Turning around and ignoring the two of them, Tong Yingmeng walked forward alone with a gloomy face, Mingtian was worried, and hurriedly yelled, and came to Tong Yingmeng's side.

"Yingmeng! Yingmeng, you..."

"Don't be too sad, it's not worth it for such a thing..."

He didn't know how to comfort Tong Yingmeng, and said in a low voice, no one thought that things would turn out like this.

"Sad? Why should I be sad? I'm fine!"

Raising her head, Tong Yingmeng looked at Mingtian, with a sweet smile on her lips under the moonlight. In the hazy night, she was like light smoke and mist, a little unreal.

"Call me Yingmeng from now on? Just Yingmeng."

She is only called Yingmeng and has abandoned her surname. Is she planning to sever ties with Tong Gefei in this way?

Ming Tian didn't know how to comfort him for a while, and only sighed in his heart.

"Hey, do you know why I am called this name? Yingmeng, when my mother gave birth to me, it was at night. She said that when she gave birth to me, she dreamed of many fireflies. The weakest light in the world is the firefly. The light of fireflies cannot compare to the brilliance of a bright moon, but when they gather together, they can be very bright."

"Most of us can't be the moon, have the most dazzling brilliance, they are all tiny fireflies, burning their own little light, my mother hopes that I can be like a firefly, tiny, and can always do what I want to do .”

"Yes, you will eventually achieve everything you want."

"Yeah, for example..."

She opened her mouth, but did not make a sound, but based on the shape of her mouth, she could vaguely tell that it was...

"Let me lean on your shoulder for a while. I will spend the night in the Panlong Forest tonight, and there is no place to rest. Don't do anything bad, otherwise, I will castrate you."

Leaning on Mingtian's shoulder, Mingtian only felt a cold shiver all over her body, a little uncomfortable. Tong Yingmeng, who landed on his shoulder, moved very lightly. The fatigue of the day and the weakness of the newly obtained soul ring made her very uncomfortable. Soon fell asleep, Ming Tian had to maintain a stiff movement, leaning against a tree, the moonlight fell on them, Ming Tian looked up at the sky, there seemed to be faint fireflies in the surrounding bushes, he suddenly thought, the world So big, but there has never been a place for him to live.



In the early morning, the sun slanted through the forest on one side and fell on the sleeping girl. The girl was lying on her side with several folded clothes, and the other person beside her had long since disappeared.

"Uncle Hao, are you sure you want to split up?"

"Well, I can't face such a young lady. She looks too distressing. We are together, and it is easy to reveal your identities. I mean, if you meet them first, you will not arouse their vigilance and attention." Doubt, if I meet you first, I will send a signal to you, this is the unique way of sending letters between our Five Elements Corps, here you are, once we find out, we will contact each other."

Hao Sixing handed Mingtian a pentagon-shaped sign, which seemed to be some kind of soul guide, used for portable communication, and the other could be connected with one touch and lit up.

"In that case, let's split up and pay attention to safety along the way."

Ming Tian instructed Hao Sixing, and the two separated.

"Let's find something to eat. Yingmeng is still sleeping. When she wakes up, it won't be good if she is hungry."

Rubbing his stomach, Ming Tian was also hungry. The Panlong Great Forest not only had a lot of soul beasts, but also a lot of treasures, but good things were often surrounded by powerful soul beasts.

"Clah la la la..."

"Huh? The sound of running water?"

After entering the Title Douluo level, Mingtian's various abilities have also improved and become a little sharper, including vision, hearing, etc.

He moved his ears, did the sound sound like gurgling water?

"Streams? No, this is the Panlong Forest, and there are streams inside the forest..."

"Wait, here the north and east are close to the coastline of the sea, and it is not impossible for streams to flow directly into the sea here."

"At least there's water! Maybe some fish!"

Ming Tianxin thought, followed the sound, and after a few dodges, followed the sound of the water and found a small stream.

The water flow is clear, about one or two meters wide, relatively shallow, flowing from south to north, and the direction is exactly the direction of the northern coastline, confirming Mingtian's guess.

But to Mingtian's disappointment, there were no big fish in this stream, only some loaches and the like.

"If it doesn't work, I can only find some soul beasts for food."

Taking out the water jug ​​from the storage soul guide, Mingtian bent down to fetch water by the stream, and while fetching water, in the forest, an attack hit Mingtian's back.


A mass of dark blue light bloomed from Ming Tian's body, resisting the attack, and Ming Tian shouted angrily after filling the water.


"What a powerful aura, are you a Contra?!"

A surprised voice sounded. From the forest behind Mingtian, a person poked his head out. He looked like a young man, quite young, and looked pretty good. He looked at Mingtian with surprise and hesitation. This person...

Why did the Panlong Great Forest, which was rarely visited by people, suddenly become more numerous? Ming Tian felt a little suspicious.

The other party didn't think about it at the level of Title Douluo. After all, Ming Tian was too young. Ming Tian looked at him, shook his head, and said:

"I'm not, who are you?"

"Heaven's most wanted list, the twentieth most wanted list, Shi Jiezhan."

Another person on the top of the list? !

what happened?

Why are the most wanted criminals on the mainland, which are rare to find on weekdays, everywhere in the Panlong Forest, and they still directly report their names?

Although there were doubts in his heart, Mingtian still showed a calm look on his face and asked:

"Shi Jiezhan? I've never heard of it."

"Hehe, that's right. You must be the most wanted big shot. You are so young. Could it be that you are the tenth most wanted Zuo Jishan?"

"What's ranked tenth or twentieth? I don't understand what you're talking about, but I've heard of it on the Tianji list."

"The ones above are all vicious people, people who have committed the most crimes. I didn't expect you to be the same."

When Shi Jiezhan heard what Ming Tian said, his eyes narrowed, as if he was thinking about something, he said with a smile:

"It turns out that your Excellency is not on the list of Heaven's Bounty, I was the one who was abrupt."

"Why do you think I'm the one on the list?"

"Your Excellency, don't you know? Half a month ago, someone spread a gathering order, calling on the people on the Tianqi list to come to the Panlong Forest to meet each other, and the person who gave the order was the number one person on the Tianqi list, who has not been found so far." .”

"The Panlong Great Forest is already in a state of turmoil. That lord was...at such a young age, he probably didn't know it. Since you have nothing to do with this matter, forget it."

After all, Shi Jiezhan wanted to turn around and leave, Ming Tian shouted:

"Please wait!"

"Why, is there anything else? Don't disturb me to do things, otherwise, I won't be as simple as the sneak attack just now."

Shi Jiezhan turned his head and said coldly, his expression changed instantly, as if he had changed into a different person. This person has such a strange temperament, and his strength should be at the level of a soul saint.

"Hehe, I was just testing you just now. I didn't expect Shi Jiezhan, who is ranked 20th, to be so contemptuous of others. My name is Mingtian. I wonder if you have heard of me in the Tianqi list?"

Not pretending? Then I'll pretend too, let's see who can pretend better than whom.

Pretentiously speaking, Shi Jiezhan was shocked when he heard this, looked at Mingtian in disbelief and said:

"The fourth-ranked Hades?!!"

"The remnants of the Holy Spirit wanted by the Spirit Hall!"

"Yo, my ranking is so high, I'm almost catching up with the top three."

Ming Tian usually doesn't pay much attention to this list of most wanted criminals in mainland China. I didn't expect him to be ranked quite high, but this doesn't seem to be a good thing.

"Who on the mainland of the Holy Spirit Cult doesn't know, who doesn't know? When the Holy Spirit Cult was still there, the top ten most wanted people were almost all of you. Zhong Lisu was once in the top three. Ever since you were arrested by Wuhun After the church was exterminated, all kinds of criminals came in."

"Even the sinners in the mainland have become less vicious in recent years."

Khan, this one also has a quality ranking, do you think it is an honor to be on this list? ?

"So, we are people all the way, but my reason for coming here is different from yours."

"Brother Jiezhan, can you tell me what's going on? Why do so many criminals who are wanted on the mainland come out of the Panlong Forest, which is always deserted?"

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