Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 355 The Strange Martial Soul

Seemingly enjoying the feeling of surprising others, Tong Yingmeng didn't answer directly, Ming Tian glanced at her and said:

"Yingmeng, you and Yuexia Shuji go to merge and sacrifice first, and I will explain to Senior Hao."

"Okay, let's go then, and it won't be too long."

Smiling at Mingtian, as if they deliberately seemed to have a good relationship, Tong Yingmeng was going to merge with Yuexia Shuji to make a sacrifice. Mingtian looked at Hao Sixing and said politely:

"Senior Hao, we came back from the space outside the mainland. On the day of the solar eclipse, we found it in the Lost Canyon..."

A brief overview of the experience before and after, Mingtian saved a lot of things, because some things are very personal, and you don’t need to tell outsiders, just summarize it. After all, Gao Tianyuan is gone, they are the only ones left in Gao Tianyuan, One of the last witnesses.

After listening to Mingtian's miraculous narration, Hao Sixing reacted for a long time before slowly digesting the information of Mingtian. He took another look at this somewhat young soul master. miss come back? This kind of experience, even some strong people on the mainland can't do it.

"The younger generation is awesome! After the people who lost their way in the Grand Canyon came back, all the survivors reported to the top one by one. After Qilin and the emperor knew about it, they gave you a special reward. I didn’t see you, I thought you were dead, and based on the judgment at the time, no one thought you could survive, so the academy decided to name you as a special student. I only know this, and I heard it from His Majesty Qilin of."

"Hehe, thank you Qilin Mian. I don't know how Tang Fengke and Long En are doing. Do they miss me? If I go back, they will be shocked."

"Haha, you are already considered a half-hero of Xingluo Royal Academy, you don't know, during the days you have been away, great changes have taken place in Xingluo and even the entire continent, I will tell you in detail when I have time. "

"Well, by the way, Senior Hao, why did you appear in the Panlong Great Forest late at night?"

"It's a long story. My companions and I chased down a few thieves who were on the Heaven's Bounty list, but they planned to lead an army instead, attract Yuexia Shuji, and give my two comrades to..."

Speaking of this, a bitter look appeared on Hao Sixing's face, and Mingtian also understood the unspeakable part, and comforted Hao Sixing:

"My condolences to the seniors. The enemy is too cunning. It's not your fault."

"Qin Xiaoyi, I vow to catch him and avenge my companion!!"

"They can't run far, and I have no face to go back to see the army commander again. I can only take their heads back and apologize to make up for my fault!"

Hao Sixing said with an angry face, it seems that he will not stop until Qin Xiaoyi is caught.

Seeing him like this, Mingtian knew that there was no way to persuade him. Hao Sixing was also a stubborn person, so Mingtian had no choice but to ask:

"Who's there? Let's help you. We're not in a hurry to go back. Yingmeng still hasn't found the ninth ring."

"Uh, I really didn't expect it. I thought I could be considered a genius among my peers even after I practiced. I didn't expect to know what is unique after seeing you, but now I want you to help me."

"Forget it, let the two of you help me, so I can take revenge as soon as possible. Qin Xiaoyi ranks fifteenth on the Tianqi list. He is nicknamed Bloodthirsty Skeleton, General Wuhun Skeleton, and Eight Ring Contra. Xie Yuhun's Wuhun, he stole the bones and couldn't satisfy his cultivation, so he started killing people, was injured and stained with a lot of blood, and wandered between Xingluo and Tiandou. Why."

"Yi Yun, who is ranked seventeenth, has a three-headed sword-skull dragon with a martial spirit,

Nicknamed the Dragon Soul Killer, he specializes in picking on dragon-type soul masters and dragon-type soul beasts. There are countless dragon-type soul masters and soul beasts who have died under his hands. It was already more than ten years ago when he came out, retreated from the body, and achieved fame. "

"Pang Shihou, the 18th, once led troops to rebel against the Xingluo regime. He once caused the emperor a headache. He failed to kill him several times. Later, he seemed to have offended someone. His rebel army was suppressed and disappeared. He belonged to the fugitive. Soul Seven Star Knife."

"Shang Rang, twenty-three, and Ge Congzhou, twenty-four, these two are sworn brothers who are notorious for the crime of sexual adultery. Many female soul masters have been defiled and died under their hands. Many spirit masters are wanted and hunted down, but the two spirits are really amazing..."

Mentioning these two people, Hao Sixing twitched at the corners of his mouth, unable to speak, and finally said:

"People on the mainland awaken at the age of six, and they have all kinds of martial arts, such as grass, or hammers, and there is another type of martial soul that belongs to the body martial soul, which uses the body organs as their own martial soul, and the martial soul that is still left is their own tongue. , and Ge Congzhou's martial soul is his lifeblood..."

The main body martial soul, the first thing Mingtian thought of was his poisonous uncle, who uses the heart as a martial soul, which can change various forms. This kind of martial soul can be said to be very peculiar. Martial souls are all plausible, even extremely powerful, but there are people whose martial souls are tongues and lifeblood? ?

Of course Mingtian knows what lifeblood is. Well, how to cultivate with such a martial spirit? It's really weird, it really has all kinds of martial arts.

"So, did you miss these five people? Don't worry, we'll help you catch and deal with these five people. These people are all vicious people. Killing them will also solve a problem for the mainland."

"So, thank you very much, haha."

Reached a consensus, the two smiled and got to know each other better.

Soldiers like Hao Sixing have great respect for the strong, especially Titled Douluo, Ming Tian has become a Titled Douluo at such a young age, why doesn't Hao Sixing make friends?

"Uncle Hao, I wonder how my father is doing now?"

A cold voice sounded, and during the conversation between the two, Tong Yingmeng had already fused with Yuexia Shuji to complete the sacrifice, and even the increase of the 100,000-year soul beast had improved Tong Yingmeng's level and strength. She was already ninety Level four, a soul master of the same level as Mingtian.

Coupled with the terrifying ratio of soul rings, I am afraid that there are few people on the mainland who are her opponents.

"Miss, the legion commander, he..."

Looking at Tong Yingmeng, Hao Sixing hesitated to speak, his face was a little embarrassed, and Mingtian noticed something was wrong. From the beginning to the end, Hao Sixing did not take the initiative to tell him about Tong Gefei himself. Could there be something hidden in it?

The guilty Hao Sixing didn't even dare to look into Tong Yingmeng's eyes, as if he had done something wrong, Hao Sixing pursed his lips, and said with some guilt:

"Before, everyone thought you were dead, and the death of Senior Long Suwu also dealt a great blow to Qilin Mian..."

"After losing his wife and daughter, many people persuaded His Majesty to look away and let His Majesty come out. So, soon after, His Majesty..."

"Just what?"

Tong Yingmeng's complexion became a little sickly, she tilted her head, she still had a smile on her face, but the aura she exuded made one feel eerie.

"Just marry another wife! Even that woman has a child with her, and that child's martial soul is a five-element unicorn!!!"


Mingtian only felt a bang in his mind, which meant something self-evident.

Tong Gefei, a ninety-eight-level powerful titled Douluo, the number one powerhouse in the mainland, he unexpectedly married another man shortly after his wife and daughter died, and this newly married woman might even be his early wife. There is a third party in the relationship! !

How does this make Long Suwu under the spring rest in peace? ? How does this make Tong Yingmeng think of her father?

"I didn't expect a generation of Qilin Douluo to do such a thing..."

Tong Gefei's image in Ming Tian's heart has completely collapsed.

"Sure enough..."

Tong Yingmeng lowered her head, not knowing her expression, nor knowing her mood or anger when she heard her voice.

"Miss, listen to me, crown him

Maybe it's just a moment of confusion...".

"Confused for a while? Hehe, he is not confused, he is awake."

"That's enough, don't say any more, don't mention this person to me again, I, Tong Yingmeng, have no relatives for a long time..."

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