Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 392 Soul Hunting Operation: Xuehuang Machine (7)

Is there really a man who is prettier than a woman in the world?

Ming Tian has always been unbelievable. Everyone probably has a dream lover in their hearts. She has soft and long black temples that drape down her shoulders, skin that is whiter than ice and snow, and a pair of eyes as gentle as rivers, like the ridgeline of a mountain. The curved body line, the clavicle under the neck is like a seabird with spread wings, so clear.

He has seen many women, and many women have their own unique personalities and amazing feelings. Yan Qingwan was innocent and strong when she was a child; Xu Xuan was independent and wise; bereavement...

But there is no man like Xue Huangji, who makes people miss it at the first glance. His noble temperament, elegant and modest smile, like a sun that radiates heat, makes people feel warm, but not hot.

It is easy to make people feel close. Xue Huangji has all the advantages of a man and a woman. It makes people wonder how there can be such a beautiful person in the world.

Looking at Ming Tian, ​​Xue Huang laughed, the moment he saw Ming Tian, ​​he also had a strange feeling, attraction, something in Ming Tian was invisibly attracting him, making people want to help To explore his heart and find out the deepest thoughts hidden in his heart.

Both of them were stupefied for a moment, but He Chen was the first to break the silence and said:

"Big... Mr. Huang, this is the Mingtian I mentioned to you, very powerful, and now he is the title Douluo, the title is Yuanyan, and he used to be a member of the Holy Spirit, but he is not as powerful as in the legend. My evil soul master is as bad as he is, but on the contrary, he is very good."

"Ming Tian, ​​this is..."

"Hello, Mingtian, my name is Xuehuangji. I've heard about you for a long time, and I've always heard He Chen mention it before."

"Because of my status, I asked He Chen to address him as Mr. Huang outside. I am the eldest son of Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire."

"Ah come?"

What's the situation with your eldest prince? Why did you reveal your identity as soon as we met? It wasn't like this when he was in the post house, pretending to be a servant accompanying Prince Xue Xing, he was cautiously dying.

"Ah, it turns out to be the eldest prince Tiandou, Mingtian has met..."

"Hey, you don't have to be so polite..."

Gently supporting Ming Tian, ​​Xue Huangji looked at him and said with a smile:

"Ming Tian, ​​tomorrow, what a good name, Ming Tian, ​​are you willing to be the tomorrow of my Heaven Dou Empire?"

"Uh...Eldest Prince, what do you mean..."

Ming Tian doesn't understand politics, He Chen stayed by Xue Huangji's side for a few years,

After being a little bit influenced by his ears and eyes, he instantly understood the intentions of his eldest prince, and when he came up, he used his real name to reveal his identity. It is to attract Ming Tian, ​​are you going to win him over? That's right, Ming Tian is a sweet potato, so it's not surprising that Xue Huang is so eager to recruit.

After realizing it, Ming Tian also came to his senses, looking at Xue Huangji's sincere gaze, he couldn't immediately refuse, saying:

"Thank you, the eldest prince, for looking up to Mingtian. Mingtian was born in the Holy Spirit, and his reputation is not good. He is just a commoner. How dare he climb up to the Tiandou imperial family? The eldest prince has killed Mingtian."

"It's okay, I don't care about you. I think you misunderstood me. When I first met you, I felt quite destined. Why don't we make friends, okay?"

"It's an honor for Ming Tian to be able to make friends with the eldest prince, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Just call me Huangji, Ming Tian, ​​can I call you like that? Ming Tian?"

"Anything is fine!!"

Being stared directly at by Xue Huangji like this, Ming Tian only felt his scalp go numb. What's the situation with this eldest prince? ?

"Okay, keep it a secret. My identity, don't call me the First Prince anymore, this is Xing Luo, it will cause trouble."

"Ming, understand, Huang, Mr. Huangji..."

Damn, why are you so awkward, what's going on with this feeling? Hey!

Ming Tian complained in his heart.

"Well, Uncle He Chen, Mr. Huangji, I have something to do next, and I'm afraid I'll be away for a while, so I'll take my leave first."

"Hey, Mingtian, where are you going?"

Grasping Mingtian's sleeve, Xue Huangji realized that she had acted improperly, and quickly let go. Mingtian just wanted to get out of here quickly and get rid of this weird atmosphere.

"Go to the city of weapons, go there to do something, two, we will see you by fate!"

She cupped her hands towards the two of them, and Ming Tian left quickly, looking at the back of Ming Tian leaving, Xue Huangji smiled thoughtfully.

"At such a young age, he is a titled Douluo, with the power to devour, countless martial spirits, and countless soul rings. In the future, he will definitely be a powerful generation who will rule the continent."

"This kind of talent, I have to recruit them under Tiandou's command no matter what I say, it can't be cheap Xingluo, He Chen, let's go, let's go back, Tool Capital, interesting, I think we should go too."


"you're awake?"

Looking at An Er who woke up, Qian Meibai asked with concern, An Er only felt like he had lost some memory, and his heart was a little empty, but after losing that painful memory, his heart obviously felt better.

Qian Zaoyou on the side put away her martial soul and soul ring. She is good at healing and all kinds of healing. Whether it is physically, mentally, or spiritually, just now she used her healing soul skills to help Aner heal the pain in her heart, and forget those sad memories.

"Well, where am I?"

Looking at Qian Yibai with some strangeness, An Er was a little strange, not only to them, but also to this world.

"In my carriage, we are on the way to Xingluo Jidu. We met you halfway and saw you in pain, so we saved you. You seem to have lost your memory? Do you remember who you are now? where?"

Qian Meibai, who is friendly to others, can easily gain the favor of others. An Er tried to think of something, but his mind felt like a needle prick.

"Uh, Yue Yuan, Yao Ji, I..."

"If you feel pain, don't think about it..."

Qian Meibai grabbed An Er's wrist, sent soft soul power into her body, and exchanged a glance with Qian Zaoyou.

"I can't even remember the name, can I?"


An Er shook his head.

"What a poor child, it's too dangerous for you to be alone, and it's easy to cause trouble. We are from Wuhundian, Wuhundian on the mainland, and we will help you. If you have no plans, you can stay in the future." with us."

"Uh, can I?"

"Thank you, thank you, you are good people."

"We don't have a name and we don't know how to call you. I think you have the demon sword Rinchi, so how about calling you Rin?"


"Okay, my name is Rin."

"Rin, my name is Qianyibai, Qianjia, I think you are very smart, can you be my disciple? I haven't accepted a disciple yet, and I will teach you what I have learned in my life. I feel very destined to meet you. I am this year old. I don't know how old I am, I have never married a wife and had children in my life, seeing you is like seeing my own children."


"Yes, don't worry, let's take our time."

"I checked your body and found that there is no martial soul or soul power, but your ability is very strange. You can copy the opponent's skills infinitely and use it yourself, right?"

"Probably, I'm not sure."

"It's such an astonishing ability. Before this, I thought that the evildoer on the mainland who can devour other people's martial souls for use is already perverted enough. Your ability seems to be just restrained."

His eyes flickered, Qian Yibai seemed to be planning some kind of plan.

At this time their carriage stopped suddenly, and the bearer came and called:

"My lord, the weapons are here."

"Oh? Have all the equipment arrived?"

After getting off the carriage, all the legendary weapons in Xingluo appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

The capital of steam machinery, the paradise of soul instructors, the country of rare metals, the gathering place of steel soul beasts, the most advanced place on the mainland...

There are too many titles here, which have attracted the yearning of countless soul masters.

Complex gears form a chain belt around the city, towering industrial machinery towers into the sky, everything is like a sophisticated mechanism that is constantly running.

It is advanced, mysterious, like an independent civilization on the continent.

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