Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 366 A Thought I Never Considered

The whistling wind seemed to fill the sky with endless winds. In this strange wind, everything could not be spared. Countless trees were forced to collapse, and a dense forest area was instantly collapsed into flat ground. There seemed to be monsters in the wind. The sound of the beast sounded like a scream of excitement.

The kingdom of the wind is all wind, and all creatures on the ground can't stand on their feet, and it's as cold as a knife.

"What a strong wind and strength!! Hey, can you hear me??"

Zuo Jishan yelled at Wei Ben who was blown to the side, Wei Ben is in a rather embarrassing situation now, he released his martial soul, his martial soul is a green baby demon in the shape of a human, and the eight soul rings are shining alternately, The Qingying Yao's two arms turned into two pairs of spikes, and it ruthlessly plunged into the ground, maintaining its grip.

In fact, Zuo Jishan's condition is not good either. His movement to maintain his figure in the wind is very strange, as if he did a push-up movement, lying tightly on his stomach, sticking to the ground, he doesn't know what ability he used.

Huangou's body lay quietly on the ground, its blood donation had dried up, Ming Tian grabbed the hair of Huangou's body, hid under Huangou's head, looked at the sky, and wanted to find the driver behind these winds.

"Baqi, Yaqi Orochi, where are you? I can already smell your breath, are you here, why, old friend, come over, don't you see me?"

A tornado appeared between the sky and the earth. Inside the tornado, there appeared a pair of bewitching eyes and a semicircular mouth. The sound seemed to come from there.

"What?? It's coming for you?"

Asking about the soul beast Yamata no Orochi in his body, Ming Tian said in surprise that this powerful soul beast was still attracted by them.

"Smelly mouse, did you smell me? Your nose is sensitive enough."

Yamata no Orochi laughed in Ming Tian's body, but Ming Tian didn't have such a good attitude as Yamata no Orochi, and complained:

"If I had known earlier, I would not have used all your related abilities. I thought that the soul beasts on the mainland should not be familiar with you, so I have no scruples about using Tian Congyun and Prison Dragon Po. This Panlong Forest is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Ah, there are million-year-old soul beasts."

"No, the weasel does not belong to the Panlong Great Forest, nor does it even belong to your continent. As for why it appeared here, I don't know. It's interesting. If you investigate carefully, you might be able to find some clues."

"Hey, now is obviously not the time to talk about these things!! Million-year-old soul beasts, how should we get away..."

"If it can't find my aura, it will leave. Or, lure it away. Just now you used the Prison Dragon Breaker to expose the location. That's why it hovers and stays here."

"Come out!!! Baqi, I know you are here, come out and fight me to the death!!"

The black tornado is moving on the ground, and there seems to be something on the top of the tornado. Itachi, the Kamao wind god, turned his eyes and searched the ground, with two more wind balls in his hand, and kept throwing the hurricane balls out. , bombarding the surroundings.

"Damn, where did you go? Why can't I find it again?"

"Huh? Isn't this the number one ring dog under Bajiaohu Zun's hands? He was killed by someone, could it be Baqi..."

Noticing the huge ring dog's body on the ground, Kamafengshen Itachi looked at where the ring dog was, Ming Tian only felt the hairs all over his body standing on end, the threat of death! ! He felt the threat of death. He was not his sister Mingxue. He had once fought against the soul of a million years and killed it directly. It was luck that he got the sacrifice of Yaqi snake. As a ten thousand year level soul beast, Mingtian is not sure that he will be able to survive from the hands of the god of sickle and wind.

"What should I do? If I can't beat him, I can only run away. I hope he won't come over to check on the ring dog's body."

Ming Tian, ​​who was hiding under the ring dog, prayed.


Just playing with Kamikaze Itachi and leaning over,

When checking the situation of the ring dog, a more mournful cry sounded from the east. Itachi Kamikaze noticed it and looked slightly sideways.

"That direction is the Eight-clawed Fox Lord. Are you having trouble dealing with a few human soul masters? It's really useless, even a few humans can't solve it."

"Scythe Weasel!!"

A call sounded from one side of the sky, and a huge and graceful sky bird flew to the side of Kamikaze Itachi, and the voice that came out was a female voice.

Another soul beast of at least 100,000 years old! !

"Extreme Emperor Bell Bird, what's the matter? I have something to do, so don't hinder me."

"The fox is in trouble, we need to support it."

"Hey, the Eight-clawed Fox Lord can't even beat a few humans. It's really hopeless. Is it not enough to have you? I am not under the control of your Panlong Great Forest. You can't order me."

"Indeed, I can't order you, but the situation over there is a bit special. The humans who pose a threat to the Eight-clawed Fox Lord seem to be a little powerful."

"That guy from Zuo Que?"

"There is a battle beast looking at Zuo Que, he can't come out, and he never comes out, it seems to be someone else,"

"God-level, there are no god-level people on this continent."

"Forget it, let you go and have a look. If there is no one I am interested in, I will leave. You have to help me find the trace of Yamata no Orochi."

Following the departure of the Emperor Bellbird, the area returned to calm, the wind dissipated, and the previous disaster-like scene disappeared.

Under the ring dog, Ming Tian let out a long breath, as if he had recovered his life after a catastrophe, and came back to life.

After struggling to crawl out from under Huangou's corpse, Ming Tian carefully looked around, Wei Ben and Zuo Jishan didn't know where they were blown by the wind.

"Brother Jiezhan! Where are you?"

Calling all around, Ming Tian walked into the woods that hadn't been destroyed. If they weren't in the open space, they must have hid in the forest that hadn't been affected.

Sure enough, after shouting for a while, Zuo Jishan, who was pretending to be Shi Jiezhan, responded to Ming Tian, ​​and came out with Wei Ben from a forest.

"Brother Mingtian, we are here, we are not dead yet, oh, it's too terrifying, the ultimate wind, the momentum just now should be a hundred thousand year soul beast, or even a fierce beast with more than two hundred thousand years, I didn't expect This kind of existence still exists in the Panlong Great Forest, this time it can be regarded as experience."

Hearing what Zuo Jishan said, Mingtian smiled, he should not tell them that the other party is a million-year-level soul beast, otherwise they will be scared to doubt life.

"Did the soul beast leave just now? I heard the voice of the fox. It must be that something went wrong with the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable, so that's why I led that soul beast over."

Wei Ben stroked his beard and analyzed, Mingtian looked at him a little unkindly, but he was not afraid of Mingtian anymore, and smiled dryly at him.

"Don't look at me like that, I think I'm still useful to you, but I underestimated you before, tsk tsk, what a powerful ability, I remembered, your mother has the same ability as you, devouring right?"

"Hmph, yes, so you still have some eyesight."

"After all, I also stayed in your Holy Spirit Church for a while. You are a child of Mingjue, and your mother is Youhuamo. I remember you have a little sister."

When Mingxue was mentioned, Mingtian seemed to be offended to Nilin, and said to Wei Ben angrily, exuding murderous aura.

"Old thief, I still remember the things you did back then, don't remind me of unpleasant memories."

"No, no, no, I think you misunderstood me. I didn't mean what you thought. Your little sister was not simple. She was only four or five years old at the time. Her expression and eyes actually had eyes that even scared me , it seems that there is a poisonous snake hidden in her body, once it grows up, it will shock the world."

It was Kua Mingxue who changed his ways, but Mingtian was not happy, and when Mingxue was mentioned, he would think of what Wei Miaoyue said to him.

"My sister is already dead..."

"Is that so? What a pity, since you are alive, why don't you revive the Holy Spirit Church? What are you doing here?"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Holy Spirit Cult, you are the only surviving member of the Holy Spirit Cult. Now that you have grown to the title of Douluo, there are very few people on the mainland who can fight against you. Since you have reached this point now, why don't you raise the banner and start over again?" Establish the Holy Spirit Church and reproduce the glory of the Holy Spirit Church?"

"If you want to start, Wei Ben is willing to follow the left and right, to reproduce the power of my Holy Spirit, to let the evil soul masters return to the mainland, to let the Holy Spirit unify and rule the world!!"

Respectfully bowing to Ming Tian, ​​Wei Ben spoke very sincerely without any falsehood, but Ming Tian opened his eyes wide, as if he heard something strange.

"You, what are you talking about, establishing the Holy Spirit Church and unifying the mainland?"

"Isn't it enough that the evil soul masters are rejected by the people on the mainland? Haven't the disasters brought by the Holy Spirit Sect been enough? Establishing the Holy Spirit Sect is a fantasy. What we need to do is not to change the evil that the evil soul masters have brought to people. Impression, let people accept evil soul masters?".

"Hehe, the establishment of the Holy Spirit Church is ridiculous, too ridiculous. The establishment of the Holy Spirit Church will attract everyone's crusade and infamy. I, I can't do it..."

"I never thought about it...

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