Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 377 Ape Lord, Wuzhiqi!

The waterfall fell down and splashed countless water splashes, and the faint rainbow lights in the water vapor looked very beautiful.

Immortal medicinal herbs are growing around, exuding vigorous vitality, as well as the faint fragrance of medicinal herbs.

On the open ground nearby, the Eight-clawed Fox King was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep, but he was completely lifeless because he was dead.

On one side of it, a human being sat cross-legged quietly, concentrating and holding his breath. Eight spirit rings appeared in sequence on his body. The eighth ring was impressively bright red, and the red gradually solidified, as if it had just been absorbed.

A dark blue soul imprint is on the ground behind him, and a giant ape like a hill is inside the soul imprint. It has dark blue hair all over its body, and its body exudes a strong moisture. Its eyes are bright golden yellow, like ancient times. The wild animal eyes.


A high-pitched cry sounded from behind the waterfall, and a majestic shadow appeared from above the waterfall. It was the same giant ape, but it was many times bigger than this giant ape. It really looked like a mountain top.

A middle-aged man sat on the shoulder of the great ape. Although he was a little old, he looked radiant.

Nine soul rings floated on his body in sequence, and the last two soul rings turned out to be bright red, two hundred thousand years old! The ultimate in the ratio of super soul rings.

The two giant apes, big and small, looked at each other. The young man on the side of the giant ape saw the old man with a happy expression on his face, and shouted:

"Father, I succeeded!"

"Ji Shan, my child, you are doing very well."

The old man on the ape's shoulders looked at the young man and said with satisfaction, his eyes showing admiration.

"Now our event has been accomplished, father, let's get out of here! If we leave Flower Waterfall, no one on the continent will stop us."

"It's done? No, it's not over yet. An old friend came to visit. I want to see her no matter what. Some things don't end. It's been fifty years. Some people forget them in a blink of an eye, but some people don't." Will always remember."

"Do one last thing for me, Ji Shan."

"Father please tell me!"

"If I die, bury my body in Broken Sword Mountain."

"Death? Father, how could you die, you have surpassed the limit, you are a god!!"

"God? No, I am not a god, and I will never become a god. I was born on the mainland, and I will die on the mainland. I am the first person on the mainland, and this will also be my destination."

Zuo Que spoke sadly, with a bit of loneliness in his words, like a dying old hero who has gone to a strange place in his life.

"No one can punish us and take us away! The glory of the past will not be taken away! You are the king of crimes, as long as you are born, what kind of Wuhun Temple is definitely not your opponent, and will regain its original glory again! Let everyone tremble!"

"Boy, I'm old. I live in the legends of the past. Those who live in the legends should let him live like that forever. I have nothing else to ask for."

"Old friend, since you are here, come here, hahahaha, fifty years, we are all old, no one remembers us, only we remember each other!"

The powerful voice resounded throughout the entire Panlong Forest, and almost everyone could hear it and feel the power like a god.


The giant ape standing between the sky and the earth opened its arms and roared. It seemed to break through the sky, and its body gradually became bigger and bigger, as if it wanted to tear everything apart! !

"This, this is..."

Seeing the faces of all the giant apes with horrified expressions, the prehistoric aura makes people feel that they have returned to ancient times. In ancient times, humans had not yet appeared, and it was the mysterious soul beasts that ruled this continent.

They have different shapes and are huge in size, and they live a life of raw hair and drinking blood.

In the same way, the four million-year or even ten-million-year-level soul beast powerhouses who fought against each other on the north coast also felt the breath of approaching the god-level, the blood of the ancestor-level race.

"Ancient strange beast Wuzhiqi?! One of the four great ape kings?"

"It really has everything. This continent is really beyond our imagination."

On the ghost ship, Shan Shan and Hai Die Ji talked and said that they were in the state of watching a show and did not intervene.

"God-level breath, there is a god in this continent? No, it seems that he has not obtained the god position."

Suzuka Gozen and Dayakemaru fought, and their eyes were also attracted by Wuzhiqi. They felt more and more that this continent was not something they could conquer, and they already had the idea of ​​retreating if they couldn't do it, and finding a new place.

It's just that what they don't know is that what they see is already the strongest soul beast group and the top combat power among soul masters on the mainland, and there are no more powerful ones in other places.

"Zuo Que, long time no see."

The woman's voice sounded, the evil-eyed White Tiger King looked at Wuzhiqi, with snow-white wings sprouting from his ribs, and the third eye was shining on his forehead, a tiger and an ape stared at each other in the air, not knowing what they were going to do next .

"Since we old guys are about to be forgotten by the world, why did you make such a noise? What are you doing for?"

"More than two months ago, I got news that Qianyuean and the others were dead. The golden generation we dealt with back then were all gone. In the first competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, we formed a team of seven The team was ordered to defeat the first golden generation of Wuhundian, and then we dispersed, and the first golden generation was also missing."

"At that time, the fourteen of us were the strongest people in the mainland. You, me, and Ning Qing were the first queen of the Star Luo Empire and the founder of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Now our reputation has fallen. No one knows anymore, the famous people on the continent are now Qian Daoliu, Ning Fengzhi, Tang Chen, hey."

"The original golden generation that threatened us is dead, and I have no scruples anymore. I want to complete my unfinished business."

"Unfinished business? Did you still do it for her? So you handed it over to your child to issue the order to summon criminals?"

"That's right, I've never forgotten that if I don't step out of the waterfall, and if I don't take that step to become a god, it's all for her, and all of this is for her."

"Stupid, the dead cannot be chased. You can save nothing by doing these things. You are just trying to fill up the little sin in your heart."

"Even so, I'm going to do it. Are you going to stop me?"

"That's because I don't want to see the former captain, the boss, go to the end."

"After doing this, you should kill yourself. I don't want you to do this."

"Captain? No one has called me this title for many years. Of the old guys back then, you are the only one left."

"Come on! Ying Bing, let me see where you are now!"

As Zuo Que said, the nine soul rings on his body were submerged into his body, and he put away the soul rings, but Wuzhiqi, the martial soul, did not put away. In the same way, he grabbed the evil-eyed White Tiger Sacred King.

"Then let's try it! Young people can't see the glory of our past, but now we can't see it. I haven't fought anyone for fifty years."

"White Tiger Divine Light Wave!!!"


The evil-eyed white tiger spat out a long wave of energy light and attacked Wuzhiqi, Wuzhiqi clawed his right hand, and a long stick-like weapon appeared.

"Broken rain!!"

"Be careful, the golden water demon cloud stick weighs eighty-eight thousand catties!"

Wuzhiqi held a stick in his hand, and in a sweeping shape, he attacked the evil-eyed White Tiger Sage King.

The battle between the two extreme douluo was enough to describe it as destroying the sky and destroying the earth. Some weak soul beasts in the Panlong Great Forest sought shelter in succession. Ming Tian and the others, who were attracted by this movement, were extremely shocked to see this scene.

"Uh, brother, what happened here? What a terrible movement, let's go."

Shang Rang looked at this scene and said.

Ge Congzhou climbed up from the Jidi Bellbird. The Jidi Bellbird had been tortured so badly by them that the carcass was completely exposed to their eyes. The two of them took advantage of the Jidi Bellbird's injury to completely invade it. Ge Congzhou felt faint There are signs of breaking through to Title Douluo.

"Let's go? I won't go after taking such a big advantage. Let's go and see what happened. Maybe I can take advantage of it, but before that..."

Grabbing the Jidi Bellbird's hair, Ge Congzhou played with its body, spread the Jidi Bellbird's legs apart, and looked at the Jidi Bellbird with a terrified expression.

"You, what else are you doing?!"

"Of course I broke through to Title Douluo with the help of your body, hahahaha!".

As he said, Ge Congzhou went deep into the Jidi Bellbird without any hesitation, and the Jidi Bellbird's heart-piercing screams and begging for mercy came out from the forest.

In the end, a circle of red soul ring emerged from Jidi Lingniao's body, and then Ge Congzhou broke through to Title Douluo, laughing triumphantly.

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