Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 362 The Chief Sinner, Zuo Que

In front of Huangou, it was Wei Ben, the infant-eater that the three of them met earlier, who was struggling to deal with it. His goal was to follow Qi Yuanqiu's Yun Xiangluo. His appearance here meant that Qi Yuanqiu and Yun Xiangluo It's not far from here.

Ming Tian looked at Wei Ben in a state of distress, and felt the joy of being vented in his heart. This kind of villain who has no conscience and does many evils deserves to die!

Wei Ben's level of strength is not weak, he has reached the eighty-eighth level of Contra, the baby-eater Wuhun belongs to the ghost type, sensitive attack, extremely bloodthirsty, every soul skill of Wei Ben is also extremely strange, The special attack is powerful, but it is still not enough for ancient soul beasts like Shanghuan Dog.

There are several golden rings around the ring dog. Those golden rings seem to be its ability. At the same time, its body is also an excellent weapon, with sharp claws, thick mane, and ordinary attacks and weapons. It can't hurt it, it is already a soul beast of nearly 100,000 years, and it is a confidant under the hands of the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable. Before it solved Wei Ben, it had already solved several criminals on the sky arrest list after sneaking in. .

It is not easy to run rampant in the territory of the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable. In order to successfully take down the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable, Qi Yuanqiu summoned at least fifty prisoners who were at the top of the list, all of whom were in the previous day. Among the most wanted list, these wanted death row prisoners are all above the level of soul saints. Breaking into the Panlong Forest is also a force that should not be underestimated.

Although many wanted criminals died, the soul beasts also suffered heavy casualties. Seven or eight of the eight-clawed fox master's confidant generals were killed, all of which were soul beasts at the 50,000-year level. , the two sides can be said to have hurt the enemy a thousand, and self-injury eight hundred, neither of them took advantage of the other.

Of course, in terms of background, the Panlong Great Forest is comparable to the Star Dou Great Forest. The 100,000-year-old soul beasts that came out have not yet been seen. Ming Tian believes that it is absolutely impossible for the giant soul beasts in the Panlong Great Forest to sit idly by. , Watching human soul masters massacring in the forest.

"Hmph, if you don't die, you won't die. You have angered the soul beast group in the Panlong Great Forest, and you must be prepared to die. You are so stupid to serve Qi Yuanqiu and die for such a piece of soul bone." It would be foolish to lose your own life!"

Talking sarcasticly, he looked at Wei Ben with a smile. Wei Ben avoided Huangou's attack and said loudly:

"Don't be complacent for too long, who said that the person behind us belongs to Qi Yuanqiu? Could it be that you really thought that it was a soul bone that could make so many people die?"

"When our respected king comes to the mainland again, no one will be his opponent!!"

"Wang? Who is he talking about?"

"It should be the number one existence on the Heaven's Bounty list. Yongsheng is wanted, very mysterious. No one has ever seen him. Fifty years ago, he angered the Wuhun Palace. As for how he angered the Wuhun Palace, I don't know either."

Shi Jiezhan said with lingering fear, there seemed to be such a trace of reverence and reverence in his words?

"Brother, you don't know. The most wanted person on the most wanted list can be said to be the king of all criminals in the world. He is regarded as a god-like existence. If he gives orders, basically everyone will obey them."

"Is it so strong? Then, don't I want to listen to him too?"

"Hehe, it stands to reason that it is true that there are no criminals who don't listen to him, but it doesn't matter."

"They came to the Panlong Great Forest because their king listened to that person's order, so as long as they find that person, they can learn the truth of all this and stop this ridiculous farce."

Ming Tian said thoughtfully, Shi Jiezhan was shocked and said in surprise:

"Brother Mingtian, do you want to find him? But there are rumors in the mainland that no one has seen him yet."

"Since he can cause this incident, it means that he must be somewhere in the Panlong Great Forest.


Looking around the Panlong Great Forest, Mingtian wanted to find out some clues or clues, but the current situation was still confusing.

"Then let's let this guy fend for himself. Let's go. Do you still want to save him? Trouble yourself?"

Tong Yingmeng asked Mingtian, her words already warned Mingtian to ignore Wei Ben and leave quickly.

"There's no rush for now, why don't we take down Wei Ben and find out the whereabouts of Qi Yuanqiu and the others, that's easy!"

Resolutely rejecting Tong Yingmeng's idea, Shi Jiezhan interjected, looking at him, he seemed to be particularly interested in Wei Ben.

Ming Tian was also guilty of stupidity, felt that what Shi Jiezhan said made sense, nodded and said:

"Letting Wei Ben die just like that is meaningless, take him down!!"

"Red dog spirit, I still need two spirit rings."

It turned out that Mingtian had taken a fancy to the ring dog and wanted it to be the eighth soul ring of his first martial soul Chiquan. Tong Yingmeng expressed that he couldn't take these two stinky men.

"I'm really annoyed by you guys. Since you guys want to fight, go by yourself. I'll go after Qi Yuanqiu by myself and meet up later."

She didn't even want to talk to Ming Tian, ​​Tong Yingmeng just went in one direction by herself, obviously angry.

"Hey, Yingmeng!!"

Obviously, this made Tong Yingmeng angry. Mingtian, a big pig, has absolutely no experience with girls. Even so, he never caught up. Shi Jiezhan put his hand on Mingtian's shoulder and said:

"Girl, that's it. Let's get rid of the ring dog quickly. Just take Wei Ben down and catch up. Don't worry, Brother Mingtian. I think with Miss Yingmeng's strength, there shouldn't be any accidents."

Looking at the battle between Huangou and Wei Ben, and then at the direction Tong Yingmeng left, Ming Tian seemed to be having trouble making up his mind.

"Oh, well, let's make it quick!"

With a ferocious aura emanating from his body, Ming Tian directly released the holy angel martial soul, the holy light radiated, and the nine soul rings were astonishing.

"This, this belongs to the Qian Family of the Spirit Hall!!"

When Shi Jiezhan saw Mingtian's Holy Angel Wuhun, he was startled and speechless. The holy angel, the symbol of the most powerful Wuhun on the mainland, symbolizes the most powerful organization on the mainland, the Wuhun Temple ! !

"It's just a fluke to kill a Titled Douluo in the Wuhun Hall. Those with nine spirit rings are all swallowed up."

"Angel Holy Sword! Die to me!!!"

Saying that, in Ming Tian's hand, the angelic holy sword that turned into a long glow like a rainbow was slashed towards Huangou. power attention,

"That is, Holy Angel!!!"

"Did the people from Wuhundian also intervene?"

"Familiar breath, Wuhundian, are we going to meet again? After so many years, don't you guys forget it?"

In the waterfall, an old man sitting cross-legged murmured, as if he was thinking about something.

Suddenly, a figure broke in, breaking his peace here, and a voice sounded:

"Zuo Que, you did a good job! Are you going to turn the Panlong Forest upside down?"

"Slayer Beast, I don't understand what you mean, are you planning to fight with me again?"

"That's right! You caused everything! Everyone came here for you. It's enough to give you face by letting you stay in the waterfall for a few years. I will defeat you sooner or later! A man without a god That’s all God!!”

"No matter what, you won't defeat me, and no one on the mainland will defeat me. Don't you understand? Although I didn't become a god or get the god position, I'm already level 100, level 100, in the mainland The above is already the supreme... ".

With that said, Zuo Que floated up and looked at the Zhan Zhan Beast. The Zhan Zhan Beast felt the strength that had been emanating to suppress him, and his face still changed unsightly.

"Don't be too complacent!! Come on! This time, I will definitely defeat you!!"

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