Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 379 Disgusting

Attached to the soul bone! !

Looking at Zuo Que's eight arms, growing from the ribs, back, and shoulders, it is very similar to the ability of the Eight-clawed Fox Venerable.

I'm afraid that after he killed the Eight-clawed Fox Lord, the Eight-clawed Fox Lord dropped the external spirit bone. At the same time, the ratio of the spirit rings on his body was also terrifying. The last eighth ring was a hundred thousand year spirit ring, which can be said on the mainland. He is a very good genius, enough to compare with many Contra-level powerhouses. In addition, his Wuhun is Wuzhiqi at the ancestor level, and there is no problem in holding the eighth ring for 100,000 years.

It's a pity that Miao Ran, who was at the level of a soul sage, was killed by him just like that. Miao Ran was good at control, and his own defense was not high. In addition, Zuo Jishan's sneak attack was fierce, and he showed no mercy. Gu Er died just like that. Miao Ran's eyes widened, his pupils were dull, Zuo Jishan let go of his hand, and his body fell limply to the ground, it seemed that he was really dead.

"Ahhh, kill my companion, I will make you pay for it!!"

Seeing Miao Ran's death, Hao Xiao couldn't bear it, the martial soul Thundering Hell Prison Vine erupted with all the power of thunder, the domain opened, and the surroundings were like a hell.

The eight soul rings fused together, and the countless vine hands of the Thundering Hell Prison Vine rushed towards Zuo Jishan like a thunder dragon and lightning snake. With a full blow from the fusion ring, Hao Xiao's blow was already comparable to that of an ordinary Titled Douluo.

"Well done, you deserve to be my opponent!"

Zuo Jishan smiled and shouted, when young people like them meet opponents of the same strength, they will always cherish each other and ignite their own fighting spirit.

"Sixth Soul Skill, Cloud Snake Ape Surrounding Water!"

Holding the golden water magic cloud stick in both hands, a circle of water appeared around it, turning into a water snake and screaming towards the attacking thunder and lightning, that is, rushing towards the thunder dragon and lightning snake, the two major skills collided, and this blow exploded The aftermath of energy and powerful aura are already comparable to the ninth soul ability of some Title Douluo.

Using the sixth soul skill to block Hao Xiao's blow from Fusion Ring, the difference in strength can already be seen, Hao Xiao is not the only one on this side, when he strikes, other people also strike.

"Tu Xingsun!"

Zheng Boqi summoned his martial soul, and the dwarf-looking Tu Xingsun jumped out of the soil, swaying the golden rope and binding him towards Zuo Jishan.

"Magic Water Kappa!"

Huo Miao, as one of the five captains of the water attribute, also summoned his own martial soul. His martial soul is a kappa, a mutated kappa, just like Wu Zhiqi, also has dual attributes of evil and water, but there are more A plant-based attribute, the kappa looks like a toad standing in human form, with a round lotus cap on its head and a water polo in its hand.

Miao Ran is dead, and the rest of the Xingluo Seven Warriors will not be idle, except for Hao Xiao, there are five people, besides the familiar Wu Yuelu who released the anchor-tailed civet, and Fu Qianshu who released the bewitching-eyed lizard, there are three more people Even though he was at the level of a soul sage, he also released his martial soul to participate in the battle.

It is okay for so many people to besiege one person, but Zuo Jishan didn't feel pressured and wanted to back down. Instead, facing so many people, he became even crazier. First, he grabbed Miao Ran, who was dead on the ground, with one arm. , Throwing towards Hao Xiao, this move is not vicious.

The most threatening thing to him was Tu Xingsun's golden rope. He could see it very clearly. Facing the golden rope, he made a strange movement to avoid it. He supported the ground with the golden water magic cloud stick in his hand, and An action similar to a pole vault came towards Zheng Boqi, and the eighth soul ring instantly lit up, it seemed that he wanted to kill him with one blow.

"Suppressing Water Demon Ape Pestle!!"

The golden water demon cloud stick in his hand moved forward towards Zheng Boqi's pestle, the stick became thick and long, and hit Zheng Boqi head-on.

"Uh, Tu Xingsun, Tu Dun!"

The Hundred Thousand Year Soul Ring skill is not that easy to block, Zheng Boqi quickly chose to dodge it,

Wuhun's real body appeared, incarnated as Tu Xingsun, and just escaped into the ground. The ground was smashed into a big hole by the cloud stick of the golden water demon, and the ground collapsed. Come out from the ground and continue to walk underground.

"Anchor Arrow Shadow!!!"

Wu Yuelu on one side also responded from the side. She is Wu Yingbing's direct granddaughter, and Wu Yingbing loves her most of the time.

"Fifth Soul Skill, Wuzhiqi Clone!!"

With a flash of phantom, the original one Wuzhi Qi became three. This soul skill is very effective against group attacks.

"The eighth soul skill, Kappa Prison Water Prison!!"

The blue water polo was attacking Zuo Jishan. The water polo exuded soft fluctuations of soul power and looked very stable.

"Break it for me!!"

He stabbed towards the huge water polo, but unexpectedly the water polo didn't break at all, Zuo Jishan submerged into the water polo strangely and couldn't get out.

Seeing Zuo Ji's plan, Huo Miao laughed loudly and said:

"My eighth soul skill doesn't have the slightest attack effect. If you ignore it, it won't cause any damage at all, but as long as you try to break through it, you will be sucked in by the water polo. Zuo Jishan, you've been tricked! !"

"Let me tell you again, don't even think about getting out once you're in. The more you attack, the water polo will absorb your attacks, thereby strengthening the defense, unless someone breaks it from the outside."

Confidently looking at the imprisoned Zuo Jishan, the people around surrounded him, never thought it would be so easy.

"Hahahaha, Huo Miao, you have done a great job!"

Zheng Boqi came out of the soil, looked at Zuo Jishan and laughed.

"No, it's up to you to create opportunities for me to find this guy's weakness and use this soul skill."

"Now let's see who else can save you."

"Hee hee, there is still us, thank you for reminding me."

As soon as the words fell, there was a treacherous voice laughing, and a long tongue attacked the water polo that trapped Zuo Jishan. As Huo Miao said, the water polo cannot be broken from the inside, it must be broken from the outside. With a poke of the tongue, the water polo burst.


The people present did not expect Zuo Jishan to have helpers, and they saw Shang Rang and Ge Congzhou who had come over.

Shang Rang retracted his tongue and dragged his long tongue out of his mouth. Ge Congzhou's fleshy roots seemed to be bigger than before. These two disgusting spirits make people feel sick when they see them. Wu Yuelu and Fu Qian As a woman, she turned her head to one side.

"Shang Rang and Ge Congzhou, who are on the Heaven's Bounty List? The lecherous thieves that everyone in the mainland can get and punish!"

"It's really a nest of snakes and rats, let's solve the two of you together today!"

"Fix us? Hey, I don't know who will solve who."

Ge Congzhou smiled, the soul ring emerged, nine soul rings were on his body, and the last touch of blood was shocking for a hundred thousand years.

"How, how is it possible?? Title Douluo!"

"Hee hee hee, do you still dare to say the big things you said before? Please call me the most obscene!"

"The Ninth Soul Skill, Upside Down the World!!"

Going up, he directly used the most powerful ninth soul skill. Ge Congzhou's flesh-rooted martial soul sprayed disgusting liquid towards them. Everyone retreated quickly, but some of them were still splashed. It will be 100% improved to stimulate the deepest desire in the human heart, completely unable to stay awake and fight, after all, it is the ninth soul ability, and it is a hundred thousand years.

"No, it's not good, make yourself sober, clear..."

As if their whole bodies were being burned by burning coals, Zheng Boqi and others' eyes turned red, and they looked at the only two women in the team, Fu Qianshu and Wu Yuelu.

"You, you..."

The scene was suddenly reversed and became unbearable. Under the influence of soul skills, Wu Yuelu and Fu Qianshu were thrown to the ground by Zheng Boqi, Huo Miao, and Liu Xian. Shameful thing to come.

"Our rescue came late, and I hope you will forgive me."

"No, haha, you have done a very good job, Ge Congzhou is fine, you have broken through to Title Douluo."

Zuo Jishan looked at Ge Congzhou and said.

"Where, it's just a fluke. I met a lonely Emperor bell bird, raped and killed it, so I reached this point."

"So that's how it is, heh heh, I was proud just now, but I didn't expect to do such a shameful thing in front of us now."

Walking in front of Zheng Boqi, Zheng Boqi was kissing Wu Yuelu as if there was no one else on the ground. The scene was once unbearable.

"Go to hell and enjoy!"

The golden water demon's cloud stick slashed at the head of Zheng Boqi who was having sex, and Zheng Boqi was instantly chopped to death by Zuo Jishan.

"Young master, don't kill the beauty, leave it to us, hehe."

Shang let his tongue stretch out and wrapped the Wuyue law roll in front of them, playing with it wantonly.

"Let go of the law of the moon, she is the granddaughter of Lingxie Mian, she will not spare you!"

Hao Xiao, who was the only one who was still awake, yelled at them, and he was still awake. They looked at Hao Xiao in surprise, and found that Hao Xiao was bleeding from under him.

"A strong man broke his wrist and left the palace. I admire it. I really can't do anything about the man from the palace. If you want me to let go, it depends on whether the beauty is willing or not, haha."

Wu Yuelu in Ge Congzhou's arms screamed, and under the influence of his soul skills, Wu Yuelu couldn't stay awake.

It was a scene that I couldn't bear to watch again. I had been secretly paying attention to the death of the poisonous soul here. Tong Yingmeng and his party showed disgust in their eyes, and they were not interested in watching it again.

"This is the first time I know that the main body martial soul still has such a disgusting martial soul, old poison, do you accept the two of them from the main body sect?"

"Fuck off!! There is no such scum in my Noumenon Sect. I really lose face of my Noumenon Martial Soul. I will expel these two!"

Du Hunshi said with a look of disgust, it stands to reason that Tongue Wuhun is Shang Rang, and Ge Congzhou of Life Root Wuhun can be regarded as a body Douluo, but the body spirits of these two people are so disgusting that even Du Hunshi can't see it. go down.

"By the way, that Ge Congzhou broke the record of being the youngest titled Douluo with a martial soul, what do you think about Lao Du?"

"Meng Qianji, I remember that you still lack a body. I think Ge Congzhou is in good condition in all aspects, and the ratio of the soul ring is also compatible with your life. How about I kill him and give you a body?"

"Your sister, such a disgusting person, I don't want his body!"

"Then what do you have to do with me when you just resurrected? Shut up!"

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