Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 388 Soul Hunting: The Picked Up Child (3)

"Since then, the ninth generation Lord Chasing Heaven has disappeared, and the world of soul beasts has gradually declined..."

Qian Bai Youyou, who was lying on Qian Zaoyou's lap, said, sighed, as if telling a long story, as the listener, Qian Zaoyou also sighed.

Humans still know too little about soul beasts. Compared to humans, soul beasts have lived on this land for too long. They have always been the masters of the continent before humans were born on the continent. , who ever peeked into the whole picture of the prehistoric world thousands of years ago?

"Why do you say this, I always feel that you have something on your mind..."

Gently massaging Qian Meibai, Qian Zaoyou asked softly with her eyes.

"Machine Capital, the Emperor of Machinery, there may be the fifth generation Lord of Chasing Heaven, the Emperor of Machinery, and the thing that can heal me, the heart, the mechanical heart, is likely to be in the hands of the Emperor of Machinery. "

"What?! The fifth generation Lord of Chasing Heaven?! Then isn't it..."

"At least a million years, at most, heh..."

"I'm afraid it has reached a height that our soul masters can't reach. This time, I have a narrow escape, but I still have to try...cough cough..."

"Unfortunately, I can't see the glory of the Wuhun Palace and the moment of reunifying the mainland..."

"In my lifetime, in my lifetime..."

"Stop talking, I'll treat you again, you should take a rest."

Qian Zaoyou said distressedly, a glowing green light lit up on her hand, and the breath of life poured into Qian Meibai's body, and Qian Meibai gradually eased up.

"In another hour, we should be in the city of weapons. The wheel weapon guards have been checking Xingluo's movements and changes in Xingluo. There are really many interesting things recently, hehe..."

Smiling mysteriously, Qian Meibai looked confident and confident, as if in his eyes, there was nothing that could not be achieved by clever tricks.

The sedan chair was walking, but suddenly stopped, and the bearer called to the inside:

"Two adults, there is a child on the road ahead, it seems that a group of people are bullying her."

"Oh? Just go around and go, there is no need to create side effects."

"Only, it's just that child is killing people. Those who besieged her are all dead. The front is full of blood and corpses."

The bearer said tremblingly, as if he had seen something frightening.

Qian Meibai frowned, he also seemed to smell blood.

Getting up from Qian Zaoyou's knee pillow, he opened the curtain and saw a shocking scene.

Blood flowed like a river, corpses piled up one after another, those soul masters had already fled in fright, leaving only the child.

With short hair, she lowered her head, unable to see her face clearly, her body was stained with blood, she held a knife in one hand, and a strange rattle pinned to her waist.

Her whole body looked in a mess, like a dilapidated little beggar.

The moment he saw her, Qian Yibai's pupils shrank, and he actually felt a sense of threat from this child, how could it be possible? He is a rank ninety-seven Title Douluo, how many people on the continent can threaten him?

What is it...

"Demon Saber Rincut?!"

Qian Zaoyou, who also came out, exclaimed in surprise, "The Seven Demon Swords, with their eyesight, they can see it at a glance."

"Get out of the way..."

"Tell you guys, get out of the way!!"

The child in front burst out with a ferocious aura, she raised her head, exuding a terrifying anger, her pupils were different colors, one red and one blue.

The two of them have never seen such a big storm, so naturally they will not be frightened by a child. Qian Meibai put his hands in his sleeves with great interest and asked:

"What if I don't move?"

"Then... kill you all!!"

It's been a long time since anyone dared to speak to them like that,

The girl waved the demon knife Rinchi, and cut out a few blades towards them.

"Strange, this doesn't seem to be her martial soul, there is no fluctuation of soul power, and I don't see her soul ring."

It became more and more interesting, Qian Meibai raised his hand, and a mechanical gear appeared, and it was going towards the girl.

The little girl on the opposite side repeated the same trick, and also raised her hand to imitate Qian Meibai. A mechanical gear was thrown towards Qian Meibai, and the two mechanical gears collided and shattered.

"Huh? Interesting..."

"Mechanical mechanism, mechanical evil dragon!"


The big gears formed a long dragon made of machines, roaring hoarsely and rushing towards the little girl.


"Monthly reading!!"

Two pupils, one red and one blue, three pupils swirled in the girl's eyes. In the same way, she also shot a mechanical evil dragon with the same power, rushing towards Qianyibai.

"How is it possible?! What is she? A soul bone? Or a soul skill? Can it be replicated?"

Qian Zaoyou shouted in surprise, this attack has the attack power of a soul emperor, but the girl still used it completely, counterattacking Qian Yibai.

"Emerald Prison!!"

She didn't believe in evil, and tried to control girls with soul-like control skills.

"Crimson Flow Break!!!"

The sharp blade of the demon knife in his hand turned red, and he hit a blow that was not inferior to Title Douluo.

Arriving here, the identity of the girl is ready to be revealed.

Unlimited monthly reading, Rinichi the Demon Sword, Suo Enling of Inari God...

The girl was An Er who was sent to the mainland by Yuzao when Gao Tianyuan was at that time! !

The daughter of Wei Miyue and Si Qingrong, Yue reads her fate!

"God-level breath?!"

"The Emerald Prison!"

"Mechanical Evil Dragon!!"

The attack of the two was completely reproduced by An Er, and he returned it to him in his own way.

"Don't use energy to attack, and don't use tricks, skills!"

As expected, Qian Meibai quickly understood the key point, and directly approached An Er with his weak body, and grabbed An Er with one hand. An Er was surprised and wanted to swing a knife. The next moment, Qian Meibai used fighting to capture him. With the technique, An Er's small body was restrained, and he hugged his arms tightly. Feeling An Er's developed body, he cried out in surprise:

"Are you a girl?!"

"Let go of me! Shout!! Let me go!!"

An Er cut off most of his hair to get away, so he looked like a boy.

"Feel sorry……"

There is a difference between men and women, Qian Meibai let An Er go, An Er still wanted to fight, but Qian Meibai stopped him:

"Wait a minute, we're not bad people. My name is Qian Meibai, and she is my aunt Qian Zaoyou. What's your name? Why are you here?"

"Name, my name..."

"Ah ah ah..."

When the name was mentioned, An Er lowered her body in pain, as if her memory had been sealed, and her brain would hurt when she thought of it.

"It seems to have amnesia, let me try."

"Angel of Life, Light of Spiritual Healing!"

Qian Zaoyou released the martial soul, and the six-winged angel of life appeared, and the soft light enveloped An Er, and An Er was enveloped by the light, so he felt better

"mom, Mom, Mom……"

The effect of this skill is also very interesting. It is designed to soothe the pain in people's hearts, ease emotions, and forget some painful things.

"Name, my name is..."

"Small ears……"

"I love little ears..."

who? Who is talking, the memory in my head...

Blurred face, who are you?

Why does my heart hurt so much when I think about it, and I burst into tears...



"Huh? What did you say, Yuan? Is your name Yuan?"

"I'm afraid her memory hasn't recovered yet, she's such a poor child, let's take her with me..."

"Hey, it's not good to kidnap and sell children casually..."

"If I don't abduct ordinary children, this child is interesting. I still need a heir. Before I die, I seem to see a new future..."

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