Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 370 Sickness...

The icy aura is like a sword qi pressing towards Duhunshi, and the woman's voice is also cold, sounding very indifferent. Feeling this aura, even with Duhunshi's cultivation base, I still feel a little fear, like being secretly The poisonous snakes in the place stare at the same.

The sky gradually darkened, and in the forest on one side, two women appeared in front of them. Tong Yingmeng's face was gloomy, like a deadpan, cold-blooded killer, with sickly eyes looking at Tong in the hands of the poisonous soul. Hang, Tong Hang couldn't help shivering all over his body, he was so frightened that he peed directly.

"Firefly, Firefly, sister Yingmeng??!!"

"You, you are still alive, are you still alive? You are really Sister Yingmeng, you are still alive!!!"

Chen Feiyuan was a little familiar when he heard Tong Yingmeng's voice, and couldn't help but think about her. When the real Tong Yingmeng appeared in front of him, he couldn't help but the hairs all over his body stood on end, and he looked at the girl in front of him in disbelief. People, when you think that a person is dead and leaves you, and she appears in front of you alive, how can it not be exciting? In particular, Chen Feiyuan has always been haunted by Tong Yingmeng, thinking day and night, and now seeing that Tong Yingmeng is really not dead, standing in front of him, Chen Feiyuan is so excited that he seems to have received a great gift, his hands trembling , looking at her in place, Tong Yingmeng in front of her eyes was cold and sick, which made people feel a little afraid and dare not approach her.

The indifferent Tong Yingmeng didn't take a second look at this person, but threw out something to him. It was the communication soul guide that Hao Sixing gave her to communicate with the five guards. Chen Feiyuan quietly pressed the link between them. Anyone among the five could receive the soul tool. It happened that Tong Yingmeng was nearby. He thought it was Hao Sixing who contacted her, and wanted to come over to check it out, but he did not expect to witness such a good show.

Tong Gefei got married again, and it was the mistress outside who brought her son to the position. She already knew about this from Hao Sixing, but it wasn't all of it. She had also noticed it before.

Now looking at Tong Hang, this half-brother with her own mother, she has no family affection at all. For her, revenge on Tong Gefei is a matter of time. Tong Gefei, who has betrayed her mother, deserves to die. The woman Ge Fei raised outside should be damned, and his child, Tong Hang, should be damned! ! ! ! ! !

【Ah, it's too late, it's so hard, I really want to kill someone, is this the man's illegitimate child? 】

【Hateful, disgusting, nauseating feeling...】

[In the past, that man gave her an ugly face of bullying and patriarchy...]

[Tear up, tear up completely, kill...kill...]

With endless resentment and mourning, Tong Yingmeng tilted her head and looked at Tonghang with empty, dull eyes, as if she was sickly and terrifying.

"Give me this child..."

"Give me……"

The hoarse voice is vague, like flying silk, eight super matching soul rings are shining on the body, and the Xingyue God Wuhun is possessed, and now Tong Yingmeng has completely lost herself.

Two purples, five blacks, and one red, the terrifying proportion of soul rings shines on Tong Yingmeng's body, even if she is a well-informed person who dies with poisonous souls, she has never seen such a thing! !

"Here, what's going on with this woman??"

"What a terrifying fluctuation of soul power, Title Douluo, she is a Title Douluo who hasn't obtained a soul ring yet!!"

"Damn, how did we get into such a trouble, what should we do now?"

He turned his head and asked He Chen, Meng Shenji and the others behind him, but they had never encountered such a situation before, so they didn't know how to deal with it.

Tong Yingmeng in front of them, it is not impossible for a few people to work together, but now they are completely intimidated by Tong Yingmeng, and Tong Yingmeng's sick and delicate temperament makes them tremble.

"Ying, sister Yingmeng, what are you doing, don't you know me? I, Feiyuan, Chen Feiyuan, let's play together till the end."

"I am worried about you,

Ever since I heard that you died, I have never believed it, and I have always wanted to find you. Great, I know you are not dead, Sister Yingmeng..."

"Feiyuan? Feiyuan..."

"elder brother?"

Tong Yingmeng tilted his head and said, Chen Feiyuan was overjoyed, and gradually approached Tong Yingmeng, with greedy eyes in his eyes.

"That's right, it's me, you disappeared, Tong Gefei concluded that you were dead, and no one else was allowed to find you, only me, only I still believed that you were still alive, and persevered in looking for you, and I wanted to kill Tong Hang, arrest him, I'm all for you, Sister Yingmeng, I like you..."

The greedy Chen Feiyuan looked at Tong Yingmeng and said, the corners of his mouth drooled, Tong Yingmeng, who was thinking about it day and night, was right in front of him, no one would pity her, only him, only him Chen Feiyuan cared about her, as long as, as long as there was more If someone is indifferent to her, he can win her heart.

You can't retreat at this time, if you want to win Tong Yingmeng's favor, you have to follow her.

Gradually, gradually approaching Tong Yingmeng, Chen Feiyuan was like a greedy pervert.

"Will you do anything for me?"

"Brother Feiyuan..."

Tong Yingmeng stretched out her hand, opened her arms to Chen Feiyuan, and gradually unbuttoned her clothes.

"That's right, that's right, no one wants to find you, only me..."

"Let's take revenge on Tong Gefei together, you are with me..."

Boldly approaching Tong Yingmeng, Chen Feiyuan gave her a hug, hugging the person whom she missed day and night, and Tong Yingmeng's soft body and warmth in her arms.

"Brother Feiyuan, I remember when you were young you often hugged me like this, using your disgusting tongue..."

"For me, then..."

"Please go to hell!!!!"


Blood flowed profusely, and a moon blade pierced through Chen Feiyuan's back. Tong Yingmeng's expressionless face looked at Chen Feiyuan's shocked face that was about to freeze.

"Man, it's disgusting..."

It's like looking at a stink bug, Tong Yingmeng's eyes don't show a trace of pity, and if he mends the moon blade again, Chen Feiyuan's head will be cut off, and if he puts another foot on it, Chen Feiyuan's head will be trampled to death by Tong Yingmeng! !


The scene was a bit nauseating for a while, Chen Feiyuan never expected that he wanted to win Tong Yingmeng's heart, but was directly killed by Tong Yingmeng.

"No one can touch me except Mingtian."


The three of Du Hun Si on the opposite side said in unison that they were no strangers to this name, even old acquaintances.

On the mainland, there is no second person named Mingtian.

"Little girl, who is that Mingtian you are talking about? Does he have the power to devour?"

"Swallow... how do you know?"

Speaking of Mingtian, Tong Yingmeng gradually began to return to normal, with a little light in her eyes.

"It's really that kid. We know him as his uncle and teacher."

"My name is Poison Soul Death."

"So it was the guy who disrupted the academy back then, and you dare to enter Xingluo?"

"Hey, do you hate Tong Gefei?".

"I hate it too. I also know Ming Tian. Maybe we can get to know each other better and cooperate."

Looking at Tonghang, because of Mingtian and the same purpose, they seem to have reached some kind of consensus.

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