Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 368 The Battle of Ten Thousand Year Soul Beasts

On the vast sea, there is a huge ship driving on the sea. The ship is quite strange. There is a grimace on the bow smiling sinisterly, like a strange soul beast.

This is not a mirage-like scene. Hao Sixing looked incredulously at a place far away from the north coast of the Panlong Great Forest. The remote northeast corner of the mainland, the northern part of the Panlong Forest?

The ocean is wider than the mainland. The empires and people on the mainland have been closed for too long. They have never explored overseas and tried to conquer the sea. The ocean is still mysterious and awe-inspiring to them.

"Oh~ here we are, is this land?"

On the bow of the ghost ship, a guy who looks like a human but a bit like a monster looks at the Douluo Continent in the distance, with a sneer of disdain on his face.

"Land, where there is land, there will be human beings, civilization, plunder and defeat them, and we can have a new home and residence,"

A woman with white hair, antlers and strange eyes, extremely indifferent, who looked like a monster, came to the guy at the bow and said.

"Do you want to speed up? Take the opportunity to land."

"Don't worry, we can't cause too much commotion, after all, we don't understand this continent."

The female monster covered her right eye with one hand, and slowly moved away. Those right eyes gradually became different, as if she could see things far away.

what does it feel like what does it feel like Why is there a sense of panic being stared at by the god of death, someone is watching him, who is it? ?

Could it be that ship?

Hao Sixing looked in the direction of Yuanhai in horror, there seemed to be a terrifying murderous aura emanating from it, the murderous aura permeated his whole body, he wanted to escape, he didn't want to stay here anymore.

"Huh? There are humans, it seems that he discovered it."

Talking thoughtfully indifferently, the banshee picked up a bow from her back. The body of the bow was red, and two pieces of white cloth were wrapped around it. The place where the bow and arrow were attached was black.

"There is only one, just kill it."


He sneered extremely contemptuously, and a long and thin weapon was placed on the bow, like a knife, with a sharp blade that reflected light.



From such a distance, even on the sea, with the sea breeze,

The waves and wind affected the factors, but the woman still opened the bow confidently, as if she would definitely kill the unlucky human being on the top of the coastal cliff once she shot it.

Above the Panlong Great Forest, itachi suddenly turned his head and looked towards the northernmost point, his eyes showed surprise and shock, and there was even a trace of fear.

"Who?? This feeling, could it be..."

It became a little flustered as if it noticed something incredible.

"Extreme Emperor, you go to help Master Fox first, there are changes on the north coast, I'll go and see!"

As he said that, a gust of wind blew up, and the weasel, the sickle wind god, Yufeng headed towards the northernmost end of the Panlong Great Forest at a high speed, and even the extremely emperor bell bird who was left on the spot looked bewildered.

what happened this is


The corpse, Hao Sixing, who was nailed to the tree trunk through his throat, has become a cold corpse. His eyes are wide open, and his eyes are still looking at the distant sea in disbelief. His throat has been pierced and blood is flowing.

The weapon that had shot him before was back in the banshee's hands.

"Sister Suzuka is still so powerful. I don't know if there are any big monsters or powerful guys on this continent. If they are too weak, then it will be boring, hehe."

"Go at full speed, land by sea, ghost ship!"

The male demon said with a proud face, but the female demon, whom he called Suzuka's sister, felt something for a moment, and immediately changed his face and called him to stop.

"Dayue Maru, stop the ghost ship, there are enemies!!"

In an instant, the advancing ghost ship stopped, and Dayue Maru also felt the aura emanating from the high-level soul beast.

The evil wind was blowing violently, causing the waves to roll, and the clouds were densely covered. Kamafengshen Itachi was in the middle of the eye of the wind, looking at the ghost ship approaching the mainland, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"Million-year-level soul beasts? Are you from other places?"

"Oh, I didn't expect there to be such a guy in this continent. It seems to be a wind demon."

"Hello, my name is Dayake Maru, who are you? Are you the master of this continent?"

With the eight-foot Qionggouyu slung on his shoulders, Dayakemaru looked at Kamikaze Itachi and asked.

"Dayake Maru? Siren?"

"I haven't seen you in the past dynasties. Are you from Tian Miji's subordinates?"

It’s okay if I don’t mention it, when it comes to Mirage, Dayake Maru and Suzuka Gozen showed angry expressions on their faces. Mirage is the seventh generation Lord of Chasing the Sky. , Gu You asked this question. But the other two are not. It is precisely because of Mirage that their homes were destroyed, so they had to rely on a ghost ship and drifted into the sea. Hearing the tone of Kamikaze Itachi, it seemed that they knew Mirage. How could they not be angry?

"Mirage Ji, we don't know each other well, and acquaintance is also an enemy relationship. If you know Mirage Ji and are very familiar with her, then you are our enemy!"


The quick-tempered Dayake Maru swung the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, a divine weapon, and cut out a wave, which rushed into the wind layer of the sky, and slashed towards Kamikaze God Itachi.

"Damn it, it looks like they have a grudge with Mirage Ji, the mainland is already in chaos enough, and if they get close to the mainland, it will become a mess."

"Brat, with me here today, you don't want to get close to the mainland, the wind snake drives the dance!!"

The weasel, the god of sickle wind, controls the strong wind, and the wind forms a ferocious snake shape, which is to kill Shanglang.

"Dare to call me a brat, skunk, kill me!!"

The movement of two million-year-level soul masters can be described as devastating. Itachi gradually took the initiative to come to Dayakemaru and the others. With the help of the sea, countless waves were rolled up, intending to destroy the ghost ship. Overturned.

"Don't let them get close to the mainland, hey, just block them here. This guy's strength is about eight million years old, which is infinitely close to the ten-million-year-level Chasing Heaven level. And that banshee seems to be stronger than him. It's still powerful, but why didn't she make a move??"

Seeing the fight between the two of them, Suzuka Gozen seemed to have other plans. She looked into the mainland, thinking that there are million-year-level soul beasts in this continent, and will there be stronger ones in the future? The reason why she Standing still is just being on guard.

What disappoints Suzuka Gozen is that she thought too much. Itachi Kamikaze is aware of them. They are all lucky in the mainland. , only to fight against them, and there are not many others who can fight with them.

But it doesn't mean that no one has noticed them. Itachi Kamikaze made the noise a little louder on purpose, exuding breath, and some strong people still sensed it.

In the Five Elements Army camp, in the main camp, Lingxie Douluo Wu Yingbing, who was closing her eyes, opened her eyes in an instant, and looked to the north in surprise.

"How is it possible? This breath..."

"Your Majesty Lingxie, could this be..."

Tong Gefei on the side also noticed it, but his feeling was not as strong as that of Wu Yingbing.

"Don't move, I'll go and have a look!!"

Saying that, Wu Yingbing disappeared in place in an instant.

Similarly, in the flower waterfall of the Panlong Great Forest, Zuo Que once again defeated the Slayer Beast. The Slaughter Beast was a little unwilling. The next moment, one person and one beast looked at the northernmost end of the Panlong Great Forest at the same time.

"It's such a terrifying breath, who is Kamikaze Itachi fighting against?"

"At least it's a soul beast of the same level as Kamikaze Itachi, and even a little bit stronger than him."

Zuo Que said.

"Millions of years??"

"This is terrible, why are there millions of year-old soul beasts haunting them?"

"Ku Zhan, go and have a look, and help Sickle Fengshen Itachi, I'm afraid it's in trouble."

"Hey, is there a mistake? You want me to fight a million-year-level soul beast?"

"I can't leave here. If you don't go, if the Kamafeng God Itachi fails, the mainland may suffer disaster! I'm not scaremongering!"

"I can't do it alone. It seems that I have to use the hidden power of the Panlong Great Forest. Damn, there was nothing wrong with the Panlong Great Forest before. Why are there so many things recently? It's like the forest brings disaster!"

"Ah Choo—"

Ming Tian sneezed fiercely, sniffled and said:

"Who's talking about me? Someone must be talking bad about me behind my back."

"Having said that, I am a little concerned, Baqi, is something wrong at the northern end of the forest, why do I feel uneasy?"

Turning his head to look towards the northernmost end of the Panlong Great Forest, Mingtian's eyes flashed a deep worry.

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