"King, this is the king of criminals on our continent! The once strong man, Ape Lord Douluo Zuo Que!!!"

Qi Yuanqiu looked at Wu Zhiqi who was fighting with the evil-eyed white tiger sage king, and exclaimed excitedly.

"Zuo Que? Is he the most wanted criminal on the most wanted list? Zuo Jishan's father?"

"That's right, a real strong man! The first soul master who has entered the god level!"

Ming Tian looked at Wu Zhiqi, of course he could feel the soul power that surpassed all soul masters.

"Tell me everything you know, I want to know everything about him!!"

Pressing Qi Yuanqiu, Qi Yuanqiu excitedly said to Ming Tian:

"I don't know everything about the boss. I only know that he was once the most wanted criminal in Wuhundian, and he was wanted fifty years ago."

"Fifty years ago?! Could it be..."

"The All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition! The first All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition! In that competition, there were no rules or restrictions. As long as there were seven people, they could form a team at will. At that time, the Spirit Hall sent the most powerful seven He is a genius who has killed every major team without any opponents. In order to deal with the Spirit Hall, a team of seven people was formed at that time. They were all geniuses from other parts of the mainland at that time. This mighty man who is fighting Zuo Que."

"Then there is the founder of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, the father of Ning Fengzhi, the current suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and the title Douluo, Ning Qing, who was the first to cultivate the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda to the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda."

"There is another person, Chen Yi, one of the Seven Sacred Swords, the head of the Seven Killing Family, and the father of Chen Xin of Sword Dao."

"There is another person, the first emperor of the Tiandou imperial family, the first emperor of Tiandou, Xue Chuhe, his martial soul is not the current swan martial soul, but the powerful fairy Chongming bird."

"The remaining two are not so famous. The origin of one person is a mystery. She is a woman. The martial soul is a light attribute, a rare butterfly martial soul of the goddess of light."

"One is a dragon-type martial soul, named Zihuang Mietianlong, named Xu Changwei."

"The female soul master of the Goddess of Light Butterfly is extremely beautiful, and has attracted many young talents and outstanding people, but the person she can fall in love with must be extremely powerful. At that time, it was Zuo Que who attracted her!"

"Then what!"

Ming Tian hurriedly asked, he seemed to have grasped some key information, the reason why Zuo Que did this seemed to be related to that woman.

"I don't know what happened later, I still heard about it from Shi Jiezhan, who was good friends with Zuo Jishan.


"It turns out that Zuo Jishan was familiar with Shi Jiezhan, but he didn't know why he killed him. Could it be that woman is Zuo Jishan's mother?"

"Why did you attack the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable? Is it really your own greedy thoughts? Is there no one behind you to guide you to do these things?"

"Hey, more than two months ago, Zuo Jishan summoned us to Panlong Great Forest in the name of Zuo Que, his father, and divided into three plans."

"Three plans? What is he going to do?"

"First, he hunted down a 100,000-year-old soul beast and found us the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable. His original intention was to cause riots in the Panlong Great Forest, thereby causing chaos in the Panlong Great Forest."

"Then, secondly, let Qin Xiaoyi and others go to lure the enemy, and defeat the captains of Tonggefei's personal guards one by one."

"Finally, thirdly, kill the Five Elements Legion and stir up internal conflicts between the soul beasts and the Panlong Great Forest."

"What?! This guy wants to attack the Five Elements Legion? What is the meaning of this? To destroy the Five Elements Legion, not to mention how difficult it is, he has no reason to do so, unless there is something he wants to achieve behind it."

"Perhaps, but that's beyond me to know."

"You are wise, no matter what plans he has, he dares to lie to me, I will make him pay the price sooner or later!"

"Wei Ben, look at him, I'll go there alone."

"Ah? Mingtian, what are you going to do?"

"Of course it is to capture Zuo Jishan. In this way, you take him out of the Panlong Great Forest immediately and go to Xingluo to transfer people. I am afraid that the people here cannot solve the problems here."

"To the Star Luo Empire? You trust me?!"

"I will think about the matter of the Holy Spirit Church later, and I will give you an answer. Don't you want to follow me? Give you this chance, here you are, this is the five-element token that General Hao gave me. It is a token, and it has its stars The people who are here will believe you, go directly to Xingluo Royal Academy and find the dean, Gongsun Fu."

A thing was thrown towards Wei Ben, Wei Ben took it, and looked at Ming Tian with complicated eyes.

"Please remember your words, allow me to call you suzerain!"


"Yes, follow the suzerain's order!"

"Come with me, Bone Greedy Douluo."

"Abandoning evil and doing good will give you a chance to be valued by Xing Luo, or continue to work for Zuo Que, you choose."

Looking at the two people strangely, Qi Yuanqiu looked at Ming Tian, ​​always feeling that this young man gave him a sense of fear, so he sneered.

"It's interesting, then I'll see how you guys end up with this game."

Acting separately, Mingtian continued to go in the direction of Wuzhiqi. Before he arrived, a team had already arrived, it was Xingluo Qiwuzhong and others.

"The person who fought with Lingxie Douluo was Zuo Que! The number one person who was once the most powerful man on the mainland! I heard that when he was roaming the mainland, even the Hall of Wuhun had to be temporarily closed for a while. What did His Highness Wuhun do? Zuo Que disappeared after the turmoil and the killing order."

The older Zheng Boqi knew something about the past, and told them that the information he knew was similar to that of Qi Yuanqiu.

"I really didn't expect Lingxie Mian to be so powerful. Back then, he was a genius in Fengyun Continent! I don't know if I am a genius now?"

Hao Xiao thought in the team.

"Catch Zuo Jishan back, control Zuo Jishan, control Zuo Que, he should be around here, here, the last place inside the Panlong Great Forest!"

The Flower Waterfall was still the same, it was surprisingly quiet here, and I didn't see Zuo Ji Mountain, but it was a little too weird.

"Be careful!!"

"If you don't consider anything else, this place is really a fairyland on earth."

"The flowers and plants are a bit messy, it seems that some precious flowers and plants have been taken away."

"Is there any problem behind the waterfall?"

In the team, Miao Ran is still in charge of IQ. His martial soul is Rubik's Cube, a very peculiar martial soul, the main control.

Thinking in front of the waterfall, before Miao Ran could react, there was a loud roar from inside the waterfall, and a thick ape arm stretched out, grabbing Miao Ran's neck.

"Uh ah ah!!"

"Miao Ran!!"

The change here made everyone react, and Liu Xian took the lead in using the Luminous Severing Blade to slash at the ape's arm.


A sneer came out, and an iron rod was coming towards Yaodao Yaoduan, and the Seven Yaodao was defeated!

"Golden Water Demon Cloud Stick?! Zuo Jishan! It's you!!"

"So what if it's me?"

Grabbing Miao Ran's neck, Zuo Jishan walked out slowly, with a cold expression on his face, holding Wuzhiqi's exclusive weapon, the Golden Water Demon Cloud Stick in one hand.

"I didn't expect you to come here, are you trying to arrest me?"

"Let Miao Ran go! Obediently let him go, or else..."

"Otherwise what?"

Hao Xiao's words were interrupted, Zuo Jishan looked at them with an unusually arrogant expression.

"You are the seven strongest members of Xingluo in this generation, and there are three legion commanders. This kind of camp is not bad, but it is still impossible to take me down."

"It's really arrogant, then try it!!"

The Wuhun thundering hell prison vine was used, the lightning crackled and flickered, and countless lightning strikes were aimed at Zuo Jishan.

"Thunder God's Whip!!"

"Wuzhiqi, hit the sea!"


The golden water magic cloud stick is attacking Hao Xiao, a circle of water surrounds the golden water magic cloud stick, this weapon has the power to control water, the water circle is aimed at Hao Xiao, Zuo Jishan arrogantly slapped Using force, another six arms broke out and strangled Miao Ran to death.

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