Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 342 We will meet each other in the end, we will part in the end...

Pu Xia and the Qi family she brought with her did not expect to find Tong Yingmeng, but instead she brought someone to find them. Looking at Tong Yingmeng and Mingtian, Tong Yingmeng still showed anger, gnashing her teeth. look, pointed to them and said:

"Mingtian, Mingxue was killed by them! I also escaped by chance, you must avenge her."

When Qi Tanxue saw Tong Yingmeng pointing at herself like this, she suddenly realized what was going on. This girl was really not as simple as she pretended on the surface.

"Is it them? Don't worry, I will seek fair revenge for Mingxue."

The current Ming Tian is no longer the former him. Looking at the two of them, thinking of the girl who has the same name as his sister and who has a good understanding with him, was killed by them before seeing her again, not only saddened from the heart.

"If you kill someone, you will have to pay the price!!"

The majestic soul power radiated out, and Ming Tian glared at the two of them, showing murderous intent on his body.


"Is it finally here?"

Exiled to the edge of Yueyuan, Amaterasu noticed something, looked in one direction, evil purple air radiated out, covering the sky, the sky became like a doomsday scene, dark clouds rolled, and evil energy overflowed from the clouds , a dull purple mixed with black.


"Long time no see, Wenche Yaoji, no, my dear brother, Susanoo!"

The golden flame rose from Amaterasu's body, her whole body exuded a majestic aura of justice, Tian Yu Yu Zhan was already held in her hand, Tian Yu Yu Zhan instantly became longer, and the sword glow spewed out, cutting towards Huang Yueshen and Wenche Yaoji a mixture of.

"Crimson Flow Break!!!"

Budu Yuhun slashed out a red wave of light, which was also a powerful and unreserved blow. The two peerless demon blades collided, sending out a world-shattering energy wave.

"His soul power has increased? Is it because the Jade Form of the Four Souls has absorbed a lot of souls?"

With just one move, Amaterasu Ming judged a lot of things. Susanoo has gradually returned to the strong period, and she alone may not be able to suppress him, unless she and Tsukiyomi, who is now Weird Moon United.

"Haven't you come yet? This guy, Wei Wuyue..."

The combination of Wenche Yaoji and Huang Yueshen on one side seemed to see Amaterasu's thoughts, and she said:

"Are you waiting for the moon to read your fate? Even if it's the two of you, it's just a loss for both of us. Why do we have to fight and kill? Aren't we brothers and sisters? Do we have to kill each other and rule Gao Tianyuan together? "

"Bah! Who wants to rule with you!! The debt owed to me hasn't been paid yet! Die to me!!"

"Dance of the Withered Star Wind!!"

Behind Wenche Yaoji, Wei Miaoyue and Mingxue arrived, and Wei Miaoyue directly used one of her strongest killing moves.

"Prison Dragon Breaks!!!"

Tian Congyun cut out with his left hand, and the blood dragon charged, the two moves collided and disappeared at the same time, regardless of the outcome.

"Sorry, I was late and took a while. She killed Keyue and Tuyue and absorbed their soul power. As the prototype of the Jade of the Four Souls, she became stronger."

"No wonder, how did she succeed? What's going on?"

"It's a long story. This guy is hiding in the dark and attacking. I'm afraid it's not just Ke Yue and Tu Yue. Look at the embryonic form of the four soul jade in her neck, it seems that there are three soul powers."

"Jie Jie, not only Tuyue and Keyue, but also Inari God, Yuanjie God and Yunshang, they also turned into souls for my use!"

They don't need to guess, Wenche Yaoji and Huang Yueshen said it directly, and they seemed quite complacent and arrogant.


No wonder, I'm afraid Yucheng is only one step away. "

Turning their heads to look at the exile Yueyuan, this is the last step of their plan, the completion of the four souls, the final fusion.

"Now, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you and me to win her. The result can only be a situation where both sides suffer. If we want to solve it completely..."

"I advise you not to make any useless calculations. I have enough cards to make you lose this fight. Weird Moon, look who she is!"

As soon as the void was grasped, it seemed to be poking into a certain place, and a girl was grabbed by Wen Che Yaoji's hair and brought up in front of her. The girl's eyes were empty, and she looked like a dead person who had lost her soul.

"That, that is..."

My heart suddenly became tense, as if being clenched by a big hand, the pull on the blood made Wei Miyue flustered, she looked at the girl, the girl raised her head in a daze, her empty eyes met hers.

"You, you are..."

"Child, child..."

"Don't hurt her, you're courting death!!"

How could Wei Miaoyue endure her daughter being threatened by Wenche Yaoji? The eighteen soul rings on his body were all integrated into the dancing moon fan in an instant and thrown out. The fan spun and slashed towards Wenche Yaoji. From the beginning, there was only one fan, and countless moon fans and star fans were instantly transformed, like A Fanhua Feast.

"Blood Fang Prison Dragon Breaks!!!"

"Fan Hua·Boundary Breaker Thousand Cuts!!"


Cracks, space cracks appear one after another in the surrounding space, where the fan blade cuts, the space seems to be cut open, connecting black holes, or other spaces.

In an instant, this plane space became shattered, and it seemed that it might collapse at any time.

This is the first time that Tian Congyun has been directly defeated in a direct confrontation, and it was the even more powerful Bloodfang Prison Dragon Po. The Wuyue Fan on the main body was mixed in the fan array. cut directly into the left shoulder.


The frightening left arm was cut off and thrown into the distance. The pain of breaking the left arm made Wen Che Enchantress furious. She put An Er in front of her body and shouted:

"You really don't want your daughter's life!! If you want her to die, you come!!"

Wuyue fan retracted, and Wei Miaoyue looked at Wenche Yaoji viciously. This was her strongest blow just now, consuming most of her soul power, and even used the legendary power of exploding the ring, the surrounding space was shattered. Cracked, directly broke her arm, and abolished her Tian Congyun advantage.

Even so, An Er is still in her hands, looking at An Er, how can Wei Wuyue do it?


The heart-piercing long roar resounded through the exiled Moon Abyss, and An Er who was caught seemed to have recovered from the roar. She raised her head and looked at Wei Weiyue. This strange woman can see from her face. You can see how similar they are.

"mom, Mom, Mom……"

When she said it in a hoarse voice, Wei Miaoyue seemed to hear it, and she shed tears instantly, almost choking with sobs.

"What a beautiful scene where mother and daughter meet, you don't want you to be separated as soon as you meet, right? As long as you still want your daughter to live, just stay there and witness the greatest moment with me !!"

"Jade of the four souls, between the four souls!!"

The purple Jade of the Four Souls flew out in an instant, and was connected with the Exile Yueyuan, and the jade was completed, only the last step was left.

"Let her complete it. When it is completed, it will be the time when we will fight to the death and completely destroy the jade and destroy our souls."

Amaterasu Ming whispered in Wei Miao Yue's ear, but Wei Miao Yue couldn't hear her words at all. She looked at the interior of Exile Moon Abyss, where countless vicious and vicious soul beasts rushed out desperately. There, There is a figure, fighting alone among the group of beasts, so lonely, with seven demon knives sticking out of her back, and she keeps using each demon knives to block the crazy soul beasts.

The group of beasts seemed to be afraid of her, but they still surrounded her. She was not afraid at all, and even turned her head to look back at Guiyuemiao. With this look, the world was barren and time was frozen.


The words of calling faintly, reciting her name, Si Qingrong's mouth broke into a smile, as if they had just met a long, long time ago.

The range of exiled Yueyuan began to shrink, and the souls of the beasts and the women who fought with the beasts began to go into the Jade of Four Souls in the gradually weakened Yueyuan.

"Si Qingrong!!! No!! What the hell is going on here??"

"Why is her soul inside Yueyuan? You didn't tell me that she would follow Yueyuan and the souls of the beasts into Yuner together!!"

Shouting towards Tianzhaoming, Tianzhaoming had an apology on her face, and she said:

"Sorry, I didn't tell you, I kept it from you..."

"Stop all of this, stop all of this, don't let jade form, absolutely not!!"

Knowing the final condition, Miu Yue repented, and now she just wants to stop what Susanoo is doing and save the person she likes.

"Is she, another mother..."

An Er also saw Si Qingrong and that peerless woman, and she also understood what Wei Miaoyue understood instantly.


"Don't move around! Weird Moon! I advise you to stop your stupid actions, don't you want your daughter's life?! Your daughter's life is still the life of a dead person, don't you know what to choose?"

Threatening Wei Wuyue and saying, Wei Wuyue looked at An Er, and An Er looked at her tenderly, with a face that seemed to have made some decision.

"Do what you think is right, Mommy!! Go save her!!!".

"Er, I love you—"

Rin Qie appeared in his hand, and An Er used Rin Qie without the slightest hesitation, and chopped towards his hair that was being grabbed.

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