Jade of the Four Souls, a legendary existence, the refining method uses the soul of the powerful witch and all the monsters as a guide, and keeps them imprisoned in the space of the jade, let them fight all the time, and the good masters become straight spirits , mastered maliciously as Qu Ling, possesses very powerful power, even such a small fragment can make people gain powerful power.

Those who get the jade are enough to become the strongest. Once the jade is achieved, it will attract countless people to compete for it, such as gods, monsters, and soul beasts.

No wonder Yunshang never thought of opening the "Book of Exile", no wonder the final solution to the exile of Yueyuan was never mentioned, such a final secret method would bring disaster.

It turned out that Yunshang was right at the beginning, everyone was wrong, Wei Miaoyue misunderstood, many people misunderstood, no wonder Ling Chanyue reconciled with Yunshang after reading "Book of Exile". .

Now it's clear, Desolate Moon God, she wants to use the souls of the major soul beasts exiled in Yueyuan to train the jade of four souls!

"The Book of Exile records that Yuebuchi has another name called the Cave of Naraku. When Susano created the three big demons, he had this idea in mind. The Wenche demon concubine had already deceived Yamata no Orochi And Yuzao, on the pretext that there is a way to break through Yueyuan, use Si Qingrong as a lure to trick them into breaking through Yueyuan, and then we will watch the fire from the other side and refine the jade soul."

"Wen Che promised me that after this is done, I can use the jade of the four souls to cultivate and obtain the jade of the four souls, Huang, Xing, He, and Qi. I'm about to find a suitable candidate for the soul."

"Uh, Huangyue, you actually...betrayed Gao Tianyuan, I won't let you...succeed, you will definitely pay the price!!"

Talking fiercely to Huangyue God, Inari God tried to struggle to stand up, and the purple jade around Huangyue God's neck gave out a suction force, Wenche Yaoji used Susanoo's power to pass through the jade. The embryonic form suppressed Inari God.

"Don't think about it!! Give everything you have for Hehun!"


A strange voice came from Yuzhong, the power from Susanoo absorbed all the divine power of Inari God, and seemed to swallow her completely.

During the whole process, An Er just lowered his head on the side, as if lost his soul, not knowing what to do next, what is right? What is wrong?

What should she do?


The little fox Cang Bori made a comforting cry beside An Er, licked the blood stained on An Er's body, and pulled An Er's clothes with his mouth, An Er was made to react by the little fox's movements, Looking at the clever little fox, a strange voice sounded in her mind:

"Go to the God of Fate and stop the God of Desolate Moon. Just now you were controlled by Wen Che's mental confusion. This is her usual method. She used this method to bewitch your mother back then. It was not your fault. Now, run now!!"

"Bobo, you..."

Looking at the little fox in front of her in disbelief, is this the little fox Cangbo Ri who has been with her all this time? Why would you speak in a secret voice and tell her this?

"Let's go!! I'm Yuzao's former nine-tailed avatar, and I've been staying by Yu Yanjin's side, trust me!"

Before Tamamo? Isn't that one of the three soul beasts that exiled Yueyuan, the second-generation master of chasing the sky, why would...

Before An Er could react, Huang Yueshen and Wenche Yaoji, who were absorbing the soul of Yu Yanjin, had already noticed it.

"Go!! Remember! Find Yuanjieshen, and then go to your mother to solve the problem here!!"


Standing in front of An Er, Cang Bo Ri faced the Desolate Moon God,

An Er no longer hesitated, and hurriedly ran outside.

"Wenche!! You are really using us. Fortunately, I have the time to stay here, otherwise Baqi and I will be used by you again."

At this time, Wenche Yaoji and Huangyueshen had extremely ugly faces. They never expected that this inconspicuous little fox was actually the Nine-Tails clone of Yuzaoqian. Nine tails and nine foxes day, it naturally knows.

"Leave it! Nine-Tailed Fox Ri clone has no direct connection with Yuzaoqian's main body, and its strength is less than one-ninth of Yuzaoqian!"

"Hey, do you really think I'd be stupid enough to stay and fight for you? Now that your scheme has been seen through by us, exiling the soul beasts inside Yueyuan will not willingly let you use it as materials to refine the jade of the four souls! !"

After all, Cangbo Ri turned into a golden streamer and flew towards the direction of exile Yueyuan. The barbarian Moon God and Wenche Yaoji hadn't finished absorbing Inari God's soul, so they could only watch it go back and report.

"Things have escaped our grasp, we can't let Tamamo-mae and Yamata no Orochi destroy our plan!!"

"Then what to do?"

"Follow me to exile Yueyuan, and kill Yamata no Orochi and Tamamozen! After solving these two guys, everything will be easy!"

The soul of Inari God was absorbed at an accelerated rate, and finally the last ray of Inari God's soul was absorbed by Desolate Moon God, leaving only the cold body of Inari God in place.

Without even looking at Inari God's corpse, one man and one beast chased in the direction where Cangami left.


The Tianchuange in Mingtian's hand was knocked flying again by Yamata no Orochi, and fell to the side and inserted into the ground. During the whole process, Yamata no Orochi used only one hand to completely abuse Ming Tian.

The soul beast of the tens of millions of years, the first master of the sky, really lived up to its reputation.

"You have power but don't know how to use it. Your devouring power is very good, but you haven't realized enough to devour the essence."

Pointing to Mingtian and talking, Yamata no Orochi had no intention of killing Mingtian, but was teaching like an elder.

"I am convinced that Mingtian has benefited a lot from being able to fight against you."

Withdrawing Tianchuange, Mingtian said that the battle with Yamata no Orochi made him more experienced in actual combat.

"It's a pity that Tian Congyun is not in his hand, otherwise I will let you know how to use weapons more delicately."

Thinking of Tian Congyun, I don't know what that guy Wenche Yaoji is doing.

"Baqi, you are so leisurely, you actually teach a half-demon here."

The male-female voice sounded, and Yamata no Orochi and Ming Tian were startled when they heard it. A graceful figure appeared from one side, with nine fox tails swaying behind him, and the monster looked fierce.

"Nine-tailed fox demon... Tamamo-mae!"

Ming Tian was surprised and said that the same big demon as Baqi is also the second generation master of chasing the sky.

When Tamamo ran into them, Yamata no Orochi didn't care much, and concealed it. It seemed that the two guys had a good relationship, and instead asked:

"Why do you come to my side? It's really not peaceful recently."

"It's really not peaceful. Get ready to fight later, Wenche Yaoji is coming."

"Battle? What happened?"

"Hmph, I overheard something remarkable."

Yuzao sneered, and told Yamata no Orochi what he knew, and Yamata no Orochi and Mingtian's expressions changed when they heard it. They didn't expect that Huang Yueshen and Wenche Yaoji were planning such a big plan, and they were concerned enough to The fate of everyone in Gao Tianyuan.

"Damn it! I know Wen Che has no good intentions!!"

"Did you give her Yun Wai Jing?"

"No, I'm not stupid enough to give her the artifact that restrains me. Where's your Tian Congyun?"

Immediately choked speechless by Yu Zaoqian's words, Yamata no Orochi almost swears, but it has no brains.

Looking at Yamata no Orochi's expression, Tamazamae seemed to understand something, chose to remain silent, and noticed something, the two looked in the same direction and said:

"It's coming, it seems that it is really going to be wiped out."

"If you want to solve us, let her knock out a few teeth first!!"

"It's really lively, Yaqi, Yuzao, you are all here, huh? There are still humans and half-demons...".

"What are you planning to do?"

"We should be the ones asking you this sentence, Wen Che Demon Fairy!!"

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