"Hmph, I'm so angry, men are really unreliable!"

Tong Yingmeng angrily kicked away a small stone at her feet. She left Mingtian by herself. In fact, it was not because she was angry on purpose. She also had her own plan, and it was her own plan. Said, so it must be implemented independently.

Shi Jiezhan had made Ming Tian so confused that he didn't know how to do business, so he knew he was leading him by the nose.

"That Shi Jiezhan has a problem at first glance! I don't think this is his real identity. When using Wuhun, he obviously deliberately concealed something. It can't be seen. Men are really sloppy! Not at all. Don't be careful!"

With Tong Yingmeng's intelligence and carefulness, she quickly saw that Shi Jiezhan had a problem. If she followed Shi Jiezhan, she would definitely be used by him to achieve his vague goals. She, Tong Yingmeng, had always been the only one in disguise. Taking advantage of others, it is still difficult for others to use her.


Suddenly, a burst of coldness broke out on Tong Yingmeng, and her own temperament changed a lot. From a petite and cute appearance, she instantly became a little cold, and her eyes became two pupils of different colors.

Purple, purple, black, black, black, black, and red eight terrifying soul ring ratios were revealed, and with a swipe of Tong Yingmeng's hand, a moon blade slashed towards a certain place.

"Impossible!! Who are you!!"

A high-pitched voice appeared, and a woman just avoided her attack, looking at the super matching soul ring on Tong Yingmeng's body in horror.

There has never been such a terrifying soul ring combination on the mainland. The most powerful known so far is the spirit ring combination of Qian Daoliu of the Wuhun Temple, two yellows, two purples, three blacks, and two reds.

Two 100,000-year soul rings are already the limit of the matching ratio of titled Douluo's soul rings. Before the eighth ring, there were few soul masters who could achieve the ratio of super soul rings. The woman in front of her didn't look big. There is no century-old yellow soul ring, what is the situation? Has there ever been such a genius on the mainland?

Yun Xiangluo was dressed in rags, her body was full of embarrassment, she looked at Tong Yingmeng, breathing unsteadily, she managed to escape from one predicament, but unexpectedly fell into another predicament, the girl in front of her was too weird, although It's eight rings, but the aura it exudes is not weaker than Title Douluo. Could it be that the strength of this little girl has reached the level of Title Douluo?

How should I escape from this girl with a strange soul ring ratio?

"Who? You don't need to know who I am, but you seem to be in a bit of trouble. Are you Yunxiangluo?"

The woman's pupils shrank, and the look of surprise in her eyes was even worse.

"You, how do you know??"

"There are only so many female criminals on the Tianzhi List,

It's easy to guess, and judging by your appearance, it also fits the description in your legend. "

Looking at Yun Xiangluo calmly, she said that Tong Yingmeng's appearance and aura were completely different from her previous appearance. She had completely changed from a simple little girl to a domineering queen who possessed wisdom and inviolability.

"Are you also a person on the Heaven's Bounty List?"

Thinking of something, Yun Xiangluo asked tentatively.

"Criminal? I'm not, just a dead person who should have died long ago."

"It seems that you are in trouble, someone is chasing you?"

"Hmph, I didn't expect Zongheng to be so embarrassing in front of juniors like you in the first life, don't worry about it, if you want to take my life, go to the Wuhun Hall to offer a reward, just come."

The cold tone came from Yun Xiangluo's mouth. She glared at Tong Yingmeng, but she didn't intend to just let Tong Yingmeng take her own life. She was also proud in Yunxiangluo's bones. Moreover, she still has a strong hole card in her hand.

Seemingly seeing what Yun Xiangluo was thinking and what she was going to do, Tong Yingmeng sneered and said:

"I'm not interested in your life yet, but you are of some use to me."

"Tell me what you know, everything about this Panlong Great Forest."

Looking at Tong Yingmeng in surprise, Yun Xiangluo rolled her eyes, as if weighing something, said:

"I was following Qi Yuanqiu, when suddenly a group of spirit beasts attacked us, and I was targeted by a spirit beast. It was not a problem to deal with that spirit beast with my strength, but a villain attacked me. Rang and Ge Congzhou, I will kill them sooner or later!!"

"Shang Rang, Ge Congzhou?"

"So it's those two lewd thieves who ran rampant across the mainland?"

"Hey, sister Xiangluo, where are you going? It's almost night, the night is long, don't you want to play with us?"

An evil voice sounded from the forest, and two particularly wretched figures came over. A soul master's tongue was already long and his mouth was open, sticking out, dragging on the ground, and another soul master had a strange Yu ordinary people's lifeblood is exposed to the outside like that, and they don't hide it at all, they are ashamed.

The main body martial soul, tongue and life root are really the most wonderful martial souls, none of them.

It is even the most disgusting Wuhun in the mainland, and the tongue is actually acceptable, but Ge Congzhou's lifeblood as a Wuhun is really the number one person on the mainland. The awakening of Ge Congzhou gave Ge Congzhou an extreme desire for women. His martial arts cultivation is also quite strange. He needs to have intercourse with various women to practice cultivation. He is also obscene, and few women like him. The characteristics brought to him by the soul made him embark on the path of crime. So far, he has persecuted many women, and they are of all ages and types. If the other party is particularly powerful, it will be especially helpful to him .

This time they followed Qi Yuanqiu into the Panlong Great Forest, and they met very few women, only Yunxiangluo was a woman, so the two of them took advantage of Yunxiangluo's singleness to plot against her.

"Trust us, we will make you feel unparalleled happiness, so you surrender to us and get sublimated, hehehe..."

The two followed Yun Xiangluo's scent and saw Tong Yingmeng. The cool aura and strong strength exuded from Tong Yingmeng made them stare at her fiercely as if they had seen a delicious prey.

"It's so fragrant, so fragrant, what kind of smell is this, how can there be such a unique thing..."

Looking at Tong Yingmeng, Ge Congzhou's saliva almost flowed out, even onto the ground.

"Hahahaha, this trip was worthwhile, this trip was worthwhile!"

"Beauty, come and accompany our brothers, don't be so stern, we will make you want to stop later!!"

"The sixth soul skill, tongue rolling!"

"The seventh soul skill, Martial Soul Avatar!"

"Sixth soul skill, loose liquid!"

"Hee hee, if it sticks to it, no matter who it is, it will become extremely craving for some kind of desire."

"Be careful! Don't get caught!!"

Yun Xiangluo reminded anxiously.

"Hmph, I haven't paid attention to the two thieves."

"Yes, that's the way it is, no matter how disdainful or indifferent, it will be fun when you let loose later, hahaha!!"

"The eighth soul skill!!"

"Crazy Moon Vine Kill!!"

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