Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 367 The Two People Who Go Away in Opposite Ways

Unwilling to face it, and not knowing the truest thoughts in his heart, Wei Ben's words pointed out the deepest doubts and escapes in Ming Tian's heart. Looking at Ming Tian's wide-open eyes, Wei Ben It seems to understand something, a fact that everyone gradually ignores.

Evil Soul Master, Holy Spirit Sect, these two labels were almost forgotten by Ming Tian as he gradually grew up. From the moment he was slaughtered in the village and left to venture out, he lost the environment in which he grew up in evil .

Yan taught him friendship and made him realize the beauty brought by friends. Yan Qingwan brought him the first and most beautiful love, which occupied his heart at the beginning, so that he didn't know how to face other friends. The girl he likes, whether it's Xu Xuan, Tong Yingmeng, or someone else, very few people treat him as a heinous evil soul master, except for Yanwei and Wuhundian.

Everyone is too kind to Mingtian, and Mingtian has seen the gentle side of the world. The evil spirit and resentment in his bones are all purified by the gentleness brought to him by others. It is impossible for him to become black, nor can he become heinous , and can't do those insane things, the so-called Mingtian woman's benevolence, she thinks too well. After being a normal person for a long time, it is impossible for him to be like an evil soul master, and it is impossible for him to be like Zhonglisu. Become an iron-blooded hero.

Ming Tian will not be a good leader, nor will he be a villain. He represents the best and most gentle side of human nature. Such a person, the Holy Spirit Sect is the last person to survive.

"Hehe, I thought that when I saw you, I thought there was still hope for the revival of the Holy Spirit Cult, but I didn't expect to see the despair that the Holy Spirit Cult would never appear again. Brother Zhongli, the Holy Spirit has been destroyed long ago, not by the Spirit Hall. , but by the heart, by the most tender heart in the world.”

Wei Ben couldn't help but smile, looked at Ming Tian's puzzled eyes, bowed and saluted and said:

"In any case, please remember that you are a person taught by the Holy Spirit. Even if you have no plans to restore the Holy Spirit Church, the influence of the Holy Spirit Church is still there. As long as you want, you can still call a group of unscrupulous people with your identity." Small fans, Wei Ben will also follow."

"I'll take you there, Qi Yuanqiu."

Taking Ming Tian and the others to the place where Qi Yuanqiu and the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable fought, Wei Ben's expectations for Ming Tian have been mostly dampened.

"Perhaps it hasn't reached the end of the mountain. It seems that there is a mysterious Holy Spirit Sect on the mainland..."


"Is this the Holy Spirit Sect run by Sister Mingtian?"

Somewhere in the hidden place of the Star Luo Empire, the evil seeds are still brewing and sprouting in the dark, and they will not disappear. When they reappear before the eyes of the world, they will still bring terrifying nightmares.

When Mingxue was brought back to the Holy Spirit Sect by Long Jinyue, the whole sect wondered why Long Jinyue brought back a strange woman,

Rather than their powerful and skillful suzerain.

In order to stabilize the hearts of the sect, Long Jinyue did not have the fact that Mingxue may have died. She also believed that Mingxue was not dead, but was trapped somewhere, and she would come back to lead the Holy Spirit Sect again and dominate the mainland.

So she found an excuse to let the disciples of the sect settle down, and let Mingxue, who had the same name, temporarily take over the power of the Holy Spirit Sect and manage the Holy Spirit Sect.

With her and Lu Qing, Lin Xiangyue, and Lian Ke four titled Douluo sitting in the township, they quickly suppressed those with evil intentions, and Xiao Xiao, they were all looking forward to Mingxue and believed that Mingxue would come back.

In addition, during the time they left the sect, apart from the sect's steady progress as usual, there were successive breakthroughs by relatively excellent disciples, and Qi Tong, Lan Xuguo and others also gradually broke through to Title Douluo.

After Mingxue of the Bianhua Wuhun came to the Holy Spirit Sect, he was soon overwhelmed by this powerful sect. The monsters with unlimited potential and rich resources were all plundered from the dark palace. The strong heritage of the palace contributed to the later growth of the Holy Spirit Sect.

And the woman who created all this is Ming Tian's sister Ming Xue, who has the same name as Ming Xue of the Bianhua Wuhun, but she feels that there is too much difference between her and Ming Tian's sister.

With a heroic appearance, powerless vision and strength, does such a woman really exist? !

With such ability, she doesn't believe that Mingxue will die easily in Gaotianyuan, she will come back, and she has a premonition that when Mingxue returns to the mainland again, no one will be able to defeat her.

"It's completely two extremes with Mingtian. I don't know how Mingtian will feel when he knows what his sister has done?"

"They are completely like two extremes. They will only get farther and farther away from each other on the road of persistence, and they will run in opposite directions. In the end, they will face each other with swords and swords, and maybe they will kill each other! What will happen if they meet?"

Thinking of this situation, Mingxue even started to feel a headache for them.

"Sovereign, please don't be too casual on the throne, you have to pay attention to your manners."

Long Jinyue came over to remind him.

"Oh, I see."

Seeing Long Jinyue, Mingxue of the Bianhua Wuhun was still obedient, and immediately sat upright like a well-behaved student.

"Hey, we've been back for so long, and you still don't get used to it, and you don't know when the suzerain will come back."

"I will come back! After I learned about what she did, I felt that she must be not an ordinary person, and she would not die so easily."

"That's not what worries me."

"what is that?"

"It's been a bit uneasy recently. The people from Wuhundian seem to be hunting us all the time. Our hiding place may not be safe. If they come to the door, it will be bad if the suzerain is not here."

"If it doesn't work in the end, you can only die in place of the suzerain."

Long Jinyue said quietly, Mingxue's face immediately turned green.

"Uh, that's not the case, let's think of a way soon..."

"Yes, please also order the sect master to summon the disciples of the sect to discuss the future. You can say what you can, and you can raise any ideas. I will be by your side and remind you, don't say anything strange! "



The chaotic Panlong Forest is like a game of chess with an uncertain situation. No one knows how the game will develop and what kind of ending it will lead to. Just like a game of chess, sometimes a small and inconspicuous piece may change. The direction of the whole chess game leads to an unexpected ending.

Hao Sixing got lost, which was something he had never thought about. For some reason, the spirit beasts in the Panlong Great Forest suddenly rioted. Many powerful spirit beasts attacked humans directly. Hao Sixing avoided many spirit beasts in succession. He ran away in a hurry, and even got injured, so he had no choice but to avoid and run to the edge.

He was holding a pentagonal contact soul guide in his hand, which he used to communicate with Tong Yingmeng, but the soul guide had never sounded, and he didn't know what was going on with them.

Stopping by a tree, he was almost out of strength, and his soul power had become extremely scarce. If another soul beast came over now, he might not be able to stop it.

But there will be no more, he has been running to the north of the Panlong Great Forest, and he has almost reached the northern border of the Panlong Great Forest.


The sound of empty water came to his ears, and when he heard the sound of water, he raised his head suddenly.

What is the sound of water here? This is...

He tried his best to move his steps forward, and soon the trees became sparse, and there was a steep cliff under his feet, and there was a lapping tide under the cliff. In front of Hao Sixing, there was a sea!

The sea, the boundless blue ocean.

"Northern coastline! I have reached the northernmost end of Panlong Great Forest!!"

This is the northernmost point of the Panlong Great Forest, and it is also the northeast corner of the mainland.

How many people have seen the magnificent and turbulent ocean scene in this life?

Attracted by the magnificent scenery in front of him, Hao Sixing watched, but there was a faint boat coming towards him on the coastline in the distance.

Boat? Why is there a boat here?

The boat driving on the waves looks like a huge monster, and at the bow, a strange grimace laughs...

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