For Ming Tian's ability, Tong Yingmeng is no stranger to it, so she quietly watched him absorb it, with a strange expression on her face, an indescribable expression, like appreciation, or curiosity, or dependence. ...

The current Ming Tian is no longer a Lengtouqing or a fool. Although he has absorbed the soul ring and martial soul, he can still feel something wrong with Tong Yingmeng's gaze, and he feels a little uncomfortable.

"Cough, Yingmeng."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"There are some things I want to tell you. In fact, I have been hit by a strange curse. Although it will not endanger my life, it is still terrifying."

"Huh? What curse?"

"Any girl who likes me will have no good results. If you don't believe me, you can inquire later. So, for the sake of your own safety, you understand what I mean."


Tong Yingmeng couldn't help laughing, and said:

"Could it be that you think... well, well, I get it, I didn't mean it that way, but I think we can be regarded as close friends if we live and die together, share weal and woe."

"Friends, help each other in the future."

Squinting his eyes and smiling towards Ming Tian, ​​Ming Tian nodded reassuringly, a little embarrassed, did he just pretend to be affectionate...

"Is this curse real? Why don't I believe it so much?"

"Maybe, I really have this feeling in the dark, so I won't take the initiative to contact anyone anymore."

"Has the boy ever touched it?"


"Will the curse be broken if it's a boy who likes you? Hee hee, I'm talking nonsense, don't mind."

"Seeing so many girls in Gao Tianyuan love each other, I am also very envious. Maybe I will find a girl I like in the future..."

"This is really great! Girls should be with girls!!"

"Smelly man or something, it's not worth it. The most beautiful thing in the world is girls and girls together!"

After this incident, Mingtian also understood how beautiful, sweet, and abusive the relationship between girls is. Compared with the familiar relationship between men and women, this kind of same-sex relationship is simply the most beautiful in the world. ah! Mingtian already has a sense of righteousness that is willing to be alone all his life and sacrifice himself for all homosexual love! !

"I don't mind, but I don't think any man or woman will have good results if they like me."

"I am used to loneliness, and maybe I will always be like this in the future. I have learned to resist the wind from all directions and sail in a boat."

A faint sense of a philosopher emanated from Mingtian, and Mingtian suddenly felt that he was overwhelmed by heights. Maybe this is the temperament brought about by breaking through to the Title Douluo?

During the conversation, Ming Tian had completely consolidated his soul ring and martial soul. He is now at the level of ninety-four, and he is only one step away from Super Douluo. However, Ming Tian has a faint feeling that he wants to break through It may take much longer to reach Super Douluo than ordinary Title Douluo, and I don't know when I will be able to break through.

"It seems that we don't even have anyone to ask for directions. This should be a gathering place for spirit beasts. This forest should be quite big."

"It's quite big. In fact, I think I've guessed where it is."

"What? Did you guess it?"

"Well, when I practiced with my parents, my father often went to his legion to carry out missions and took me with him. He is the head of the Five Elements Legion, and the Five Elements Legion is responsible for guarding the famous forest of the Star Luo Empire... "

"Is this here..."


I think it should be the inner area of ​​Panlong Great Forest. "


While the two were talking, in the deeper part of the Panlong Great Forest, there were occasional spooky voices from birds.

"Since it is the Panlong Great Forest, then we are inside Xingluo? It's not even far from Xingluo City!"

Ming Tian said happily.

"Indeed, even in the beginning of our training journey, there was a link of training in the Panlong Great Forest."

"It's a bit early to come back this time. There are five elements army garrisoned inside the Panlong Great Forest. Dad is inside the army. It's not far for us to find him."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go find His Majesty Qilin."

Ming Tian said with some excitement, this experience made him feel a lot of emotions, he missed his former companions a lot, and he didn't know what happened to them when he left.

Tong Yingmeng lowered her head, as if she had something on her mind, and didn't answer Ming Tian immediately.

"Your mother? That's not surprising."

"There is another way for the Martial Soul of the Moon Goddess to break through to Title Douluo, and that is to give birth to offspring and pass on the restriction to the next generation. However, it is also destined that the offspring must be the Martial Soul of the Moon Goddess."

Si Qingrong's words echoed in Tong Yingmeng's mind again, and her heart struggled a little.

It was impossible for her to inherit the Qilin Wuhun. She always remembered her father's endless disappointment with her when the Wuhun was awakened. Tong Gefei always wanted a descendant to inherit his Five Elements Qilin, and even wanted a son.

When the martial soul was awakened at the age of six, her father and mother had a quarrel. At that time, she didn't understand why they were arguing. Now, she knows.

Tong Gefei doesn't particularly like her daughter, so she pretends to be cute and innocent on the surface, like a weak little girl who has never experienced anything in the world and is protected all the time.

But she knows better than anyone else that Tong Gefei, who is patriarchal, has left her in the cold. She grows up alone, and only her mother treats her well, but she feels guilty and exploited in that kind of kindness.

Titled Douluo, her mother gave birth to her to break through to Titled Douluo, and her shackles were multiplied on her, and she was even just a tool for them.

So she is actually very indifferent and ruthless, with a ruthless heart hidden under her kind heart, she can use Mingxue as her own shield without hesitation.

"Go back?"

"Actually, there is no rush. Since we have come to the Panlong Great Forest, let's practice here. Anyway, it is still early before the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition. Moreover, maybe the Star Luo Seven Warriors will come back later. met."

Unexpectedly, Tong Yingmeng was not in a hurry to go back, and even proposed to practice here.

Looking at Tong Yingmeng's smile, Mingtian felt the sadness under the smile. There seemed to be other reasons why Tong Yingmeng was not in a hurry to go back. If it was inconvenient for her to tell, he didn't ask.

She smiled in relief, and said to Tong Yingmeng:

"Well, it's actually the first time I've come to Panlong Great Forest. If you don't rush back, we'll go back later."

"Others break through to the Title Douluo and basically don't need to get the soul ring and have nothing to do, but it's quite troublesome for me. There are so many martial souls. After training one, I can practice the second, and the third will never be completed. We Just wandering around in the Panlong Great Forest, I will fill up some of my spirit rings."

"Yeah! I broke through to Title Douluo, but I didn't get the eighth or ninth ring yet. Why don't we get the soul ring and leave."

"That's exactly what I mean. You can get any kind of soul ring you want. Now, I can help you get one that is a hundred thousand years old."

"Hee hee, then I'm not going to be polite. Actually, I want a ten million year soul ring. I'm so envious to see you have a ten million year soul ring. If you let others know, I'm afraid you will be scared to death. You are unique on the mainland. , the key is that you and I can still participate in the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, this time we have you and me in Star Luo, and we will win the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition!".

"When I have enough strength, it's time for me to take revenge on Wuhundian!"

After breaking through to Title Douluo, Ming Tian had a premonition that this continent might not be peaceful anymore.

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