The great thing about Unlimited Moon Reading is that you can use any soul skill that has been engraved at any time, and no matter what the skill is, there are any restrictions.

Even Amaterasu's tricks can be used after Tsukiyomi has used unlimited Tsukiyomi, including the most powerful Tianyu Yuzhan!

"Heaven Feather Slash!!"

"At the end of the moon!!"

Ke Yue understands the power of Tian Yu Yu Zhan, and also knows that it is not easy to take down Wei Miao Yue, if she does not use her true skills to deal with Wei Miao Yue, it will be bad if something happens after a long time.

A disc-like clock appeared in front of Keyue, with clear scales and a half-moon shape, like the mystery of time, Tian Yuyu cut directly into the clock, fine cracks began to crack, the clock Like it's starting to shatter.

"Crack, click!!!!"


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Ke Yue's mouth, and Ke Yue quickly stepped back to avoid being cut by Tian Yuyu.

"Prison Dragon Break!!"


Another attack appeared from behind Keyue, and upon noticing this attack, both Wei Wuyue and Keyue's expressions changed in surprise.

A dark red blood dragon pierced through Ke Yue's back and pierced through Ke Yue's chest. A strange evil knife pierced Ke Yue's chest. Like a devil emerging from hell.


Opening her eyes wide, Ke Yue looked at the person behind her in disbelief, Tian Congyun seriously injured her vitals, under the direct attack of Prison Dragon Po, Ke Yue's body took the blow completely.

"Jie Jie, how does it feel to be killed? Master Ke Yue."

"Crimson Flow Break!!!"

Tian Congyun on the left directly attacked and killed Keyue, and Budu Yuhun on the right was not idle, and another attack directly hit Tuyue.

"Axue!! Be careful! Get out of the way!!"

Wei Miaoyue screamed, she was worried about Mingxue's safety for a while, and didn't consider what the situation was.

Mingxue didn't need to be reminded by Wei Miaoyue, she knew that she couldn't resist the attack when she sensed the attack, she quickly withdrew to the side, and the target of the barren moon god didn't seem to be her, Fei Liupo directly attacked Tuyue indiscriminately. In the attack, Fudu Yuhun was still on top of Tian Yuyu Slash, and it was Wenche Yaoji and Huang Yueshen who used Susanoo's power to perform this attack. The power can be imagined.


In front of the two of them, the God of Desolate Moon directly dealt with Keyue and Tuyue, and the embryonic form of jade of the four souls in Xiangjian absorbed the souls of the two without any scruples.

"Desolate Moon God? No, no, you are..."

"Now I am not only the Desolate Moon God, but also the Wenche Demon Girl, and even Susano!!"

A strong sense of oppression emanated from the person in front of him, and Wei Wuyue felt a little tricky for the first time.

"How is this going??"

Coming to Wei Miaoyue, Mingxue asked in shock, what is the situation now? ?

"Yueyuan seal, no, no, you haven't broken through, it's just a ray of soul, you are planning to break through Yueyuan..."

"That's right, now that the big plan is done, no one can stop me anymore!! Hahahaha!!"

After completely absorbing the souls of Keyue and Tuyue, Huangyue deified into a streamer and flew towards Banishing Yueyuan.

"I'm afraid I'm in big trouble..."

"Damn it, Axue, listen to me and leave Gao Tianyuan immediately!! Go away!! Don't come here again!! Otherwise, you won't be able to leave later!!"

"What?! You want me to leave?! Why,

Obviously everything is about to end according to your wish..."

"Something has happened. If you don't run now, you won't be able to run away. Compared with my wish, I'm afraid there are more important things now, waiting for me to solve them."

"Then I'll be with you, whatever you do, I'll do it with you!"

"Don't be stupid!! The front is extremely dangerous now! How could I let you accompany me on an adventure!!"

Angrily yelling at Mingxue, Wei Miaoyue has lost her composure, Mingxue has never seen such a frightened and absent-minded Wei Miyue, she has always been confident, and always has a confident and reassuring smile on her face yes, but now...

He looked terrified like a devil.

Taking a step forward cautiously, Mingxue looked at Wei Miaoyue, wanting to soothe the fear in her heart, she stretched out her hand, gently approached her neck, stood on tiptoe slightly, her lips and teeth fell on hers, and the kiss fell lightly Ruxue, the strange moon's eyes widened, and the girl's cold temperature came from her lips, which made her a little more rational. Once upon a time...

"Why, why..."

A sobbing voice sounded, this kiss reminded her of many things, her heart struggled and tangled, like a ball of untangleable yarn, the more she straightened it, the more chaotic it became.

"This is what I've always wanted to do... I have more things to do, Miao..."

Soft words sounded in her ears, her lips were so close to her ears, she couldn't see her face...

"Whether it's doom or death, I'm willing to be with you, take me there, let me be by your side, okay?"

Looking at her face again, the strange moon and tears poured down.

"I have experienced a lot of bad things before, no one is by my side, I have always been like this, there is nothing worth cherishing, now I have you to be cherished, please don't let me lose my most precious... ..."

"Let's go together, don't leave me..."

Damn, damn, damn! ! ! ! !

Only now did she know that the girl in front of her was really in love with her. How could she like someone like her? Why is it her? It is clear that she is such a scumbag that she is not worthy of the sincerity of the girl in front of her. She has loved others before, and there is a child whose whereabouts are unknown. Does she not care even about these? But why? ? ?

It's really worrying, she feels her heart is hurting, she can't give Mingxue an answer at all, she can be desperate for her, but she is not.

Perhaps this episode had been a mistake, a mistake that is now irreparable.

"Come if you want to follow, but I can't make any promises to you, and I also..."

"It's okay, that's enough. It's my business to like Miao. If there is no one I like, I will have a miserable life. Don't worry too much about me..."

How humble, so she didn't want to ask for more?

Just liking someone is enough.

"Let's go..."

The two went towards Yueyuan together, this time, Wei Miaoyue did not hold her hand, nor did she look back, she was afraid that if she looked at her one more time, her heart would change even more.


"Uh, you, you..."

Guiyueyan squatted down in pain and looked at Fengshou Yuewei angrily. Fengshou Yuewei was still calm. She looked at the Gui family in front of her like a high-ranking person. At this moment, she didn't look like The former humble and respectful food official.

"The food is poisoned by me, and there is no antidote. I thought the members of the Luna Seven Gods Brigade family are powerful, but they are just a bunch of idiots without IQ, hmph."

Flicking his sleeves coldly, Feng Shou Yuewei experienced for the first time the pleasure of controlling the life and death of the enemy in the palm of his hand with a wise plan. This is much better than those powers, which can kill people invisible.

"Why, betrayal, Gao Tianyuan..."


"No, you're wrong. It's Gao Tianyuan who betrayed its original intention. You only care about intrigue, and don't care about the life and death of other people. I don't care about life. I'm just doing justice."

"To destroy Gao Tianyuan, these are not enough..."

No longer looking at the ghostly Yueyan who was already a dead person, Fengshou Yuewei looked at Exiled Yueyuan, and took out a book in his hand. .

It was The Book of Exile! !

"Fortunately, when I came out of the Muhuan Pavilion, I kept a hand. No, I handed over all the "Book of Exile". Now, everything should change..."

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