Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 335 Escape from Moon Abyss

Surrounded by a purple demonic aura, Wenche Yaoji held Amacongyun in one hand and the Fudu Yuhun that Susanoo gave her in the other, her demon eyes revealed murderous intent.

"Is it okay to be Susano's lackey? It's disgusting."

"Where are you running dogs? Aren't we all created by Master Susan? Serving Master Susan is what we should be, ha ha."

"You actually think it's right to work for Susanoo, Wen Che, you are hopeless, you don't even have the most independent heart and persistence."

Yamata no Orochi shook his head. Although they were created by evil forces, they had their own independent consciousness from the moment they were born, knowing what they should pursue and why they lived. This is the dignity of the big monster.

Licking dogs like Wenche Yaoji, they are very shameless.

"I only know how to get what I want. Is there anyone stronger than Mr. Susanoo in this world?"

"Damn everyone against Susanoo-sama!!!"

The Fudu Yuhun in his hand slashed out, and the powerful monster power slashed towards Yamata no Orochi and Tamamo, the expressions of Yamata no Orochi and Yuzao changed, and they quickly avoided the blow, their faces extremely solemn.

"It seems that today's battle is inevitable, Yuzao, who will die anyway, why don't we fight!!"

"Heck, those who rebel against Susano can only die? I want to see how Susan let us die!!"

"Dance of No Face!!!"

A mask covered Yuzaoqian's face, Yuzaoqian stretched out his hand, and the nine foxes all put on the mask and rushed towards Wenche Enchantress.

"Evil Demon Snake Flame!!"

The fox and the snake pounced on Wenche Yaoji. Purple flames spewed out from the snake's teeth, and the masked fox scratched out demon marks.

"Budu Yuhun·Breaking Power!!"

Waving the Budu Yuhun, a monster shape appeared on the Budu Yuhun, screaming, and the monster blade became longer, cutting off the fox and the snake one after another, and disappeared.

"Damn it, if Tian Congyun is in hand, how can you be afraid of her Budu Yuhun?"

"Yun Wai Jing Yin Yang Reversed!"

Touching the front of Yuzao, a sacred and simple mirror appeared in front of him. There seemed to be another world in the mirror. A palm of nothingness was shot out from the mirror, and it was aimed at Wenche Yaoji. At the same time, the image of Wenche Yaoji was reflected in the mirror. There seemed to be another figure, Wenche Yaoji, who also took Budu Yuhun and slashed towards the opposite side.

"This ability, Mirror Ice Demon..."

Before seeing Yuzao, he used Yun Wai Jing. The same ability made Ming Tian think of his other martial spirit, Jing Bing Yao, which has the same ability as Yun Wai Jing, but it seems that Yun Wai Jing is stronger than Jing Ice Demon. , even more powerful.

"Origin, my power should come from Yun Wai Jing, but I don't know why my power is related to Yun Wai Jing."

The ice mirror demon spoke in Ming Tian's body, his voice trembling, as if he was afraid of Yun Wai Jing.

"Yunwaijing? This broken mirror can't reproduce one-tenth of Budu Yuhun's power, it's just a useless resistance!"

"Tian Congyun · Prison Dragon Break!!"

With Tian Congyun in his left hand and Budu Yuhun in his right hand, Wenche Yaoji switched weapons, Tian Congyun slashed forward, and a scarlet blood dragon rushed towards Baqi and Yuzao roaring.

"Phantom Chaos!!!"

My own Tiancongyun attacked me, Yaqi no Orochi couldn't bear it, and instantly transformed into a real body, the eight nomadic snakes roared out dumbly, and a purple divine light spewed out of each snake's mouth.

"Baqi, how dare you resist me!!"

Susanoo's angry voice came from Wenche Yaoji's side, and a huge phantom stood majestically behind Wenche Yaoji,

It picked up Wencheyao's Tiancongyun, and Tiancongyun became bigger instantly, and countless red blood thorns grew out, entangled with the blade of Tiancongyun, and Tiancongyun pointed at Yamata no Orochi, as if descending to kill Judgment.

An invisible crisis arises from the heart of Yamata no Orochi. Wenche Yaoji uses Amacongyun and Susanoo uses Amacongyun is not the same concept.

"Prison Dragon Breaks!!!"


This blow was faster and more powerful than Wenche Yaoji's before, and there was no chance to dodge it. The eight big snakes knew that dodging was impossible, so they had to use their strongest blow to meet it.

"Flame of the False God!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The strongest attacks of the eight serpents came together to greet the prison dragon, and the terrifying energy battle and attack caused a sensation in the entire exile Yueyuan.

On the edge of the abyss, Si Qingrong's soul emerged from the hanging corpses. She looked down in surprise and knew that something must have happened.

"Looks like there's trouble here?"

Above the exile Yueyuan, someone's voice came down, Si Qingrong looked up, and what she saw were Xingnu and Tong Yingmeng.


"Long time no see. It seems that I came at the right time. I'm afraid something happened inside."

"Yeah, there is such a big commotion, I don't know..."


Yamata no Orochi retreated, its original form disappeared, and it turned back into a human form. The badly injured Yamata no Orochi was blasted to the side, and Mingtian hurried to its side to check.

"Baqi, are you alright?!"

Not only Mingtian, but also Yuzao asked with the same concern, Yamata no Orochi seemed to be seriously injured.

"I can't die for the time being, Yuzao, you have to be careful."

"In front of Tian Congyun, you are a dead snake that was tortured and killed casually. Without Tian Congyun, you still want to fight with me? I created you, but now you have the ability to resist me. It seems true. I don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick.”

"Tamazamo, I will give you a chance to kill Yamata no Orochi, and I will spare you and not hold you accountable for resisting me."


I didn't expect Susanoo to be so vicious, and he used it to provoke Tamazamae and Yamata no Orochi.

"Kill Baqi, can I live?"

Tamazamo narrowed his eyes, and smiled at Susanoo, as if he was moved, thinking about it.

"You have no choice, and you have no right to question my qualifications."

"Indeed, in front of you, our strength is not enough."

Slowly walking towards Yamata no Orochi, it seemed that he was really going to kill Yamata no Orochi, Ming Tian stood in front of Yamata no Orochi, even though he knew that there was a huge gap between him and Tamamo, he stopped and glared at Tamamo.

"If you really dare to kill it, I am ashamed of you!!"


"Why don't you do it? Tamamo-mae?"

"Got it, let's do it."

"Burning Heaven Nine Tails!!"

The nine wildly dancing tails flew like a wild dragon, igniting demon flames to attack Yamata no Orochi and Mingtian.

"The gap between the extremes! Let's escape!"

The Xingbing Spear Dragon Wuhun was released, and Ming Tian wanted to escape with Yamata no Orochi, but could they resist the blow in front of Yuzao? They were bombarded in an instant, and the huge impact rushed them to the abyss.

"Bang bang bang!!! bang bang bang!!"

"I'm going to give them the last blow!"

Chasing Yamata no Orochi and Mingten, Tamamomae chased them in the direction of the two before waiting for Susanoo's consent.

Without even giving him a chance to breathe, Tamazamo caught up in an instant, and when the two were very close, he whispered:

"You will die if you stay, Baqi, I will give you a hand and rush out of the abyss."

Hearing Yuzaoqian's words, Mingtian and Yaqi Orochi instantly understood what it meant, but there is a restriction on exile Yueyuan, can they go out?

"Bring Susanoo's plan to Si Qingrong, I think she will let you out, go!!"

"Fallen Nine Tails!!"

The attack was changed to sweep, and the nine-tailed sweep brought Yamata no Orochi and Mingtian up.

"Huh? Someone came out."

Si Qingrong, who was about to go down to find out what happened, saw Yamata no Orochi and Ming Tian being sent out by Yuzao, heading towards the edge of the abyss.

"It's Mingtian! Oh my god, why is he here?"

Tong Ying from above dreamed of it and exclaimed.

"You know each other?"

"Well, we came to Gao Tianyuan together."

"Give it up, send them up."

"But, there is Yamata no Orochi...".

"It doesn't matter, I'll take care of anything."

Ming Tian and Yamata no Orochi, who were rushed towards Yueyuan by the huge impact, rushed directly to the outside, and Si Qingrong's brows flashed purple, which opened a little restraint and let them fall to the edge of exile Yueyuan.

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