Yan Xi retreated to the side with some injuries, Song Ceming looked at Qin Xiaoyi and Yi Fang, these criminals were indeed desperadoes, they broke out with such fighting power in adversity, and he couldn't take them both with his own strength, and brought them together. The people who came were all killed by them. Qin Xiaoyi even swallowed their bones directly to replenish himself and the consumed soul power, which actually helped him.

"Haha, Commander Song, it seems that you can't take us down today. What about your arrogant expression before? What cards do you have now? We are in a bad mood today, so we took your life and used it to vent our anger! !"

"Left leg bone skill, Earth Claw Skeleton Array!!"

"Skull skills, the dragon's head and sword bones are broken!!"

What the two of them are using now is the skill of the two soul bones that Qi Yuanqiu gave them, one left leg bone, one skull, and both soul bones are at the level of 20,000 to 30,000 years, which are considered very precious.

On the ground, several bone claws sprang out from the ground and grabbed Song Ceming. At the same time, Yi Fang's three-headed Stegosaurus lowered its three heads, and three pointed round sword bones aimed at Song Ceming's vitals.

"Damn it! Even if I die with you today, I will let you confer heads!!"

Facing the attacks of the two, Song Ceming already planned to die together, and Contra's counterattack before his death was extremely terrifying.

"Fusion Ring·Five-Fang Yan's Step!!"

The eight soul rings were fused together, and Song Ceming was ready to go all out to die together.

Five phantoms of Yanxi appeared, arranged in a pentagonal formation, and stepped towards the group of bone claws on the ground, preparing to resist the three skull swords.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The two skills collided, and Song Ceming was rushed back a few steps by the aftermath of the attack, coughing up blood from his mouth.

"To die together? Hahaha, you should die for us first!!"

Looking at Song Ceming who was forced to retreat by them, the two laughed.

"Yo, old Song, no, it's rare to see you in such a mess."

A soft sneer suddenly sounded, there were other people besides them! !

Hearing this voice, Qin Xiaoyi and Yi Fang's expressions changed greatly, while Song Ceming's face showed a look of joy. Looking behind him, it was Zheng Boqi and Huo Miao who came over, the other two commanders of Tonggefei's personal guards, and The Star Luo Seven Warriors they brought with them.

Unexpectedly, another village will be brightened by the dark willows, and he, Song Ceming, will be saved from a desperate situation. Seeing that it is his comrade, he couldn't help but exclaimed with joy:

"Huo Miao, Zheng Boqi? Why are you here?"

"I was ordered to follow the trail of Zuo Jishan, and I happened to run into your side, Lao Song, go and rest, this place is entrusted to us, and our group of proud sons of the stars."

Huo Miao and Zheng Boqi are gearing up, and now they can't help but have an advantage in numbers, as well as an advantage in rank. Some of Hao Xiao's people have reached the point where they can rival Contra.

"Two legion commanders, leave it to us. The bloodthirsty skeletons and dragon soul killers on the mainland have been famous for a long time. I want to try to find out whether you are as rumored or not?"

Hao Xiao, one of the Seven Warriors of Xingluo, came out first to speak, with a smile on his face, lightning flashing on his body, and soul power inside.

Ever since the incident of Lost in the Grand Canyon, they have held back a lot of energy and felt very aggrieved. After returning, they worked hard and gradually, the breakthrough to the Soul Sage, the breakthrough to the Soul Sage, the breakthrough to the Soul Douluo, the breakthrough to the Contra, he himself He is already an eighty-fourth-level Soul Douluo, and he can be said to be Xing Luo's most outstanding genius in recent years.

"Hehe, since the young people want to show off, then I will give you this chance."

"Thank you, Lucian!"

"Hey, I thought you were going to deal with two alone, here we come."

Old partner Liu Xian reappeared by Hao Xiao's side,

The Wuhun Yaodao Yaoduan was used in an instant, and eight spirit rings appeared. He is also a Contra now!

"Thundering Hell Prison Vine!!"

The same eight soul rings emerged from Hao Xiao's body, and the lightning flashed, and he had already made the first attack.

"The eighth soul skill, Thunder God's Whip!!"

"Field, Wanlei Sea Territory!!"


The flickering electric light kept making noises, and the light was dazzling. Haoxiao took out a blue thunderbolt in his hand, and threw it towards Qin Xiaoyi and the two of them.

Beside Liu Xian, Yao Dao Yao kept waving, causing a phantom to flash out, and it was also the use of the eighth soul skill, the blade's light became longer, and it slashed towards the two of them vertically! !

"The eighth soul skill, Yaoying Qianling!!"

"Don't let them get away, Boqi."

"Hey, I don't need you to tell me."

Zheng Boqi's martial soul was used on the side, and his martial soul corresponds to the earth attribute in the five elements.

"Tu Xingsun, the prison of the golden whip."

A dwarf-like villain broke out of the ground. Zheng Boqi also has eight soul rings on his body. As an earth attribute martial soul, he majors in control, controlling soul-like masters, and the earth-born grandson of the martial soul!

Like a soft snake, the soft golden whip was quietly tied towards Qin Xiaoyi and Yi Fang.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, withdraw!!"

When the two were about to retreat, Tu Xingsun's golden whip had already been tied under their feet, and the two of them staggered and almost fell down.

"Want to leave? Save your life."

Zheng Boqi smiled, Thunder God's Whip and Yaoying Qianling were attacking towards the two of them.

The Thunder God's Whip with a hint of light directly struck Qin Xiaoyi's head, and Yi Fang's three-headed sword-skull dragon was also smashed to pieces by countless Yaoduan blades. Two wanted criminals who ran amok for a generation fell here.

"Huh, it's finally over."

Looking at the corpses of the two, everyone showed excitement. They didn't expect such a great achievement as soon as they came in.

"Take their heads and wait to go back. Their heads are the best evidence to improve military achievements."

Of course, Song Ceming took the job of Xiaoshou first. He was almost killed by them earlier, so of course he must vent his anger.

"Old Song, you have been in the Panlong Great Forest for so long, but what did you find? How did you meet them?"

"Well, it's a long story. I went in to search for the criminals, looking for Brother Hao's whereabouts, but found nothing, only Shi Jiezhan's body, and then I found that someone had left a communication code within our Five Elements Army along the road. This code is only Those closest to us know."

"Could it be Hao Sixing?"

"Perhaps, I followed the code and met these two people. I thought I could take them down. Alas, I was arrogant."

"It's not your fault. We searched for Zuo Jishan's whereabouts here, and the ancestors of Lingxie also came here. Let us bring our heavenly favored sons to train together."

"Hehe, I have seen their strength just now. It is really the waves of the Yangtze River pushing forward the waves of the past. We are old, and it will depend on their young people in the future."

"In this case, let's look for it together, this code seems to lead to..."

Looking towards the interior of the Panlong Great Forest, there is a certain place, where the flower waterfall is located.

Tong Yingmeng left a secret sign at the end, and Yunxiangluo looked at the person who was following them, it was Duhunshi and others who had reached a consensus on cooperation.

"Xiang Luo, is this the innermost part of the Panlong Great Forest? A waterfall? Interesting."

"What a magical place. I didn't expect there to be such a fairyland in the ferocious Panlong Forest. It seems to be similar to Dugu Bo's medicine shop in the Sunset Forest."

It was Duhunshi who was talking. As one of the three cornucopias, Huapu and Binghuo Liangyiyan have the same effect. Duhunshi who has been to Binghuo Liangyiyan will naturally express such emotion.

"Very strong immortal energy. My soul has recovered a lot due to the Holy Soul Grass. I must find a suitable body within two days, otherwise I will remain in this state forever."

A lot of Dream Thousand Machines have been recovered and said.

"That's it, no problem, it should be ok, there are so many criminals here, just catch some unlucky ghost."

"Miss Yingmeng, what plan do you have next? You are familiar with Ming Tian, ​​so we will help you naturally. By the way, is that kid Ming Tian also in Panlong Great Forest?"

"That's right, maybe he will come over later, all we have to do is wait for the person who should come, and reap the benefits."

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