Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 393 Soul Hunting Operation: Surrender (8)

After picking up Lu Qing, Lian Ke took him to the former site of the Holy Spirit Sect and the former site of the Ming Yu Sect. Xiao Linfei, who was guarding the old site of Ming Yu, was greeted by Jiang Junmo, and he searched the vicinity closely to prevent the Wuhun Hall from being attacked. people follow.

The Holy Spirit Sect began to fight openly and secretly with the Wuhun Temple. They had been informed long ago that the headquarters of the new religion, together with the headquarters of the old religion, had been guarding against suspicious figures.

The battle between the two of them with Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo has long attracted the attention of this side. When Xiao Linfei was considering whether to send reinforcements, he did not expect that the two had already arrived, and hurriedly greeted them.

When Lu Qing and Lian Ke returned to the old sect's hometown, they ordered strict precautions. Lian Ke said to Lu Qing slightly complaining:

"Hey, Lao Lu, you are too reckless. You are gambling. Do you know that if the other party completes the two-pole static domain, then no matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to escape! At that time, you will only have to fall!! "

"Okay, it's not that I don't know the critical moment. Ghost Douluo can use the spirit bone skills to speed up their martial soul fusion skills! Originally, I have already calculated it. With the speed of my ninth soul skill, it is completely possible Hurry up and seriously injure them before their martial soul fusion skills!!"

Lu Qing quibbled, and said somewhat dissatisfied.

"Don't gamble on anything, don't strive for less than 100% certainty!"

"This time the opponent is extremely cunning. What we have to deal with is probably the number one general in the mainland, Qian Chengyue, and the number one conspirator Qian Yibai. We must be cautious and careful. I think this time to lure us out, and to issue such a statement is Qian Yibai's handwriting, this person's scheming is too terrifying, in terms of resourcefulness, we may not be the opponent of this ghost, it is better to be careful and adapt to all changes."

Lian Ke speaks earnestly and authentically.

"Your Majesty! I've seen you Your Majesty!"

At this moment, Xiao Linfei and Jiang Junmo also came over, and bowed respectfully to the two Titled Douluo.

"Well, are you prepared?"

"Guaranteed to be safe, and there may even be discoveries."

"Bring it on!"

Xiao Linfei clapped his hands, and one of his confidantes came up with him.

The person who was taken up looked like someone from the Wuhun Temple, wearing quite high-end armor, and looked like a high-ranking member of the Wuhun Palace.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

"be honest!"

Kicked the man's legs and feet and pushed him to the ground. Lian Ke saw it and asked:

"What's going on here? You captured it?"

"That's right, this person was the leader of the group that came after him. Unfortunately, his strength is not very strong. Hun Emperor, I captured him easily."

Xiao Linfei, who was talking, said with a smile, he was already at the Contra level, and his martial soul was an extremely powerful blood-drinking demon, belonging to the Sensitive Attack martial soul.

"Ugh, our lord will not let you go! My Spirit Hall has sent several experts this time, don't worry about it!"

"You still dare to be stubborn, I think I should teach you a lesson!"

"Wait a moment!!"

Preventing Xiao Linfei from attacking this person, Lianke asked:

"What's your name? Tell me about your Spirit Hall's plan this time, and tell me all the experts you've sent out. We can save you a little bit of physical suffering."

"Let me betray Wuhundian! You are delusional!!"

"I, Hua Jiao, was born as a member of Wuhundian, and died as a ghost of Wuhundian!"

"Hey, you're quite stubborn, then I'll see how you can be a member of the Wuhun Palace! Take me down and torture you!!"

Grabbing Hua Jiao's hair means that someone took Hua Jiao down and tortured him.

"Leave this person alive, pry out some information about Wuhundian from his mouth,

According to his equipment, he should be the chief guard of the Wuhun Hall, he has quite a status, and he should know a lot of things. "

"Subordinates understand!"

"Send someone to perceive what happened here between the interim suzerain and His Majesty Jinyue, and ask for further instructions. Although they can't find it for the time being, the direction of our escape is exposed. Once they find more people to start a carpet search , I am afraid that it is only a matter of time before we are found, and we must be prepared for defense at any time."

"Follow the instructions of your majesty! We will do it now."

Jiang Junmo and Xiao Linfei went to work separately, and Lian Ke and Lu Qing were able to rest temporarily. After counting the casualties, they found that five soul sects were killed in the barbarian camp, and two soul kings were seriously injured. It was the first time for them that the casualties were so heavy.

"Ah! Ahhh!!!"

Hua Jiao, who was being severely punished, let out a heart-piercing cry. This roar was a nightmare. The screaming lasted all afternoon. way to do it.

But fortunately, the shouting finally gradually stopped, and the two wondered whether Hua Jiao had been tortured to death.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, that guy has recruited, hehe, he really has a hard mouth, but no matter how hard the mouth is, I can pry it open."

Complacent Xiaolin flew over to them and said, hearing Hua Jiao's move, Lian Ke and Lu Qing hurried over, quite interested.

Seeing Hua Jiao again, Hua Jiao has been tortured to the point of disfigurement, his clothes are torn, his hair is drooping, his seven orifices are bleeding, his body is full of scars, and even his lower body is bleeding.

Seeing Hua Jiao's appearance, Xiao Linfei knew what the two of them were going to ask, and said:

"In order to recruit this guy, I threatened him to turn him into a hermaphrodite without a lifeline. In the end, he was scared, so I recruited him."

"Uh...Gao, how cruel, Xiao Linfei, why didn't I realize that you have this talent before."

"I have my own method to deal with such people. After Zisheng disappeared, I have been on the verge of collapse and sadness. In order to divert attention, I have developed such a method."

Zisheng refers to Yan Zisheng, the owner of the Guiqin Coffin Martial Soul. He and Xiao Linfei are best friends, brothers in life and death. During the Xingluo Xu family incident, he was sent by Mingxue to assassinate the family members of the next four strokes and swords. To destroy the friendship between Ye Xingrui and Fengjianzong, and put the blame on Ye Xingrui, but Yan Zisheng met Ming Tian, ​​was killed by Mingtian and devoured Wuhun, and saved the family of Fengjianzong's patriarch at that time.

Ming Tian has already destroyed his sister's plans several times intentionally or unintentionally, and the two are really a bad relationship, which is very sad.

The death of Yan Zisheng led to Xiao Linfei today.

"Forgive me..."

Hua Jiao spoke weakly, looked at Hua Jiao, and Lian Ke, the middle of the two, asked:

"I want to live, answer my question, do you understand?"

"Let me ask you, who did your Spirit Hall send against us this time?"

"There are two teams sent out, one bright and the other dark. On the surface, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo will hunt you down, and secretly let His Majesty Tiangou lead a team to visit Xingluo unannounced."

"Famous general Qian Chengyue?! His title is Sky Hook, so he really came."

Hearing this name, Lianke's expression turned cold.

"What else?! Qian Yibai, where is he?!"

"Machine, under the majesty of Mechanism, he went to the capital city to repair the martial soul, but he gave us a good idea, and I have the good idea he gave us as proof."

As he said that, Hua Jiao released his martial soul with his weak soul power, and his martial soul was also very strange, it was a bag called the Qiankun bag.

Sure enough, there are six standard soul rings. He is a half-assisting, half-controlling soul master, and his combat power is not strong, so he was caught by Xiao Linfei. With a shake of the universe bag, a kit and a note fell out. Ke quickly picked it up and took a look, his face serious.

"It's Qian Yibai's handwriting that's good. I've seen his handwriting when I was on the mainland a few years ago. This guy has a special handwriting that no one else can imitate."

"Really? Is there any fraud in this?"

Lu Qing also became cautious, touched his chin and asked, looked at Hua Jiao and roared:

"Hey! Let me ask you! Didn't you say that you are a member of the Wuhun Palace, and death is a ghost of the Wuhun Palace? Why did you surrender so easily? Did you come here to deceive us on purpose?"

"Cheat? Hehe, that's right, I'm just lying to you. What I just said is all false. I just want to lure you into our trap. Believe it or not."

"Look, I said there is a problem, your grandma, I think it's better to kill him!"

The green-gold claws popped out, intending to kill Hua Jiao, but was stopped by Lian Ke with a single shot.

"You can't believe what he said, but you can't completely disbelieve it. We'll know if it's true or not."

"Tell us, where is the person led by Qian Chengyue? Which way did he go?"

"Ahem, don't you guys not believe me? Then what else did I say?"

"Believe it or not, you don't need to worry about it! Tell us Qian Chengyue's marching route! Tell us quickly! Otherwise, I will make you suffer even more pain!!"


"In the territory of the Star Luo Empire, in the hinterland of the Zhu family, in support of Qian Yibai, the Zhu family has our spies..."

"The Underworld Mountain Range..."

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