Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 343 Not Ended Yet


The severed hair split open, and the strands of hair were flying in the air. Susanoo didn't expect that An Er would cut off his hair and get away. Watching An Er fall, he fell directly into the moon abyss, Wei Yue shouted, wanting to to save her.


The fallen An Er looked at Wei Weiyue and Si Qingrong, she only had a smile on her face, as if this was the best ending for her.


Inside the exiled Yueyuan, a soft sigh fell, and Yuzao was at the bottom, taking a panoramic view of all this, beside it, a little fox wanted to save An Er.

"Go, you are destined for her, take her away from this place, leave this sad place, and go..."

"Douluo Continent."


A space channel emerged on the way of An Er's fall, and the waves turned into a stream of light, and disappeared together with An Er.

"An Er!!"

The heart-piercing call resounded all around, Wei Wuyue watched An Er disappear in front of her without a trace, is she still alive? or dead?

I would rather believe that she is still alive, but the surrounding space is unstable, and the cracks in the space are as sharp as a knife. Who knows if she can survive with her strength.

"My child, my child..."

As she spoke in pain, Wei Weiyue burst into tears, covering her face with her hands, her heart seemed to be torn into pieces.


When Mingxue came to Wei Miaoyue, she didn't know how to comfort her, who could bear the pain of losing a daughter, and she was still in front of her, watching her die helplessly.

No one expected An Er to be so decisive. It seemed unexpected, but it was reasonable. For her, this was the best way.

Without An Er, Wei Weiyue has no worries, only the present...

"Seven Demon Sword!!!"

Simultaneously using seven demon knives to stop the rioting and irrational soul beasts in front of her, Si Qingrong also looked at the place where An Er disappeared. She had a hunch that her daughter was not dead. Was it Yuzaoqian just now?

"Tolerance, toleration!!!"


"I'm sorry, I didn't protect An Er well..."

"It's okay, we finally meet again."

"I've already lost An Er, and I can't lose you anymore. After a long time, I will see you again, your face..."

"No, listen to me, don't save me, let me make the last jade of the four souls, and when the jade is finished, you kill Susanoo!!"

"What?! What are you talking about, how could I let you go away from me again..."

"Is there any other way? Even if you break her arm, she is still strong."

"Besides, without me, there seems to be no lack of company by your side..."

Si Qingrong looked at Mingxue, and the woman told her directly that the relationship between these two people was unusual.

Wei Miaoyue blushed a little after being exposed by her like this, she didn't know whether it was a guilty conscience or something else, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Conditions, what are the conditions? Is there really no other solution?!"

Mingxue asked Si Qingrong, now is not the time to recall or explain the funeral.

"The powerful witch's soul has been fighting these souls and beasts, and merged into the space in the jade, so that the jade of four souls can be made."

"By that time, the exile of Yueyuan will not exist, and Susanoo can be reborn with a new body fused by the fusion of the barren moon god and Wenche enchantress."

"The moment the jade is completed, directly destroy the jade,

It can destroy Susanoo's plan and make his soul shattered. "

"So that's the case, is there really no other way..."


"No, no, how could I let you sacrifice for the jade of the four souls."

"When I chose to enter Yueyuan and existed in this way, I had already determined my final destination. Miao, this is also atonement..."

"Unless someone can take my place, but no one is more suitable than me."

Seeing that Exile Yueyuan gradually shrunk to the point that it was only the size of a hole, if there was no other way, Wei Miaoyue could only watch Si Qingrong sacrifice for the Jade of Four Souls.

But Si Qingrong's last words seemed to wake her up, exchange soul for soul, as long as there is an identical soul to replace Si Qingrong, she can, rescue her.

"Wonderful! Come back and prepare! The jade is about to form! Let's prepare the final ruined jade seal together!"

Amaterasu was ordered to come to Wei Miyue, and she is now particularly afraid of Wei Miyue because of emotional and bad things.

But when she came over, what she saw was another look of Wei Miaoyue, a blackened face. She looked at Si Qingrong and said:

"Qingrong, I understand."

Standing up slowly, just when Si Qingrong thought she had given up on her, she used the Wuhun Wuyue Fan in her hand, and a fan blade popped out. Under their incredible eyes, it pierced Mingxue's neck. As soon as it was sweet, my consciousness began to become painful, which gradually became a pain that tore my heart.

She couldn't even turn her head to see Weird Moon's face.

I can only scream crazily in my heart, why...

Why did it happen that she killed her? Is it for...

The next moment, Wei Miaoyue pushed Mingxue into the moon abyss, and Mingxue's body entered the moon abyss. The crazy soul beasts bit her when they saw it, and Si Qingrong's corpse hanging by the abyss erupted. There was a burst of blue light, and the soul that had been separated from the corpse re-integrated, and the seven demon knives seemed to have found a new carrier, and went towards Mingxue's corpse.

"Come on! I'll bring you back!"

"Why, Miao, why did you do this?"

Si Qingrong didn't expect it to be like this. Before she could ask her, she was pulled out of Yueyuan, where she had been exiled for a long time, by Wei Wuyue. Yueyuan, but at the expense of a girl.

Looking at the gradually shrinking abyss with empty eyes, there are all kinds of greedy monsters and soul beasts gathered around Mingxue. They want to eat her as if they saw a delicious food, but she is wearing a fire mouse fur. The soul beasts couldn't eat her, they could only surround her.

Wonderful, wonderful, why is this...

It was so painful, my heart seemed to be broken into pieces, betrayal, and finally the pain of betrayal hurt her and made her uncomfortable.

Is she going to die like this?

"Huh? Fire Rat Qiu, there is something strange in your body."

A voice sounded from the bottom of the abyss, and Yuzao came to Mingxue, only to see countless dark blue and silver grasses bursting out of Mingxue's body, devouring the surrounding spirit beasts.

Tamazamo looked at all this in surprise, and seemed to understand something.

"Forget it, I thought I would die in Yuzhong like this. It seems that I still have a chance."

The huge shadow of the demon fox appeared, guarding Mingxue's side, watching Mingxue's soul gradually take shape.

Mingxue's soul, who took the place of Si Qingrong's soul, looked at everything that happened to him, and then looked at Yuzaoqian suspiciously.

"This is……"

"Before my name is Tamamo, Jade has already formed, and Susanoo is about to wake up..."


"But it's not the end yet, you're Mingxue, right? Come with me, maybe, you won't die..."

Nine tails swung, and Tamamo flew towards the inside.

Without hesitation, Mingxue followed Yuzao and gradually walked towards the inner space of Yu.

"It's done!! Hahahaha, it's done!! Everything will be over!!"

The jade of the four souls gradually came to the fusion body of Wenche Yaoji and Huang Yueshen, holding the jade, Wenche Yaoji said reverently:

"Come on, Susanoo-sama, use our bodies to perform the last ritual, devour us, and die in this world!!"

Their appearance began to become strange, and they had gradually become the appearance of Susanoo. Susanoo was enjoying the new body, holding the jade of the four souls, with an undisguised joy on his face.


When he was about to hold Yu, a strange light burst out from within Yu.

"That's Yunshang's..."

"Si Qingrong! Wei Wuyue, opportunity!"

"Amaterasu ordered, Tian Yu Yu cut, sealed!"

"Double moon read fate, seal!!"

That was the last signal that Yunshang sent out in the jade, and it was also the chance for Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi to defeat Susanoo. Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu cut towards the formed jade seal of the four souls, Zuo Zhinan was furious, and raised his hand to kill the three of them.

"Don't think about it, my plan is one step away!"

"The Last Light Whale!!"


Susanoo, who raised Fudu Yuhun, turned his head in shock. A huge flying whale opened its mouth and swallowed him. The huge soul beast of unknown age, the Last Light Whale.

The last light whale swallowed Suzuo's male body, and the seals of Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu's life were broken and destroyed. It seemed that everything was perfect and was coming to an end. .

And Ming Tian, ​​who was on the back of the last light whale, looked at the weird moon in front of him, the weird moon who didn't hide his face, and made a sound of surprise.

"Why, why is it you, Senior Si Yuemiao?!!!"

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