Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 359 One of the three cornucopias, the flower waterfall.

Wei Ben cried out in surprise, and took a few steps back.

His strength has reached the peak Contra level, and he is only one step away from the title Douluo. From Mingtian, he sensed a rock-solid aura that completely stabilized him, which had a strong impact on him. great pressure.

Shi Jiezhan on the side also looked horrified, Ming Tian was so young, he thought that Ming Tian's strength was similar to him, about the same as his brother, but he didn't expect that Ming Tian's aura at this time had completely exceeded their imagination.

It's not that Mingtian didn't want to hide it, but seeing Wei Ben reminded Mingtian of bad things in the past, and Wei Ben's contempt for several people meant that he was an enemy of them, so he showed a little bit of strength in order to get rid of them. warn him.


Ming Tian snorted coldly, Wei Ben rolled his eyes a little apprehensively, stepped back a few steps, opened the distance from the few people, and said:

"We don't interfere with the river. In the Panlong Great Forest, I have my purpose. As long as you don't hinder me, I will naturally not cause trouble with you. If you want to stop me, even if you are a Titled Douluo, it is not It's so easy, here, I know better than you."

Some warnings and half-threats were spoken, and Ming Tian frowned when he heard it, did he have a purpose? What is the purpose of so many wanted criminals here?

"Senior, could it be that your target is also Qi Yuanqiu?"

Shi Jiezhan asked, his eyes flickering, he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Qi Yuanqiu? Why is he my target? My target is Yun Xiangluo."

"The twelfth-ranked Yun Xiangluo? It is rumored that she was born with a dwarf and a short stature, but she always wanted to look cute and young, and she killed many soul masters because of this. Moreover, this person was extremely jealous. A good-looking woman will kill. Your target is her because you want to kill her, use her cultivation to improve yourself."

"That's right, I haven't eaten a fresh baby girl for several days when I came to the Panlong Great Forest. If there is no more delicious food, I will go crazy and die. Those young soul beasts are not delicious at all. .”

Complaining as he said this, Wei Ben looked at Tong Yingmeng. He hadn't eaten for many days, which made his food requirements drop sharply. It's not something he can solve.

"Yun Xiangluo seems to be by Qi Yuanqiu's side, so we are on the same side."

Hearing this, Mingtian glanced at Shi Jiezhan, could this person still want to pull Wei Ben in, to cooperate with such a person, Mingtian and Mingtian would not be willing anyway.

"Hahaha, little thief, you have a good plan in mind, but I advise you to accept this idea. Even if you agree, I don't think the two people around you will agree. The way forward is far more difficult than you think The land is dangerous, and it is more comfortable to act alone than to act together with you, the Panlong Great Forest is not what you imagined now, and the more fierce guys behind have not come out yet, and there will be a period later."

Wei Ben, who was retreating, fled into the forest in a flash, Ming Tian and the others looked at each other, it seemed that what Wei Ben said had other meanings.

"Continue to go in the direction of the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable, just be careful along the way."

"There is a vague feeling of uneasiness, Mingtian, the Panlong Great Forest may really change the sky..."

Tong Yingmeng looked at the sky above her head. The originally clear blue sky suddenly began to be covered with thick clouds, like a mountain rain was about to come. The roar of the forest.

"Hey woo woo..."

The low voice continued to ring, and a pair of terrifying eyes like sun discs were opened, like the eyes of some ferocious beast, staring at nowhere.

"More and more lifeless mice broke in,

Since they came here to seek death, satisfy these human beings. "

"Extreme Emperor, you go, lead the beast tide to eliminate them all!!"

Roaring angrily, the inside of the Panlong Great Forest, the real core, is similar to the Star Dou Great Forest, and it is not a very vicious place. The fairy grass is in full bloom, and a curtain of waterfall falls from nowhere. A woman walks out of the waterfall. She looks extremely delicate. There are extremely beautiful feathers behind her elbows and behind her ears, and her eyes are full of divine aura.

"Kill Zhan, the trouble is not the human who broke in, but the person who is still there. If it wasn't for him, how could it cause so much trouble?"

"Damn it, I will get rid of him sooner or later! A god without a god, I don't believe I can't get rid of him!"

"Panlong Great Forest is obviously not weaker than Xingdou Forest, and the background is similar to each other. If it weren't for the Silver Dragon King, if it weren't for Ditian, we would be the number one forest in the mainland!! Not showing our fangs, it really makes the outside world think that we are better than Xingdou Great Forest Weak."

"Yes, in terms of overall strength and the number of beasts, we are not weaker than Xingdou, on the contrary, we are superior. It's a pity that we don't have auspicious beasts, and we don't have soul beast co-lords."

"The book girl under the moon is dead, did you know?"

The subject changed, and the female soul beast known as the Extreme Emperor said.

"Shu Ji? Her aura did disappear yesterday, but it didn't look like killing, but..."


Jidi said with a dignified face, she had a good relationship with Yuexia Handiji, but she suddenly lost her aura yesterday. Through perception, she found that Shuji didn't seem to have an accident, but an active sacrificial fusion. What kind of situation would make Shuji like this?

"It seems that there are more unexpected people breaking in and causing more accidents."

Squinting her eyes, Jidi said, a gust of wind blew up above her head, and a voice in the wind said:

"Amacongyun, we all sensed Amacongyun that night. I'm afraid it has something to do with it. It's the breath of that guy in Baqi. It can't be wrong, I will never forget it in my life!!"

The voice was sharp, as if someone knew the existence of the eight divergences.

"Kamakaze, are you sure?"

"No mistake, I'm going to find it out!!"

"Fox Zun, do you still need support?"

"No need, hmph, if you can't even defeat a few human soul masters, then Fox Venerable doesn't have to mess around!"

"Let's do it, Flower Waterfall belongs."

After the sound was conveyed, both Lianfeng and Jidi disappeared, and Jidi turned into a strange big bird, spreading its beautiful and thick wings from the forest, screaming, as if calling for some companion, and flew away.

The huge body gradually shrunk, and a dark soul beast that looked like a tiger and a jackal knelt down devoutly towards the waterfall and said:

"Thanks to the grace of the flower waterfall, the Panlong Great Forest and we are here today. Now that there is a small disturbance in the forest, we will do our best to protect this fairyland on the mainland, the rumored treasure basin."


On the periphery, the Panlong Great Forest.

Sergeants lined up in a line, wearing armor and holding soldiers, neat and orderly, imposing. Each soldier has a pentagonal five-element shape on his armor, which symbolizes the legendary five-element legion stationed in the Panlong Forest!

The red military flag stood upright and was blown by the wind.

Three officers who appeared to be of higher rank came out of a tent somewhere, and scouts came towards them.

"Report, Xing Luo Na is also here!"

"Understood, let's go down."

One of them said that the three of them looked at each other and walked towards an inner tent. When the curtain of the tent was lifted, a guy who looked like a middle-aged man was playing with a little boy in his arms, with a kind look on his face . When the three met, they looked at each other and smiled wryly. This person is the leader of the Five Elements Legion, the strongest person in the Star Luo Empire, the honorary president of the Star Luo Royal Academy, and the ninety-eight-level Super Douluo known as the Qilin, Tong Gefei.

Not long after announcing his newly monogamous wife, he announced that his son, Tong Hang, loved him so much that he even kept him with him, inside the Five Elements Legion.

In this regard, there have been many rumors and words, saying that he forgot to get a wife, and he was a man who raised a mistress.

"Oh, Hang'er is good, hehe...".


"Legion Commander, I have something important to report. There is someone from Xingluo..."

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