Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 391: Soul Hunting Action: Armed Capital (6)

After the incident in the Panlong Great Forest, earth-shaking changes have taken place within the Star Luo Empire. Most of the strength of the Five Elements Legion stationed in the Panlong Great Forest has been lost. High-ranking generals like Hao Sixing, Zheng Boqi and others have all died of various reasons. There are only two of the five captains of the personal guard under Tong Gefei. A large number of soldiers of the Five Elements Legion died while rounding up the criminals on the Tianhun list. For a big change, I chose to retreat, and I will not show up for the time being.

The Five Elements Legion withdrew, and the Star Luo Empire suffered the most heavy losses this time. It was the younger generation that had always been proud of it. The losses of the Star Luo Seven Samurai were also extremely huge. Fu Qianshu's second daughter lost her body, her spirit suffered a great blow, and she was completely on the verge of madness. Miao Ran died in battle, and the strongest team that used to face the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition collapsed completely, which caused Wu Yingbing and others a headache .

Wu Yingbing's own granddaughter suffered from that kind of thing, and she was quite distressed when she saw Wu Yuelu looking for death and life all day long. At the same time, she was also thinking about how to start again when the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition is coming. Form a team that is not inferior to the original.

Rubbing her temples, Wu Yingbing kept thinking, originally she was behind the scenes, but because of this incident, she came out from behind the scenes and stood in front of the stage.

Gongsun Fu, vice president of Xingluo Royal Academy, was called by Wu Yingbing to the palace to discuss the matter, and Xuanji Douluo also attended the discussion.

Somewhat sad, she troubledly tapped the table with her hand, and Wu Yingbing said:

"In the case of Lost in the Grand Canyon, the loss of seven people from the second echelon, and in the case of Panlong Forest, the loss of seven people in the first echelon, although not all of them died, their mentality has changed a lot, and it is difficult to recover for a while Come here and participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition in a month, now it seems that only the third echelon can be used."

"In my opinion, the ancestors don't have to worry about these things at all. With that perverted little guy named Mingtian, even if the remaining six are cats and dogs, he can lead them into the finals. He alone can defeat thousands of troops. I still can't forget the situation when he fought against my entire Xuanji Legion with his own strength."

Xuanji Douluo Xuanji stroked his beard and said, as if joking.

"Absurd, the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition is a matter between teams, and what is emphasized is the cooperation between the teams, not the combat effectiveness of an individual. You can wait until the one-on-one time to say this."

"Relying on Mingtian alone, the other people can't do it, isn't it ridiculous?"

"Xingluo Royal Academy, I'm afraid they won't do this, Gongsun Fu, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty is right. I don't think it's better to use people from the third echelon. Ming Tian is originally from the third echelon, isn't he? Tang Fengke and Long En are also talented, and they have been practicing to improve their soul power. , Since returning from the Lost Grand Canyon, they have not fallen behind, and have worked harder."

"I remember that the place they chose to practice seems to be... the city of weapons?"

"Yes, they are in the capital."

"But the third echelon doesn't seem to have all the people. The eldest prince needs to be excluded. There is also Mingxue from the Bianhua Wuhun. Mingtian told me that she may have died."

"That's just right. Hao Xiao and Liu Xian from the first echelon came in to fill in the vacancy."

"If that's the case, there will only be one woman in this team, Wan Huachuan. It's fair to say that there aren't many good-looking and pleasing beauties in a team?"

Xuanji on the side laughed and complained.

"You mean that Wanhuachuan is not good-looking? As far as I know, Wanhuachuan has reached the level of soul sage and is not inferior to other people."


Putting aside the variable of Mingtian, there are six people left, attack, attack, attack, attack, assist summon, and control. "

"Gongsun, do you think this configuration is suitable for a team that is going to participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition?"

"What's inappropriate? Mingtian can assist, but Mingong is omnipotent, and the rest are just icing on the cake."

"As far as I know, a good team must have at least four men and three women. The four main systems of control, strong attack, support, and agility attack must be fully matched. Support can be supported by weapons, martial souls, food, and... "

"Enough! Xuanji, what do you mean?! You just don't like my proposal, right?"

"When participating in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, the team represents our Xingluo, and represents our Xingluo's image. What I mean is that it is better to select from the academy again to ensure that nothing will go wrong."

"The time is too short, so even if they are re-elected, they will not be able to cooperate tacitly and practice, and the possibility of losing is very high."

"Both of you are right, but you have given me a new way of thinking."

"A new idea? Did His Majesty think of another way?"

"Why not do the two things together? I think let Mingtian find his former partner, and then let him choose his teammates for running-in. It's better to limit the upper limit to eleven people, and there can be four alternates."

"What Your Majesty said makes sense, I'll wait to hear what Your Majesty says!"


"Go to Long En and the others?"

Hearing what Wu Yingbing told him, Ming Tian was also surprised. He had been back for a while, and Wei Ben was secretly by his side. He was still living in the dormitory that was originally arranged in Youmu District. Long En and his former partners Not there, he digested what happened in the past few days by himself. Like Tong Gefei, he also needs to adjust his mentality and get out of Tong Yingmeng.

There is no better way to get out of a painful situation than to divert attention.

"Well, I want you to form the team that is most suitable for participating in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition. There are 11 spots in total for the active and reserve players. Now you can take action. Calling your former teammates is also what you need to do Yes."

"Blindly immersing yourself in the grief of the past will not solve the problem. I have a selfish intention. I hope you will take Yuelu with you. This child has suffered a great blow. You know that the most important thing for a girl What is it?"

"What do you mean by the crown?"

"I don't want to get too close to the opposite sex anymore."

"Don't worry, I didn't mean that. My granddaughter, I don't understand myself? She still has a heart about Long En's defeat of her."

"Long En? That's it. I understand what your majesty means. Where did Long En and the others practice?"

"I'm going to the capital in the last few days, is there any problem?"

"No problem, Mechanical City? Mechanical City, I am looking forward to it."

"It's okay, then I'll go. By the way, those people who came back from the Panlong Great Forest that day were..."

"It's just my teacher and uncles."

Ming Tian hurriedly found an excuse to cover it up, Wu Yingbing took a meaningful look at Ming Tian, ​​in front of her, the Limit Douluo, there was nothing she couldn't see through.

"It was you who helped Du Hun die back then."


"Forget it, I don't intend to pursue it, and I don't want to know what relationship you have with Duhunsi. From the way I know you, you are a good boy. I don't want to know about your past, I just hope you can keep Sincerely."

Leaving such a sentence to Ming Tian, ​​Wu Yingbing just left. Ming Tian touched his nose, feeling a little guilty.

The people here at Xingluo are very nice to him, they have never asked him about his past and background, this time Xingluo is facing such a difficult matter as the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, he can help if he can.

"Mechanical capital?"


"Ming Tian, ​​you are indeed here."

"Uncle He Chen?! How did you find this place?"

It was He Chen who came to find Ming Tian.

That day when they came back from the Panlong Great Forest, Ming Tian and He Chen had not had time to communicate in detail, so they separated in order to avoid being suspected by others.

"Prince Xue Xing visited Xingluo Royal Academy, and I came with him, Dugu Bo, General Ran Chun, and..."

"Huh? Who is He Chen? Why don't you introduce me?"

A man came from behind He Chen with a smile, his brows were handsome, his face was as bright as jade, and he looked very graceful. .

Mr. Pianpian, who is rare in the world, is really good-looking.

When Ming Tian saw it, his eyes lit up in surprise.

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