Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 369 A Wrong Encounter

Soldiers began to be transferred from the legion camp one after another. Tong Gefei ordered the soldiers under his command to step up the search for criminals in the Panlong Great Forest. At the same time, the elites were gradually transferred to the northern part of the Panlong Great Forest. The feeling is getting stronger and stronger, as if something big is about to happen.

"Song Ceming, Zheng Boqi, Hao Sixing, Huo Miao and the others haven't sent any news yet? Damn, what are these guys doing? It's embarrassing to the Five Elements Legion that they didn't bring these criminals to justice. , must be dealt with by military law!"

"Chen Feiyuan, where is Chen Feiyuan? Call him and let him lead the army!"

He said to the soldiers around him, and the soldiers bowed their hands towards Tong Gefei, and said with some fear:

"Army, regiment commander, General Chen hasn't seen anyone for a while, I guess, maybe he's still angry..."

"Angry? These brats, is it time to be angry? Find him quickly!"

With a wave of his big hand, he ordered to the soldiers, the soldiers did not dare to neglect, and hurried to find Chen Feiyuan, Tong Gefei rubbed his temples with some sorrow, his temples throbbed suddenly, as if his thoughts were disturbed, and he always felt that he had forgotten something , making him uneasy.

"Report, report to the army commander, I went to search the gate of General Chen Feiyuan's camp, but there was no movement of him at all, as if he had never been back."

"What? This bastard, where did he go again? The enemy is now..."

The missing Chen Feiyuan made him uneasy. Suddenly, he seemed to remember some key point, his eyes widened in vain, realizing what he had been forgetting all along.

"Damn it, Tong Hang! Terrible!"

"Quick! Follow me to the Tonghang camp!"

Hurriedly going to his youngest son's camp, Tong Gefei's uneasiness was rapidly intensifying, and he led people to Tong Hang's camp, and he hurriedly entered, shouting:

"Hanger? Hanger?!"

No one was there, Tong Hang's camp was empty, Tong Gefei's eyes widened, his heart was filled with anger, and he became flustered at the same time, this is the youngest son he managed to raise! As an existence like a jewel in the palm of his hand, if this disappears, it will kill him!

"Where did you go? Where did Hang'er go! You bunch of useless things, didn't you take a good look at Tong Hang?"

The missing Tong Hang and Chen Feiyuan recalled the gloomy look in Chen Feiyuan's eyes when he left him, Tong Gefei didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Look for it!! Turn the entire Panlong Great Forest upside down and find Hang'er!! Did you hear that! As for Chen Feiyuan, take it down if you see it, it doesn't matter if it's a corpse, go! Go! Go! !!"


Responding to the orderly voices of the soldiers, they walked into the Panlong Forest in an orderly manner.

But the Panlong Great Forest is so big, it is not easy to find someone, let alone the current Panlong Great Forest is extremely dangerous.

"Please, Hang'er, don't worry, Dad will find you soon."

"The rest of the people, all get out of camp and follow me to the northern coast!"

The mighty army went according to the task one after another, and the situation in the Panlong Great Forest inside also began to become treacherous and unpredictable.

The little Tong Hang didn't realize that his running out to play without permission had brought a lot of trouble to his father. He chased the strange grass that could walk in front of him without feeling tired at all.

During the whole process, Chen Feiyuan followed behind him, constantly changing his mind, hesitating and struggling.

It can be said that the culprits of all are Tong Hang and her mother, which made Tong Gefei indifferent to Tong Yingmeng's whereabouts, and even judged that they are completely dead, but he believes that Tong Yingmeng is not dead, if it is not Tonghang and Yingmeng won't...

"It's all because of Tong Hang,

If I kill him, or threaten Tong Gefei one by one to ask him to continue to pay attention to the whereabouts of Sister Yingmeng..."

It is difficult for Chen Feiyuan to get rid of this thought in his heart. He never thought that such an evil thought would arise in his heart. Wouldn't he be the same as those vicious criminals? To actually attack a child, he has always regarded himself as a righteous person, and he has never even used despicable methods such as sneak attacks. As a soldier, he has his pride, but the thought of attacking Tong Hang is like a ghost in his mind Generally lingering.

"No, no, it can't be like this. If I attack Tong Hang, what will happen to me, but..."

Chen Feiyuan shook his head, but when he thought of Tong Yingmeng, the face of the girl he liked, and the deep disdain in Tong Gefei's eyes when he mentioned Tong Yingmeng and her mother...

"Uh, Tong Gefei, if you want to blame, I blame you for being too ungrateful, too cold-blooded and cruel. I am doing this for Suyue's crown, and also to make you understand your mistakes!"

When people do crazy things beyond reason, they will always find some excuses that make them feel at ease, so that they will not feel so guilty when committing crimes. Gradually, when they come out of their hiding places, Chen Feiyuan's face has turned black and ferocious, Looking at Tong Hang, Tong Hang was carefully observing the grass that had stopped walking in front of him, he didn't notice the danger behind him at all, and realized that he was about to fall into the hands of the devil.

"If you want to blame it, blame your father!!"

Stretching out his hands, Chen Feiyuan stretched out towards Tong Hang's neck like a pinch, and just as he was about to grab Tong Hang, there was a sound from the woods in front of them.

"Here it is!! The Holy Soul Grass is just ahead!!"

Du Hunsi held the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product, and shouted excitedly, several figures appeared in front of Tong Hang and Chen Feiyuan, Tong Hang was startled, he grabbed the Holy Soul Grass, fell to the ground, looked at the sudden Three strange people appeared, and their sights and gazes were always on the holy soul grass in his hand.

It turns out that this walking grass is the legendary holy soul grass.

"Give it to me, Holy Soul Grass!"

Realizing that the other party is just a child, and Chen Feiyuan is alone, they have a Title Douluo and two Contras here, and they are not afraid at all. Du Hunsi was overjoyed to see the Holy Soul Grass, how could the Holy Soul Grass Get out of sight?

"Wait a minute! Who are you!?"

Standing in front of Tong Hang, Chen Feiyuan's martial soul was revealed, and the eight best-matched soul rings emerged, and the Wuhun Wufeng ink sword was in his hand. His martial soul is a weapon martial soul, the best sword martial soul, and the black sword has no front, but it exudes a threatening aura.

At the critical moment, he chose to stand in front of Tong Hang.

"You don't care who we are, get out of the way!"

The imposing Poison Soul Death yelled at Chen Feiyuan, and the terrifying soul ring ratio on his body emerged, firmly suppressing Chen Feiyuan, and his big hand passed over Chen Feiyuan to lift Tong Hang up.

"Ahhh!! What are you doing, help! General Chen, save me!"

Tong Hang, who was mentioned by Duhunshi, struggled, but Duhunshi didn't care about it, and took the holy soul grass from Tonghang's hand, and handed it to Mengshenji.

"The item is in hand, give it to brother Qianji quickly, he is too weak, time is running out."

Seeing that the Holy Soul Grass was so easy to obtain, Mengshenji was overjoyed, and hurriedly opened the wishful treasure bag that Dugu Bo gave them that could hold living things. Mengqianji's weak soul appeared, and Mengshenji fed it to Mengqianji road:

"Here you have it, Qianji, eat it quickly."

"I didn't expect it to be so easy. Hahahaha, this forest is a bit uneven. Let's go as soon as we get it. We'll just get rid of these two guys."

Looking at Chen Feiyuan and Tong Hang, the poisonous soul was murderous, but they saw them, and they had to be dealt with in order to hide their whereabouts.

"Let go of the young master! Do you know who he is? He is the son of Tong Gefei, who is now under the crown of Qilin! If you dare to touch him, you will die!"

Chen Feiyuan tried to scare them with this. The Five Elements Legion was in the Panlong Great Forest. He secretly pressed the unique connection soul guide between their five personal guards. As long as there is one person nearby this pentagonal soul guide, any Anyone can receive it.

"Ding Ding!!"


Tong Yingmeng saw the contact soul guide Hao Sixing gave him light up, does it mean that Hao Sixing is nearby?

"What's wrong?"

Yun Xiangluo beside him asked.

"It seems that someone I know is nearby. It's quite close. Let's go and have a look."

"Okay, this place is not far from the inside of the Panlong Great Forest."

"Tong Gefei's son?!"

Poison Soul's tone was a bit weird, looking at Chen Feiyuan, his face did not feel fear because of it, but instead became pleasantly surprised.

"Hahahahahahahaha, there is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it. The way of heaven is reincarnation. God forgive anyone. Tong Gefei's son finally fell into my hands, haha."

"Boy, I also want to thank you. Do you know who I am? I am a poisonous soul, and I have a feud with Tong Gefei. His son fell into my hands. I will take revenge on Tong Gefei and let him know The price for offending me."

The proud Du Hunsi didn't notice a sneer on Chen Feiyuan's face, as if it was his intention to reveal Tong Hang's identity.

"If you kill the son, you will wait for the general's anger. If you kill the son of Tong Gefei, you will die without a place to die!!"

Roaring towards Duhunsi, trying to anger Duhunshi with this, yes, that's it, if you kill Tong Hang, he won't have to pay any price and charges, and he can also get the reputation of protecting the son, it's a one-shot So much, he wanted to laugh, but not yet.

"Oh? I would like to know how Tong Gefei made me die without a place to bury him!".

Du Hun said with a smile, just as he was about to kill Tong Hang, a cold woman's voice sounded.

"I am the only one who killed Tong Gefei's son. Give that child to me!!"

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