Shi Jiezhan looked at Ming Tian, ​​narrowed his eyes, as if thinking about something, thinking about something, then laughed dryly, and said:

"Want me to tell you the specific information? Yes, but since you don't know anything, brother Mingtian, why don't we join forces next time, the two of us will wander through the Panlong Great Forest together, and we can take care of each other."

This Shi Jiezhan is not a good bird, he seems to want to take advantage of Ming Tian, ​​Ming Tian frowned and said:

"Brother Jiezhan, I'm not here alone, I have a companion, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient, I think it's better to forget it, we will meet again by fate."

Retreat is the way to advance. Although Mingtian doesn't understand what's going on, he doesn't want to cause any trouble on his own initiative. If Tong Yingmeng finds out, what if she is unhappy? Yingmeng's soul ring is better filled, and after listening to Hao Sixing's narration last night, the Panlong Great Forest has been mixed with many heinous people, and there is even a notorious flower picker. He has been away for a while, and I don't know Tongying Did the dream wake up? If I had known earlier, I would not have left her alone.

Concerned about Tong Yingmeng, Mingtian doesn't want to get entangled with Shi Jiezhan here, but wants to leave.

Unexpectedly, Ming Tian didn't buy it, Shi Jiezhan also became anxious, and hurriedly asked to stay:

"Hey, wait, brother Mingtian, where are you going next? Why don't we act together, this is not the first time I have come to Panlong Great Forest, I must be more familiar with you than you, and we will only benefit you if we act together, you What do you think?"

I want to get rid of Shi Jiezhan, but this person is entangled with a snake and a stick instead. It's really bad luck. This Shi Jiezhan must have some other purpose. Ming Tian's current strength is here, the strength of the title Douluo level, plus The big soul rings and martial souls are not afraid of him cheating and playing tricks.

"Whatever you want, my companion is waiting for me, I'm going back to see her."

Ignoring Shi Jiezhan, Ming Tian picked up the water bottle and headed back to the place where he rested before. He actually felt worried about Tong Yingmeng. He is, what's wrong?

Shi Jiezhan followed closely behind, with a smile on his face. In the grass where he had just come out, a corpse fell on the ground, his eyes wide open, as if he had been brutally killed.

"Yingmeng, are you awake?"

"I found something to drink, you..."

Back to the resting place before, Mingtian didn't see Tong Yingmeng, only the few clothes he folded up before he left, and used them as pillows for Tong Yingmeng.

where did she go

Immediately, Mingtian became anxious,

The situation inside the Panlong Great Forest is not good now, if Tong Yingmeng runs around...

"You still know that when you come back, you are nowhere to be seen as soon as you wake up. I thought you left me and ran away alone. It's disgusting!!"

A clear and crisp drink sounded from one side, Mingtian's ear was grabbed by one hand, Tong Yingmeng did not go far, she glared at Mingtian pretending to be angry, and held a fruit in the other hand eating.

"Hey, it hurts..."

"Where's Uncle Hao?"

"He said he wanted to split up, so he left first, and if we encountered a situation, we would contact him,"

Ming Tian was relieved that Tong Yingmeng was still alive. Hearing what Ming Tian said, she let go of her hand holding Ming Tian's ear, and her expression became a little indifferent. When she noticed that there were outsiders, she was taken aback.

"Huh? Why did you bring someone back?"

"Hehe, I, Shi Jiezhan, met Brother Mingtian by chance. We chatted very happily, so we followed him. No wonder Brother Mingtian, you don't want to act with me. It turns out that there is such a beautiful woman by my side, but I am abrupt. I didn't know you were together, if I knew, I wouldn't bother you."

Obviously, Shi Jiezhan misunderstood the relationship between Mingtian and Tong Yingmeng. Tong Yingmeng has fully inherited her mother's excellent beauty tradition, and her appearance is sweet and cute, with a little girl style. It would be a disaster if someone was fooled by Tong Yingmeng's appearance. The real Tong Yingmeng would never look so good.

After awakening the Martial Soul, Tong Yingmeng had a faint noble temperament, and his appearance changed a little. Shi Jiezhan took a few more glances at Tong Yingmeng, and looked at Mingtian, with envy and jealousy in his eyes.

Just thinking about defending and explaining something, Tong Yingmeng gave Mingtian a look, signaling him to stop talking, Mingtian is not a fool, even after thinking about it, if they tell their identities, I am afraid it will cause trouble, they and Xing The Luo Empire has connections with the Five Elements Legion, and Tong Yingmeng is the daughter of Tong Gefei. Although she doesn't recognize her now, but if people know about it, it won't be good if there is trouble.

"Hello, Shi Jiezhan, I seem to have heard of this name before."

"Ranked twentieth on the Tianqi list, once stole the secrets of various empires, sects, including the Wuhun Palace, and killed many deacons of the Wuhun Palace, and even an elder, and was wanted for this reason, and fled to the mainland."

"Oh, that's how it is. I remembered, your martial spirit seems to be a thief, specializing in stealing."

"It's my luck that the lady remembers my martial soul and my name. My martial soul is not a ghost. To be precise, it's a kind of ape-like martial soul, ghost-type, and sensitive. It's called Demon Thief Ape."

"Seventy-fourth-level soul saint, please give me more advice."

"Crack, where are we going next?"

Ignoring Shi Jiezhan, Tong Yingmeng took a bite of the fruit she had found, and asked Ming Tian who was on the side, Shi Jiezhan embarrassingly put his hot face on his cold butt, a little unattractive.

It seems to be intentional. Shi Jiezhan didn't get angry because of such a trivial matter being ignored by girls. Ming Tian didn't know what Tong Yingmeng was planning. Looking at her eyes, it seemed that there was no next step. Ming Tian tentatively asked :

"Continue to make up for your soul ring? Do you still lack a soul ring?"

"So you are here to get the soul ring, not..."

Knowing their purpose of coming to Panlong Great Forest, Shi Jiezhan said in surprise, realizing that Tong Yingmeng was here and didn't talk about him.

"That's right, we're going to find a suitable soul beast to make a soul ring next, and we're not on the same path with you. If you still have your own business, you can go to it first and leave us alone."

To be honest, Mingtian doesn't like being entangled by others, so they can investigate by themselves later.

"What is Brother Mingtian talking about? Since this is the case, wouldn't it be better to have more help? Let me help you!"

"It's really lingering..."

"How did you mess with such a person..."

"Damn it, he took the initiative to sneak attack on me. I haven't settled the score yet. What should I do now, should I..."

The two spoke in a low voice, and Ming Tian made a killing gesture.

"Don't make extra troubles. The Panlong Great Forest is a bit weird. Since you can't get rid of it, let's use him."

"How to use it?"

"Idiot, can you be a little bit smarter?"

Tong Yingmeng gave Mingtian a blank look, came to Shi Jiezhan and said.

"Okay, since you are willing to help us, I wonder if you are familiar with the Panlong Great Forest? The soul ring I want to obtain has a relatively high lifespan, one hundred thousand years."

"One hundred thousand year soul ring? Are you going to hunt one hundred thousand year soul beast?! What level are you? Are you trying to lie to me?"

"What's the benefit of lying to you? I really need a hundred thousand year spirit ring, and the two of us do have a solution to the hundred thousand year spirit beast. Since you are afraid of death, then forget it. Let's go by ourselves, Panlong Da In the forest, there are still a few 100,000-year-old soul beasts."

"Uh, you..."

Being scorned by Tong Yingmeng, Shi Jiezhan's neck turned red, as if he had been greatly humiliated. Seeing that the two were about to leave, Shi Jiezhan said:

"Wait! I do know where a 100,000-year-old soul beast is, and I even know that there are a few top-ranked guys on the Heavenly Hunting List who are going to kill it together to get its soul bone. If you trust me, I'll take you to go together, we take advantage of the fire to loot, maybe it will work!"

"What you said is true? How did you get this information, and which soul beast are you talking about?"

"The Eight-clawed Fox Lord, a little to the east of the Panlong Great Forest, near the coastline, is a 280,000-year-old soul beast, and it can be regarded as the overlord of a party."

"Qi Yuanqiu, who is ranked eighth on the list, has gathered a group of people and is heading there."

"Oh. It's getting more and more interesting. Let's take a look."

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