Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 375 The Alone Extreme Emperor Bellbird

The Jidi bell bird moving in the sky is attacking more and more intensely. It has reached 460,000 years of cultivation, and it can be regarded as a Super Douluo level among human titled Douluo level powerhouses, and its strength is very powerful. .

Under the attack of the Emperor Bell Bird, Ming Tian has always been on the defensive. He was able to deal with the attack of the Emperor Bell Bird with ease, but he did not take the initiative to attack. Fighting with the Emperor Bell Bird, he did not want to kill the other party. Unlike Jidi Suzuko who resented him so much, the attack did not leave any mercy.

His most urgent task now is to catch Qi Yuanqiu, and then go find Tong Yingmeng, and find Zuo Jishan who played tricks on him, and tear him into pieces, so as to relieve his hatred.

As for the Extreme Emperor Bell Bird, he didn't want to kill him, he just wanted to find a chance to seriously injure it and leave by himself.

"Strange, what happened on the north coast, why is there a frightening atmosphere there?"

Ming Tian also paid attention to other movements when fighting with the Emperor Bellbird. In fact, even if he didn't pay attention deliberately, the movement on the north coast shocked many humans, including soul beasts. The terrifying fighting atmosphere made people Feel a suffocating pressure.

"Lord Kinnara, this is the aura of Lord Kinnara, the Lord of the Flower Waterfall. She has actually left the customs? What happened to the North Coast?"

"I have to hurry over and have a look, and meet them, I can't get entangled with this human here anymore!!"

What happened on the North Coast has made more people want to find out what happened, too much entanglement in other aspects has become meaningless.

"Little human thief, die for me!!"

"Tian Ling's extreme shadow is destroyed!!!"

Going up into the sky, the height increased by a few points, and the Jidi Bellbird gave birth to its strongest move. A slender and beautiful feather lit up on its forehead, like the source of all its power, and the feathers lit up with colorful light , the light covered the whole body of the Jidi Bellbird, and the Jidi Bellbird instantly became different, the brilliance of the whole body was constantly switching and changing, and it let out a shrill cry.

One after another, the energy lights and shadows equivalent to the Emperor Bellbird rushed towards the underworld, and the full blow of the more than 400,000-year-old soul beast was indeed impressive and terrifying.

"It's so desperate! Damn, I really thought I was afraid of you if I didn't want to kill you!!"

There are many ways for Ming Tian to deal with the Jidi Bellbird. He can dodge this blow, counterattack with an attack equivalent to this attack, and even use his most powerful attack to directly counter-kill the Jidi Bellbird!

"Baqi! Help me! Attached soul bone!"

Instead of using Tian Congyun and Yamata no Orochi martial souls, Mingtian used the unique tens of millions of years of external spirit bones brought to him by Yata no Orochi.

The 100,000-year-old soul bone bestows two skills on the soul master, and the million-year-old soul bone bestows four skills on the soul master. Mingtian's ten-thousand-year soul bone naturally has eight skills, which are equivalent to the skills and effects brought by the soul ring.

"Ka... Kaka..."

A strange scene happened, there were a few more meat buns on the back, waist, and ribs of Ming Tian's body, as if something was about to break out under the flesh.

When the first Jidi bell bird energy phantom attacked Mingtian, a long snake protruded directly from Mingtian's body. The long snake hoarse, rushed towards the Jidi phantom attacking Mingtian, two phase Crash, unleash a deafening attack.

"This, what is this thing??"

This scene on Ming Tian was too weird. The Baqi spirit bone was no longer completely like an external spirit bone, but more like a morphological mutation. Eight big snakes appeared on Ming Tian's body, all biting towards the Jidi Bellbird. Go, smash the phantom of the Extreme Emperor rushing towards Mingtian, this is just a soul bone, Mingtian still has Wuhun useless, the Wuhun on his body has already been switched, the powerful Star Ice Spear Dragon Wuhun comes out, the soul skill , Star Spear Skyscar Pierce launched! !

The spear dragon's tail stabbed towards the Jidi Bellbird,

At the same time, the eight snake heads rushed forward together, smashing the last phantom of the Jidi Bellbird, breaking the skills of the Jidi Bellbird.

Ming Tian, ​​who didn't want to kill the Emperor Bellbird, had no intention of killing the Emperor Bellbird with this blow. The attack deviated a little bit and stabbed at the right half of the Emperor Bellbird. The Emperor Bellbird wanted to dodge, so he retracted his wings. , Mingtian's star spear pierced the wings of the Jidi bell bird, leaving a long oblique mark directly, blood spilled out, fell to the ground, and the feathers stained with blood scattered and danced.

"Human!! You wait!! I will not let you go, you will pay the price!!"

The injured Jidi Bellbird, whose wings were not enough to support it in flight, fell slowly towards the forest, and Ming Tian didn't chase after it, his goal was not to kill it.

"Okay, the trouble is solved, hello, you!"

Mentioning Qi Yuanqiu, Ming Tian glared at him, and asked:

"Take me to meet your mastermind, and tell you not to play tricks. My patience is limited now!!"

Mingtian, who has been made angry by Jidi Suzuko's operation, will not have a good temper, and now he is very angry! Very angry!

Seeing that Ming Tian single-handedly repelled the 400,000-year-old Jidi bell bird, Qi Yuanqiu was shocked and speechless. Is this really a human being able to do it? What is the origin of this young man?

Qi Yuanqiu was struggling, but at the same time he understood his current situation. He was a smart man and knew what he should do.

"Understood, I'll take you there, I also have something to see him, but who are you? Why have I never heard of you, remember that there are people like you on the mainland?"

"My name is Mingtian, you don't need to know the rest! Just take me there!"

"Underworld?! Are you the fourth most wanted person on the list? The one who was issued a lifelong arrest warrant by His Majesty Wuhun?!"

As a wanted criminal on the most wanted list, Qi Yuanqiu is very familiar with every wanted person.

However, Ming Tian didn't give him too many chances to think and be shocked. He felt something and looked towards a certain part of the forest. There, the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable let out the last wail, and its last breath of life had disappeared.

"Damn! It's that direction, right!"

"Well, it seems that Zuo Jishan has achieved his goal."

"Don't think that he can escape with this, come with me!!"

As he said that, he grabbed Qi Yuanqiu again, and the eight wings behind Mingtian volleyed in the air, and went to the place where the breath and voice just came out at an extremely fast speed.

The Jidi bell bird that fell to the ground turned into a human form, with blood flowing from its right arm, it seemed that the blow that Ming Tian had just injured it was extremely severe.

"Uh, hateful human being, I will never spare you, you have to go back to Flower Waterfall to heal your wounds."

The right arm has been completely crippled, it can't use any strength, and it can't fly. Jidi Suzubird can only walk back by itself.

"Huh? It smells so fragrant, so delicious blood..."

Shang Rang, who was not far from the Jidi Bell Bird, Ge Congzhou and Ge Congzhou had not yet escaped from the Panlong Great Forest. They were wandering in the forest, ready to see if there was any delivery. When they arrived, the two followed the blood flowing from the Jidi Bellbird.


The keen Jidi Bellbird can still detect someone, it sternly asked, Shang Rang and Ge Congzhou smiled and walked out wretchedly in the forest, watching the extremely wretched state of the Jidi Bellbird in human form.

The Jidi bell bird in human form is very suitable for human aesthetics, and the two have been in the forest for too long, and they could not beat Yunxiangluo and Tong Yingmeng before, but now they meet the injured Jidi bell bird and become wretched endlessly.

"Hey, beauty, why are you injured? We are good at healing, do you want us to show you?"

"Hey, stinky human beings, you are courting death!!"

Jidi Bell Bird's left hand can still be used, and the left hand has returned to its original shape, and the huge wings are attacking towards the two of them.

"Brother, this guy seems to be a hundred thousand year soul beast!!"

"Oh? Soul beast? Injured, lonely female soul beast, hahahaha, we are really endless. If I conquer it, won't it be just around the corner to enter Title Douluo? Come here!"

Ge Congzhou was overjoyed, he used his martial spirit's vital energy, and his lower body instantly became bigger. Jidi Suzunori's face changed when he saw it, and he was disgusted.

"How can a human being have such a martial soul? It's disgusting!!"

"Disgusting? I'll let you ascend later, haha, the eighth soul skill, burning with desire!!"

"The eighth soul skill, Long Tongue Wrap!"

Shang Rang's tongue Wuhun also used the strongest soul skills, Jidi Lingniao's face changed, and the disgusting human tongue became longer, rolling towards her, Ge Congzhou's skills used, making her strange, instantly , Shang Rang's long tongue rolled her up and brought her in front of them.

"We haven't tasted the taste of a hundred-thousand-year soul beast yet, let us taste it!!".

The disgusting tongue licked the Jidi Bellbird's face, and gradually wrapped it around. Ge Congzhou excitedly rushed towards the bound Jidi Bellbird, and the Jidi Bellbird's mournful cry came from the forest.

"Ahhh, no, I will kill you humans!!"

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