Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 351 Panlong Great Forest

The trees are growing lushly, the forest is very humid, the sunlight falls from the gaps in the leaves, and shines into the forest, the surrounding is quite quiet, there are very few spirit beasts around, most of them are harmless, hugging Big-tailed squirrels jumping in the forest with fruits, poisonous-tailed wasps buzzing around the hive, fairy grass in the corner absorbing nutrients from the soil...

It is a wonderful picture. This is a forest where spirit beasts gather. Humans rarely come here. It is located in the northeast of the mainland, in the northeast of the Star Luo Empire. It covers an area of ​​nearly one million square kilometers and is the One-third of the Luo Empire belongs to the famous gathering area of ​​spirit beasts on the mainland. It is also known as the Star Dou Forest of the Heaven Dou Empire in the north. One south and one north, it is called: Panlong Forest!

Looking down from a high altitude, it can be seen that the Panlong Great Forest is like a sea of ​​forests. When the wind blows, you can hear thousands of valleys and pine waves, even without end. And the south is the border of the Star Luo Empire, while the north and east of the Panlong Great Forest are directly on the edge of the continent, close to the endless sea, which belongs to the territory that humans have never touched.

In terms of the degree of mystery, the Panlong Great Forest is even more mysterious than the Star Dou Great Forest. This place is protected by the army sent by the Star Luo Empire, and people from outside the Star Luo Empire are strictly prohibited from entering. It is regarded as the Star Luo Empire's own resources, but the Star Luo Empire's cognition and exploration of the Panlong Great Forest has not been fully ascertained, and it has only glimpsed the tip of the iceberg, only one-third.

Powerful spirit beasts live here, and this is the paradise of spirit beasts, where the weak eat the strong, the survival of the fittest, and the struggle and survival are staged every day.

There are very few humans here, so the soul beasts don't have to hide from human soul masters. The overall strength of the soul beasts here is much greater than that of human soul masters.

A colorful mongoose poked its head out in the open space in the forest, searching for prey in all directions. It had some colorful hair on its body, and its body size was comparable to that of a tiger-like spirit beast. It seemed that it had been cultivated for nearly ten thousand years.

"Hey woo woo woo..."

The deep voice rolled in the throat, and it looked as if it was about to hunt. One of its prey was a yellow demon weasel. The yellow weasel looked particularly fat, with a fat body and a pair of eyes Squinting, it looks very small, with a treacherous look on its face. It also just had a full meal and is resting.


With its front paws propped on the ground, it threw out the impact, and a beam of colorful light turned into an energy attack and slashed towards the Yellow Demon Weasel.

Seeing this, the Yellow Demon Weasel was startled, and quickly got up and wanted to escape, but it was so stuffed with food that it could barely run, and was quickly thrown to the ground by the colorful mongoose's paw. Leave a few deep claw marks.

Looking at this guy proudly, the spotted mongoose admired the trembling and panic-stricken look of the yellow demon weasel. It looked at the food and thought about where to eat it.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Just as it was about to finish its mouth, a scream broke the silence here. The colorful mongoose and the yellow weasel raised their heads at the same time and looked towards the sky. The sound came from there, like a human voice, with two black dots Falling from the sky?

It seems that they are falling towards them, and the speed is quite fast.


Seeing someone falling towards them, the colorful mongoose and the yellow demon weasel screamed strangely at the same time, and hurriedly dodged and ran to both sides to avoid being hit. ran deep.


There were two loud bangs on the ground. It seemed that it was a man and a woman. When it finally landed, the boy hugged the girl on his back, allowing himself to bear most of the impact. The girl fell on the boy and rolled to the side.

The girl who was not injured hurriedly went to see the boy who landed before her,

cried out with concern:

"Hey! Ming Tian, ​​are you okay!!"

"Oh, no, it's okay, the last light whale, the space channel is still random, and it will be accepted in the middle, damn it..."

"The space channel disappeared too unexpectedly. Can it be relied on? Fortunately, I am now a Title Douluo physique, and I can't hurt anything from falling from the sky."

Talking about it, Mingtian just stood up from the ground, patting the dust, Tong Yingmeng stretched out his hand towards him, and he took her hand to stand up, Tong Yingmeng looked at Mingtian with a look of concern in his eyes, and also stood up for her. He swept the dust off his body.

The two returned to Douluo Continent from Ming Tian and Tong Yingmeng from the broken Gaotianyuan. The last light whale opened the space channel for them, but did not send them to the door of the house with conscience, but sent them to Douluo Continent. The time of disappearance is random, and the location of delivery is random. There is really no excellent service of door-to-door delivery.

When they found that the space channel disappeared, they were in the sky. Before they could react, they were again affected by the gravity of the mainland, and they fell at a very high speed. The place where they fell was not far from the ground. He fell hard to the ground.

Having a close contact with the earth, the feeling of returning home and being in close contact with the ground is also quite cordial. Anyway, the two of them finally came back.

"Going home, like a dream..."

Ming Tian said sadly, as if there was still some knot in his heart that had not been unraveled, looking at the surrounding plants and trees, Tong Yingmeng in front of him, when they arrived at Gaotianyuan, there were three of them, but now when they come back, there are only two of them. Personal, why not embarrassing.

"Firefly Dream, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I don't know where we are...Huh?"

Not far from them, she saw a colorful mongoose glaring at them, grinning, as if extremely angry, what's going on, is this a special welcome ceremony for mainland spirit beasts?

How did they know that they still had the colorful mongoose lose a piece of fat food for nothing, how could they not be resentful, and of course they didn't have a good attitude towards these two people who suddenly appeared.


An angry flash of colorful light shot at Ming Tian and the two, sensing the anger of the colorful mongoose towards them, the two were taken aback, why did the spirit beast attack them as soon as they came back?

Now their strength is not the same as before. The trip to Gao Tianyuan made them gain a lot. Both of them have entered the title Douluo level. flustered.

"It's still a familiar smell. The spirit beasts on the mainland are still hostile to humans, and they will attack if they disagree with each other."

Mingtian was not angry at the sudden and inexplicable attack of the colorful mongoose, but felt a little kind, and smiled. The deep sea whale guard erupted from the torso bone, and the dark blue defensive barrier enveloped the two of them, covering the colorful mongoose's body. The attack was resisted, the two are not bloodthirsty people, the colorful mongoose is not a threat to them, and they have no intention of hurting it, Mingtian secretly exudes his own Titled Douluo level breath, the colorful mongoose feels hairy all over his body Standing upright, he arched his body and glared at the two of them.

"Huh? Why don't you go? Go, go, we won't hurt you, by the way, do you know where this is?"


The colorful mongoose obviously couldn't communicate with them in human language, and when its own light lit up, it split into four or five clones like it, attacking the two of them.

"Why did it anger it instead? I didn't do anything."

The deep sea whale guard is on, no matter how the colorful mongoose attacks, it can't break through the defense of the hundred thousand year spirit bone skills, it is really angry, its pupils light up, and it stares at the sky, this is...

"Spiritual attack?"

He exclaimed in surprise, this colorful mongoose can do it, it can comprehend mental attack for at least a thousand years, plus the previous avatar skills, it can be inferred that the life of this colorful mongoose is between 10,000 and 20,000 years.

"Hehe, it's a pity you found the wrong person."

Even if it's a mental attack, facing the spiritual power of the Title Douluo level, the 20,000-year-old soul beast can't take advantage of it at all.

"Tianxu Pupil Vision!"

A circle of purple soul rings lighted up, and a phantom of a bull-like soul beast appeared beside Mingtian. Spiritual attack vs. spiritual attack, the colorful mongoose's mental power was not as good as Mingtian's, and he fell down in an instant, with blood flowing out of his nostrils. nosebleed.

The colorful mongoose twitched on the ground, twitched its limbs, and soon stopped moving, ending its life. It was really a shame to die like this.

"It was backlashed to death?"

"Title Douluo's mental power is too strong, of course it can't bear it. You just entered Title Douluo, so you haven't felt it well yet."

"Really, I'm sorry..."

Mingtian shook his head, a circle of black soul rings lit up from the colorful mongoose, Mingtian looked at the circle of black soul rings, thought of something, and instantly switched to the dark devil tiger spirit, two yellow, two purple, two black six A soul ring lights up. .

"It's just right, I'll make up for all the soul rings that were missing from the previous Wuhun."

Absorbing this soul ring, several dark blue silver grasses also came out, wrapped around the colorful mongoose, and headed towards Ming Tian's body.

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