The formerly peaceful Panlong Great Forest suddenly became unsettled due to the influx of wanted criminals. It seems that under this unsettled vortex, there are some unpredictable and interesting things...

The stream was still flowing quietly, passing through the forest, there was a slight trembling sound, several figures passed by, one of them raised his nose, as if he was perceiving and sensing something, he went towards a bush by the stream, pushed aside the bushes, miscellaneous The corpse hidden in the grass instantly came into view.

"found it!!"

The person who found the corpse waved, and the people who were with him before all came over. One of them took out a relatively large piece of paper and compared it with the portrait on it.

"is it him?"

"That's right, No. 20 Shi Jiezhan, who was wanted on the Sky Bounty List, is dead."

As he said that, the person holding the paper made a red cross on Shi Jiezhan's head portrait. On this piece of paper, several people's heads had already been marked with red crosses. A red cross means that the wanted person has died. .

"It's the eighteenth, and the number of deadly wanted criminals is still increasing. Who is it..."

"General Song, there is a situation here!"

One person said to Song Ceming who was thinking, and Song Ceming hurried over and followed other people, saying that the person who found the situation found a big tree at waist height and found a five-element symbol engraved.

Song Ceming's eyes were slightly startled, and he said in surprise:

"The special code number of the Five Elements Legion?!"

"Could it be General Hao? We haven't found his whereabouts yet."

"Well, it can't be ruled out that Hao Sixing left us a secret signal. Since there is the first one, there should be more nearby, implying his travel route."

"Find it for me! See if there are any nearby!"


Several sergeants responded and spread out into the surrounding forest, looking for this special contact code.

"It's getting more and more strange. Hao Sixing, who chased criminals and disappeared in the Panlong forest, and the people on the most wanted lists who were assassinated, and the order that came out suddenly half a month ago, it seems that someone is eyeing Panlong. Great forest, what is brewing..."

Thinking, Song Ceming looked up solemnly,

Looking at the silent Panlong Great Forest around, under this eerie calm, there is a battle between open and secret, chasing, contesting, and fighting.


Another code number was left on a tree. Tong Yingmeng looked at the front as if nothing had happened, and shook her hands, as if she had done nothing, but still lowered her head, revealing a faintly gloomy aura.

"Are you really going to trouble the 100,000-year-old soul beast? You also want to provoke Qi Yuanqiu? Do you know who Qi Yuanqiu is? Being able to enter the top ten of the Heaven's Bounty list not only has heinous crimes in his hands, but also has great strength. Not to be underestimated, provoking him is really looking for death, death!"

Shi Jiezhan said with a frightened face, he is just a wanted thief on the Heaven's Most Wanted list, his martial soul is also an agility attack type used for running and stealing, his combat ability is not strong, and he is a little afraid of some battles.

"Just let you lead the way, don't talk so much, or you will leave, we will go by ourselves."

Ming Tian said disdainfully, wanting to scare Shi Jiezhan away and get rid of him.

But Shi Jiezhan seemed to be ashamed of being underestimated and angry, patted his chest and abdomen and said:

"Since I promised you before, there is no reason to retreat, I don't want you to laugh at me!"

"Besides, it's Ms. Yingmeng who is going to get the soul ring, so I have to do my part to help you guys."

Hearing what he said so righteously, Ming Tian and Tong Yingmeng looked at each other and smiled dumbly. They thought this guy was a murderous sinner, but they didn't expect him to be a cowardly and arrogant joker.

"Speaking of which, is that Qi Yuanqiu very powerful? Why did he want to mess with that hundred thousand year soul beast? How did you know?"

"Qi Yuanqiu, he is titled Douluo, titled Tangu, his martial spirit is very interesting, it is called Greedy Pot Beast, it is a spirit beast like a pot, it is hard to say whether it is a weapon spirit or a beast spirit. Hun, you can say it is a weapon soul, the greedy pot beast has a long tongue and mouth, which belongs to control and attack, but if you say it is a beast soul, Qi Yuanqiu has a weapon soul avatar instead, Qi Yuan Qiu's spirit avatar has two forms, beast spirit avatar and tool spirit avatar. He is the only soul master on the mainland who has a single spirit but has two forms. Some people say that he is a pseudo-twin spirit .”

"His crimes are also very special. He has a natural enthusiasm for soul bones, and he is especially keen on collecting soul bones. There are rumors that he has been fully equipped with soul bones, but the quality is not good. Hundreds of years, thousands of years, ten thousand years or something , very complicated, if there are too many soul bones, if it is the legs or hands, he will pick the best ones, replace the broken arms and short legs, and keep the other parts, and not sell them, just take them by himself For this reason, he also specially selected soul masters with soul bones to kill many soul beasts, besides our human soul masters who are looking for him, the soul beast world also has a special wanted killing order for him."

"Uh, this person really has offended the two major groups on the mainland."

"Then why does he have so many stingers? Help him to hunt and kill a hundred thousand year soul beast?"

"Probably because he bought many people with the extra soul bones. After all, soul bones are a huge temptation. They are known as the treasure of the river of blood. But if you want a soul bone, you have to have your life left behind." Okay."

"So far I don't have a soul bone, but I'm really envious."

Tsk-tsk, Shi Jiezhan said enviously.

Little did he know that the person next to him was also a full-body soul bone, even with a terrifying ratio, two external soul bones, six hundred thousand year-level full-body soul bones, eight soul bones combined, enough to defeat many people.

"Yingmeng, how many spirit bones do you have now?"

"Shuji under the moon gave me a torso bone. I used to have a left arm and a skull. There are three pieces in total. I can't compare to you~"

Both of them are titled Douluo, enough to communicate spiritually. On the surface, they don't seem to speak.

"How credible is this person's words? The eight-clawed fox's spirit ring should be suitable for you, so you want it."

"Believe it, but you can't believe it completely. Obtaining the soul ring is still secondary. Finding out what happened in the Panlong Great Forest is the top priority."

"Well, I think so too."

The two continued to communicate in secret voice.

"Wait a minute and move forward, there is a situation!"

Shi Jiezhan, who was walking in front, said suddenly that the two of them were communicating in secret voice just now, and they didn't pay attention to the surrounding things, so they stopped. He also found them, looked at the three of them, stared at Tong Yingmeng, stretched out his frightening sharp tongue and licked his teeth, and said with some regret:

"Delicious food, too old, it's a pity..."

The old man shook his head and said.

"Hey, what are you all doing here? Are the three young men also on the list?"

"Shi Jiezhan, if my guess is correct, you are the eleventh-ranked Wei Ben who specializes in eating girls."

"The thief Shi Jiezhan? I've heard of it, but I don't know him. Where are the two of them?"

"Baby-eater Wei Ben?"

"Yo, you've even heard of my name. I'm afraid you guys weren't even born when this old man ran amok on the mainland."

"I heard from my uncle that Wei Ben, who eats babies, does a lot of evil. He eats girls and abuses them. He used to run amok for a while, but later he was wanted by the Wuhun Palace, and he was hunted down by Qian Daoliu like a lost dog. He joined the Holy Spirit Sect, and because he couldn’t get rid of his bad habits in the Holy Spirit Sect, he offended the Holy Spirit Sect, was hunted down by both the Holy Spirit Sect and the Wuhun Temple, and disappeared without a trace.”

"Oh, damn it! Kid, who is your uncle? Do you know that the people who mentioned this matter in front of me are already dead!!"

Wei Ben came in front of Ming Tian and screamed at him viciously.

"Holy Spirit Sect, Mingtian, my uncle is Zhonglisu!"

"Zhong Lisu?? Are you the remnant of the Holy Spirit?!"

When Wei Ben heard Mingtian's self-introduction of his family, his pupils shrank, realizing something, and said:

"Mingtian? Ranked fourth in the Tianqi list, the Mingtian who gave His Royal Highness Wuhun the order of eternal life?!"

"Well, there should be no second name called me on the mainland, it should be me."

"Hehe, if you are handed over to Wuhundian, do you think Wuhundian will forgive my sins?"

"Old thief, you can give it a try. Back then, the Holy Spirit Sect took you in, but you never restrained yourself. You even tried to plot against my partner. I still remember this grudge!!"

Facing Wei Ben, why does Mingtian have a good impression of him? This person is too evil, and the crimes he committed can be said to be punishable by everyone. At that time, Mingtian and his sister Mingxue were only three or four years old. Mingxue behaved abnormally.

Fearing the strength of their parents, they didn't dare to do it.

An invisible coercion radiated out, Ming Tian looked at Wei Ben, Wei Ben was surprised by the breath of Ming Tian and stepped back several steps, even Shi Jiezhan on the side also showed surprise.

"This breath, you boy, is Title Douluo!!"

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