Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 371 Pseudo-Twin Martial Soul

Blood was flowing down from one of the broken claws. The blood flowed like a gush and fell to the ground, dyeing the ground red with blood. The Eight-clawed Fox Venerable broke off a claw, raised his head to the sky, and uttered anger and pain. cry.


"Damn humans, you broke my fox claws, I will make you pay the price!!"

The remaining seven claws grabbed Qi Yuanqiu and others who were besieging it, leaving sharp claw marks, and each claw mark tore out a long energy attack.

After hurting the Eight-clawed Fox Lord and angering it, Qi Yuanqiu and others showed joyful and successful expressions, and the leader Qi Yuanqiu said excitedly:

"It has lost one of its claws! Its strength has declined compared to before. Hold on, it is just a stinky fox with 180,000 years. We killed him, and those who have broken through to the Title Douluo can directly absorb its power." Soul ring!"

With a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. These are all vicious criminals who have been rampant on the mainland for a while. They all came here by licking blood on the tip of their knives. They have already left life and death behind them, and they are basically soul fighting A Luo-level powerhouse with strong attack, sensitive attack, support, and control, plus Qi Yuanqiu, the titled Douluo commander, unexpectedly suppressed the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable.

Among these people, there are Qin Xiaoyi, Pang Shihou, Yi Fang and others who were hunted down by Hao Sixing before, and they also helped Qi Yuanqiu attack Bajiaohu Zun. There was no friendship between these wanted criminals, but Qi Yuan Qiu tempted them with the soul bones he had plundered over the years, and recruited them. Unable to resist the temptation of the soul bones, they all worked for Qi Yuanqiu, and Qi Yuanqiu was instructed by that person.

"Everyone, show off all your real strength, don't hide it, we don't have much time left, we have to kill this guy before the other giant soul beasts in the Panlong Forest rush over, Then disperse and escape, find a place to gather!"

Talking to the people around him, Qin Xiaoyi and the others understood what he meant, they all understood, and they all began to fight with their lives to fight the Eight-clawed Fox Lord. The soul skills they used were all high-level souls above the seventh ring Skill, directly used his own Wuhun avatar.

The avatars of the various martial spirits were displayed, surrounding the Eight-clawed Fox Lord, and soul skills such as remote control and control were overwhelmingly displayed on the Eight-clawed Fox Lord.

"court death!!"

"The Shadow of the Sky Fox!!"

A purple phantom appeared from behind the Eight-clawed Fox, like a scaled-down Eight-clawed Fox with energy materialized, blocking all kinds of attacks for it, and even counterattacked Qi Yuanqiu and others.

The Eight-clawed Fox Lord was the first to see Pang Shihou under Wuhunzhen's body. Seven stars were engraved on the blade in the shape of a Big Dipper, and the blade was shining with a cold light. The eight soul rings were set on the Seven Star Sword. Master Pang stood upright against the mountains, his whole body was as majestic and motionless as a mountain.

The human knife is one piece, and there is still blood flowing from the blade. It was Pang Shihou who cut off one of its claws just now.

The revenge of the broken claw must be reported, even if it is attacked by other people, it is necessary to deal with Pang Shihou first, and take revenge for the broken claw! !

"Death to the deity!!"

The huge fox claws grabbed towards Master Pang, desperately, the seven fox claws criss-crossed, grabbed countless intersecting energy claw shadows, and all fell towards Master Pang densely.

Qi Yuanqiu didn't care about Pang Shihou's life or death. For them, this was a good opportunity to seriously injure the Eight-clawed Fox Lord.

"Greedy Pot Beast!!"

"The real body of the beast soul, the bite of greedy teeth!!"

The shape is similar to a kettle, but it is also like a greedy spirit beast. When the shape of the pot beast changes, it becomes a guy similar to a spirit beast. It has a huge exaggerated mouth and teeth like sawtooth. It looks like a toad , but the head looks like a spout.

With a big mouth, it just bit one of the paws of the Eight-clawed Fox,

He put it in his mouth directly, as if he wanted to bite it off and eat it by himself.

On the other side, Qin Xiaoyi of the Skeleton General's martial spirit grabbed several dead fellow criminals, stuffed them into the skeleton general's big hollow mouth, and started chewing, even the corpses of his companions.

He is nicknamed Bloodthirsty Skeleton, and he is famous for eating skeletons, soul beast skeletons, human skeletons, as long as they are bones, he eats them all. Eating skeletons can improve soul power and strengthen strength.

General Skeleton looks extremely skinny, even with a skeleton-like body, without a stomach, and can't see the stomach. I don't know where the skeleton bones he ate went.

"The eighth soul skill, Skeleton Ten Thousand Sword Prison!!"

A large number of skeleton and bone swords were summoned by him again, similar to Ming Tian's Fallen Snow Dance Soul Skill, they also attacked the Eight-clawed Fox Lord regardless of Pang Shihou's life or death. It seemed that he also wanted to cut off one of the claws of the Eight-clawed Fox Lord.

The three heads of Yi Fang's three-headed sword-skulled dragon let out roars, which was also the release of the eighth soul skill, and met one of the claws of the eight-clawed fox.

The rest are a few powerful Contras. These Contras are all above level 85. They have been practicing for many years, and they are only a short distance away from Titled Douluo. The titled Douluo was not afraid at all, and was even able to retreat completely.

Shang Rang and Ge Congzhou went to chase down Yun Xiangluo who was alone, but they were not included. These two people don’t know where they went now. After Yun Xiangluo was rescued by Tong Yingmeng, they disappeared into the jungle without a trace .

"It seems that they are almost successful, tsk tsk, Qi Yuanqiu and the others can do it."

In the dark, Ming Tian, ​​Wei Ben, Shi Jiezhan pretended by Zuo Jishan arrived early, but they didn't show up right away, but hid in the dark, watching their fight secretly, and reaping the benefits is what they should do thing.

"Whether Hu Zun wins or Qi Yuanqiu wins, they will definitely be extremely weak in the end. We can take this opportunity to make a move."

"Wait a while before making a move. Yingmeng's whereabouts are still unknown. I'm a little worried. My original intention was to let her get the ninth soul ring, but I don't know where she went. It's really messed up."

Tong Yingmeng was nowhere to be seen, Mingtian was still a little worried, and he didn't know why he cared so much about Tong Yingmeng's comfort.

"Oh, I can't wait for that girl, now they may decide the outcome at any time, we have to be ready to take action at any time, that girl's soul ring, we can figure it out."

Wei Ben said, urging Mingtian not to hesitate, the benevolence of a woman, to act when it is time to act.

"Where did Yingmeng go? We agreed to get her a soul ring together."

He said somewhat depressingly that the Panlong Great Forest is so big that Mingtian couldn't find Tong Yingmeng, so he couldn't contact her.

"Forget it, forget it, there is not one hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast. After finding Yingmeng, let's get her other soul rings."

She was still a little annoyed, but there was nothing she could do about it, Mingtian comforted herself, what if Yingmeng found a soul ring that suited her?

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

"Give me up!!"

Pang Shihou under the fox's claws did not give up resistance, he raised his seven-star knife with both hands, and made a gesture of setting fire to the sky, trying to block the claws, but the fox's claws did not show mercy, and whoever breaks its claws must do well The price of death!

Bearing the pain of the attack brought to it by others, the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable ruthlessly pressed down his claws, sucking the film of his claws, trying to tear Pang Shihou into pieces.

Cracks had begun to appear on the Seven Star Knife, but at the same time, the Greedy Pot Beast was about to tear off the other claw of the Eight-clawed Fox Zun.


Once again enduring the pain of breaking the claws, the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable slapped Master Pang to death with one claw, killing him completely under his claws!

Master Pang, die!

"Tsk tsk, this is also a generation of heroes. As a rebel general, he rebelled against Xingluo for decades. He didn't die at the hands of Xingluo's people. Instead, he died in the Panlong Great Forest. Alas."

And the leisurely Wei Ben was still lamenting that Pang Shihou's dead body was gone, but the Greedy Pot Beast also bit one of the eight-clawed fox's arms, hid in one place, and even looked at it and laughed, as if A schadenfreude smile.

"Next is you!!"

"Fox Flame!!"

Opening his mouth, the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable spewed out a stream of purple fox flames towards the Greedy Pot Beast.

"Avatar of Artifact Soul!!"

Dodge, the Greedy Pot Beast transforms, the original soul beast looks like a kettle, with a wide bottom and a slender spout, the slender spout is facing the attacking fox flames, as if it can absorb , directly inhale Huyan into the pot.

"With a strange ability, he can transform into the real body of the martial soul in the two forms of weapon martial soul and beast martial soul!".

"That's why Qi Yuanqiu is known as the pseudo-twin martial soul, one soul with two states, and he is the only one on the continent who can do this."

Zuo Jishan on the side was talking, but Ming Tian was thinking, can he switch the martial soul in the martial soul avatar? After all, he has so many martial souls.

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