Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 336 God's assessment, complete 7 tests.


Like stones being thrown upwards, Mingtian and Yamata no Orochi were thrown upward for a certain distance before falling from the air and falling towards the edge of the abyss.

The star girl hurriedly pulled the man and the snake, letting them fall slowly, so that they would not fall freely and hit the ground directly, and their bodies were broken into countless pieces.

With the sound of two slight landing sounds, Mingtian and Yamata no Orochi fell to the side. Tong Yingmeng hurried over to check, tried Mingtian's snort, and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Mingtian was still alive.

"Great, it's okay..."

"Not completely fine."

The star girl on the side said lightly, her tone paused, and then said:

"I've never seen such an embarrassing Yamata no Orochi. I don't know who forced it. Even Izanagi-sama didn't beat it so embarrassingly."

The tone was a bit gloating, and the star girl said calmly, instead of checking the situation of Ming Tian, ​​she checked Yamata no Orochi's first.

Then shook his head.

"It's hopeless, the injury has shattered the inside of its body so badly, it should have been injured by Tian Congyun, how did its Tian Congyun fall into the hands of others..."

The perplexed star girl was thinking, and Tong Yingmeng, who was on the side, was in a hurry and shouted:

"Master Star Girl, take a look at Ming Tian, ​​how is he doing?"

The star girl checked Xia Mingtian's injuries and said:

"There was a deep sword wound behind him. The scar extended from the neck to the left waist. Such a serious injury should have killed him long ago. I didn't expect that he survived. His injury just recurred. Nothing serious."

"It was the original..."

I remembered that Mingtian's injury was injured by the first golden generation when he was lost in the Grand Canyon. At that time, Mingtian paid a very high price to save his companions.

"It's fine..."

Gently stroking Mingtian's hair and wiping away the scars on Mingtian's body, Tong Yingmeng showed a distressed look in her eyes.

"It's interesting to be able to come out of Yueyuan alive, this half-demon."

In Yuanzhong, Si Qingrong also saw that Ming Tian was fine, and joked.

"Finally here is someone who recognizes this little guy, so his name is Ming Tian?"

"you are……"

"You have a descendant of the moon god on your body. You need to come to me to awaken. The last little guy who asked me to awaken has already left. She said she went to find her friend."

"Yes, I have descendants of the Moon God."

"Come on, help you awaken, otherwise you won't be able to break through to the Title Douluo level."

"Ah? No, my mother, Long Suwu, is also a descendant of the Moon God. Why did she break through to Title Douluo? She didn't go through awakening. She originally wanted to come with me, but Huiyue was taken away by herself. The star card was killed."

Speaking of Long Suwu, Tong Yingmeng shed tears again.

"Your mother? That's not surprising."

"The Descendants of the Moon God generally cannot break through to the Title Douluo level. Unless they come to awaken, there is another way to marry a man and pass on the shackles of the Descendants of the Moon God to their offspring. Generally, the Descendants of the Moon God and men give birth to The offspring of the other party are all descendants of the Moon God, and it is because of this characteristic that it is impossible for the child to inherit the other party's martial soul."

"So it's like this, I can't inherit my father's five-element unicorn..."

The doubts that had puzzled Tong Yingmeng for many years were finally resolved. Tong Yingmeng felt desolate. Does Long Suwu know about this?

"For the person who killed your mother, I apologize to you on her behalf, and she has no choice. I'm sorry..."

Si Qingrong is a wise man,

It soon became clear that the person Tong Yingmeng was talking about was Wei Miaoyue, and felt a little guilty. The purer power of the moon god was introduced into Tong Yingmeng. Tong Yingmeng was originally the peak strength of the soul saint. The double shackles of Soul Douluo and Title Douluo began to be broken, and they directly stepped into Title Douluo!

Titled Douluo, the strength she had been longing for, unexpectedly broke through so quickly.


Ming Tian who was lying down groaned weakly, and he gradually began to wake up, and Tong Yingmeng hurried to Ming Tian's side.

"Ming Tian, ​​are you awake?"

"Uh... Yingmeng? Why..."

"I came to awaken the power of the Moon God. I happened to meet Lady Starwoman and told me the whole truth, and then I saw you rushing up from the bottom of the abyss."

"Well, you're all right, great..."

"Mingxue, where is Mingxue who is with you?"

Busily asking about Mingxue, Tong Yingmeng's happy face disappeared instantly, she lowered her head in a low voice, and sobbed:

"Mingxue, Sister Mingxue was killed in order to protect me, ohhh..."

"What?! Mingxue is dead?!"

Shocked by this news, the girl with the same name as her sister, she actually...

It is impossible for Tong Yingmeng to say that she killed Mingxue, and she pretended to be obedient again. Mingtian did not suspect it, and did not think about Tong Yingmeng.

Alas, yes, they used to be soul saints, once exposed, how could they survive in this place where the lowest level is Titled Douluo? Dead, hesitatingly said:

"Who killed her..."

"One named Pu Xia, she wanted to hunt me down, but fortunately Lady Star Lady saved me."

Tong Yingmeng mentioned the star girl, Ming Tian looked at the star girl on the side, the star girl didn't mind, and asked:

"Can you tell us? What happened?"

When the star girl asked, Ming Cai quickly said to several people:

"It's like this..."

In a short period of time, Mingtian quickly gave an overview of Wenche Yaoji and Susanoo's plan, and then told a few people about himself and Yamata no Orochi. I was shocked.

"It's really troublesome, it's a headache..."

Stargirl rubbed her temples and said.

"What should we do now?"

Si Qingrong asked.

"For today's plan, go to Tsukishima Shrine to find Amaterasu, then go to the strange Yuehe duo Yueyue Ming and Amaterasu's power of fate, and then arrest Huang Yueshen."

"This is the only way to do it..."

"Then we have to act quickly..."

Mingtian said in a hurry, thinking of Yamata no Orochi again.

"Baqi, how is Senior Baqi?"

"I'm afraid it's about to die, I can only renew its life for the time being, Baqi, can you wake up?"

"Ahem, everything is fate, nothing can be changed..."

The weak Yamata no Orochi looked at Ming Tian and said.

"Fate is not fate! Baqi, I am the least believer in fate. If there is fate, I will create a world by myself, so that fate and reincarnation will disappear!"

Roaring towards Baqi, Si Qingrong on the side heard it, and suddenly his mind exploded. Not long ago, Wei Miaoyue had said the same thing to her.

So this Mingtian is the same person as Miao?

What a coincidence...

"Don't believe in fate, hehe, okay, don't believe in fate..."

"Then I'll go against the sky and change my fate, Mingtian, can't you devour the soul beast and use it for the martial soul? I'll help you, let's take back Amacongyun together, and mess up the plan of that guy Susanoo !"

"Baqi, you..."

Ming Tian froze in place in shock, Yamata no Orochi, a ten-million-year-level soul beast, the first generation Lord of Chasing the Sky, actually wanted to become his martial soul? ! !

"So far, is there any other way?"

"I'm about to die too, I just want to take back Tian Congyun for revenge!!"

"Live for me!!!"


A ball of purple light lit up on Yaqi snake's body and turned into a phantom of Yaqi, which is to draw his own breath and the underworld.

"Xingnu, help us, I'm afraid it's not enough for me alone!"

"Understood! You made the right choice and found a good home for yourself."

Yamata no Orochi directly sacrificed to Mingtian, and the powerful Yaqi power began to pour into Mingtian's body.

"The Four Trials of God, breaking through the Title Douluo, complete!"

"The fifth test of the gods, get a million-year-level martial soul, complete!".

"The Sixth Trial of the Gods, I have obtained a Martial Soul of the tens of millions of years, completed!"

"The Seven Trials of the Gods, get the Master of Chasing Heaven as a Martial Soul, complete!"

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