Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 389 Soul Hunting Operation: Chrysanthemum and Ghost (4)

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, Spirit Hall searches for the whereabouts of the Holy Spirit Sect, and people who have nothing to do with it get out of the way. Anyone who has the whereabouts of this sect should report to the Spirit Hall, and the Spirit Hall will reward you."

An arrogant blond man spoke domineeringly, with a sharp tone, his pupils seemed to be defiant, and his eyes were also golden. The golden brilliance flowed in his eyes, as if they were breathtaking.

The close-fitting armor outlines his figure on his body, and a red cloak is draped behind him. On one side of the armor, a conspicuous mark is engraved on the shoulder. Anyone who understands it will understand that it is the mark of Wuhun Temple. This man is Wuhundian. The people of Soul Palace! !

There is another man standing beside him. The difference is that he is dressed in black, which makes him a bit cold. His armor is mainly purple and black. There are two statues on the left and right sides. The imp's skull followed.

The two of them led dozens of elites from the Wuhun Temple to swagger in the Xingluo Empire, and they kept inquiring about the whereabouts of the Holy Spirit Sect, which aroused the dissatisfaction of many local people in Xingluo. Dare to be angry and dare not speak out, afraid of their strength, because they are the pinnacle represented by today's soul masters, titled Douluo!

"Yueguan, can this work? I think people like Xingluo are quite repulsive to us. If we go to a place like this and search everywhere, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the local people in Xingluo. The Xingluo royal family probably won't treat us Wuhundian, in Xingluo acted so presumptuously, there must be a limit, and also, that Holy Spirit Sect, if they found out secretly, wouldn't they hide more secretly and not come out?"

Guigui raised his own question, the Holy Spirit Sect, the Holy Spirit Sect, he followed orders to act this time, and his mood was also very complicated. After all, it was because of his rebellion that the Holy Spirit Sect was almost destroyed by stabbing a knife in the back. Unexpectedly Later, someone came out to pull the banner of the tiger and raised the banner in the name of the Holy Spirit Sect. Qian Daoliu attached great importance to this, and sent a large number of elites to wipe out the sudden emergence of the Holy Spirit Sect. Ghosts are members related to the Holy Spirit Sect , naturally included in the dispatch.

"That's the order from above, what can I do? Who knows what Qian Yibai is thinking, just act according to the plan, are you worried? Because of this Holy Spirit Sect, you are restless."

"After all, we were mainly involved in the destruction of the Holy Spirit. I didn't expect that the destruction was not complete, and there were still remnants. The Holy Spirit Sect is a terrible religion. If it cannot be completely wiped out, there will be endless troubles in the future."

"This time, we will make up for the mistakes we made at the beginning. It is not too late to make up for it. Zhong Lisu is really dead. Even if there are a few small fish and shrimp left behind, what will happen?"

"But I always have an ominous premonition..."

Ghost, who had never been afraid before, suddenly became flustered, as if he had an ominous premonition.

While the two were discussing, Lun Jiwei from Qian Yibai came over with a kit.

"Your Majesty, Lord Qianmeibai has sent you a kit, saying that there is a plan in the kit that will surely lead to someone from the Holy Spirit Sect."

Handing over Qian Yibai's kit, Lun Jiwei quietly left. The two looked at each other, seeing a trace of suspicion in each other's eyes, and opened the kit. Inside was a note, which read "Qian Yibai" Bai's next plan.

"Wonderful, clever plan, it's really a clever plan. It's worthy of being the number one conspirator on the list of conspiratorial masters. Under the crown of a machine, it can guess people's hearts, and it's really high to use the method of one calculation and three calculations."

After a cursory glance, Guimei and Yueguan were both impressed by the strategy.

"According to the above, where is Hua Jiao?"

"The subordinates are here!"

"Here, you go and follow the instructions above, old ghost, it seems that we are going to visit the old place again."

"Going back? It's been a long time since I went back,

Then let's go to the village of the Holy Spirit Cult. "

No one knows what kind of pass is sold here. Ghosts and Yueguan went to the border of Xingluo, where the village of the Holy Spirit Cult was originally located, and their subordinate Hua Jiao walked around the entire Xingluo territory with a piece of paper.

Regarding the movement of Wuhun Temple, the scouts of the Holy Spirit Sect are naturally paying attention at all times, and soon someone returned to the sect to report the movements of Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo. At the same time, that article was also obtained by the scouts Pass it to Long Jinyue who is currently in charge of teaching.

Long Jinyue and Mingxue of the Bianhua Wuhun were still discussing how to resist, received orders from their subordinates, took the paper, saw it, and changed their faces when they read it.

"Wuhundian informs the mainland to spread the order:

To Tiandou and Xingluo, since the founding of the Wuhun Temple, the aim is to eradicate the evil and catch the culprits. A few years ago, Zhong Lisu created the Holy Spirit Sect to harm the mainland and ravage the people. Thousands of families could not bear the loss of life in the mainland. Therefore, he was born to eradicate the Holy Spirit, sacrificed countless soul masters during the period, and finally destroyed the cult...

However, due to the negligence of thousands of families, the Holy Spirit Sect has slipped through the net. Therefore, another Holy Spirit Sect was born, trying to use the name of the Holy Spirit Sect to subvert the mainland again. For this reason, the Holy Spirit Sect did all kinds of evil, killing soul masters, dark and evil, and it was a disaster for the mainland. , Now Qianjia wants to make up for the negligence of the day, and sent several strong men to eradicate this evil cult, and hope that anyone with clues will tell. "

"Also, regarding this cult, Spirit Hall doesn't want to be righteous. At the home of the Holy Spirit, Spirit Hall should go there again, killing corpses and digging up bones..."

In the proclamation, the Holy Spirit Sect was severely blackened, and the Holy Spirit Sect was written as a treacherous and evil person who did all kinds of evil, and everyone on the mainland hated him very much.

"Slaughtering corpses and digging bones, will Spirit Hall do such despicable things? Don't they always claim to be the righteous people on the mainland?! This is what Spirit Hall will do?!"

After reading the call to action drafted by Qian Yibai, Long Jinyue said angrily when he saw it.

"The opponent is the Holy Spirit Sect and the evil soul master. You see who treats the Holy Spirit Sect and the evil soul master as human beings. It's too late for someone to applaud."

"Go to the old place of the Holy Spirit. I remember the former village of the Holy Spirit Sect. It's not far from the former site of the Ming Yuzong."

The Bianhua Wuhun Mingxue who came with Long Jinyue has long been popularized by her about the ins and outs of the Holy Spirit Sect, so she understands it.

"It's not far away. There are still people at the old site. We are divided into two branches. Some people from the Blood Shadow Team are in charge at the old site. Xiao Linfei, the owner of the blood-drinking demon martial soul, and the flying Scorpion King martial soul The owner, Jiang Junmo, is the leader."

"Where is Lu Qing now?"

"Uh, with Lu Qing's reckless and well-developed personality, I'm afraid..."

"Warrior! Can he do it? The opponents are Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo who have been famous for a long time!"

"Send someone for reinforcements?"

"I'm going to find Uncle Lian and Uncle Lin!"

After all, Long Jinyue went to look for Lin Xiangyue and Lian Ke with an ugly face. .

The small village of the Holy Spirit Sect that no one has visited for a long time, where the story begins, Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo returned here according to the route in memory. It seems that nothing has changed, and the fog is filled.

The green hills are hidden in the white mist, and everything seems illusory.

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