Miaoyue, who just happened to turn around, and the two women looked at each other, as if something was self-evident.

"It really is you..."

Muttering in a low voice, Mingxue seemed to be sure of something and became happy in her heart.


"Are you all right, Huiyue, Huajiao, how are you?"

Coming to the two beasts with concern, Huiyueji and Huajiaoyuelu had a line of blood on their foreheads, as if they were separated from each other and were seriously injured.


"I'm afraid it won't work anymore. The attack just now is completely the most original attack of Tianhan Yue. All the Tianhan Yue's martial souls are combined together to send out an attack..."

"The extreme cold air has entered the body and has invaded the viscera, we..."

"Today's battle, I'm afraid it's not just the battle of Changyue Island. Soon, Gao Tianyuan will be in chaos, and the war will start again..."

"Axue, help us avenge, we can no longer be alone, I just hope you can completely calm down Gao Tianyuan's incident this time..."

"Huajiao is right, I will be the same as it. You go to find someone, the daughter of the star god, the star girl, and the Huiyue star card are all created by me and her. If you find her, you can find a way to leave Gao Tianyuan. , the solution to everything...".

"Don't you want to..."

"Swallow it, use your ability, let us rely on you, and live on..."

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