Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 474 Old Friend Lu Jiong, Evil Soul Hates

The entire arena was buzzing with chatter and shouts.

The soul masters who come here are all participating in the second round of the knockout round. They first start to draw their own numbers, and according to the numbers, decide which day they will compete and which competition platform they will be on.

Everyone's face was filled with excitement and belligerence. After passing the first round of the knockout round, it meant that they were the best selected among thousands of soul masters, which gave them a sense of superiority and pride in their hearts.

Of course, this is only the first round of the knockout round, and there are two more rounds to come. After three rounds of the preliminary round, three rounds of the rematch, and three rounds of the final, it is their goal to reach the pinnacle of the final final and win the pinnacle of the King of Souls .

Everyone is striving for this goal, secretly working hard, except for some unlucky people who encounter one or two monsters and miss the second round of elimination.

Among the crowd, Deng Zhi looked at the location of the Xingluo Royal Academy. Their people had already been selected. He paid attention to Mingtian intentionally, and when he saw that Mingtian had also finished drawing lots, he smiled strangely.

"Okay, students, first of all, congratulations on entering the second round of the knockout round."

Jiang Ke clapped his hands and said to the few people who participated in the individual competition in front of him.

After only one round of knockout rounds in the audition, Mingtian and the others didn't show much excitement. With their abilities, they can definitely advance to the semi-finals, or even the finals.

No one bought Jiang Ke's account, not even any cooperation.

"Hey, hey, please cooperate a little bit, thank you, Teacher Jiang Ke!"

Ming Tian reminded everyone that he took the lead first and bowed to Jiang Ke.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang Ke——"

Everyone dragged their voices.

"Forget it, forget it, I'm not used to you guys like this, anyway, you all work hard and go all out, everyone can get the results they want!"

"Report your serial number."

"Fifty-four, unfortunately, I have to go to the No. 18 competition platform later."

"It's a coincidence, one hundred and three, I'm the competition platform No. 7."

"No. 90, competition platform No. 20."

Long En, Ming Tian, ​​Nayaro and the other six reported their serial numbers. Surprised to find that this time they all played today!

"It's all concentrated in one day, which is a good thing. After today's competition, everyone will go back and continue to hone their cooperation."

"I wish you success!"

After cheering up his students, Mingtian and the others agreed in unison and continued to compete. For them, it was not difficult at all.

Competition platform No. 7 was close to the door, and Ming Tian soon arrived at platform No. 7. His opponent hadn't arrived yet, so he was thinking about which martial spirit to use later.

Which martial spirit is better...

While thinking about it, he finally saw his opponent. His opponent was a fat guy with a face full of flesh. He didn't know how many stacks of flesh he had on his stomach, but he was not short and tall. He came to the competition stage , jumping together on the spot and falling directly on the competition platform, the huge size and shape shook the competition platform a few times.

This is completely a moving mountain of meat! Ming Tian thought to himself, he looked up and saw the face of this guy in front of him.

It seems that there is no sign of any competition academy. It is not a participating student from any academy, but you are signing up yourself?

The referee on the side was also dumbfounded, but quickly reacted and said:

"The rules are all clear, I won't say more! The game begins!"

After finishing speaking, the referee immediately stepped back from the stage, and the guy opposite Mingtian looked down at him with a faint green light in his eyes.

"Boy, I don't want to hurt you, so get off the stage by myself, otherwise, the battle will be out of my control later on."

The huge guy said, his voice was like thunder, and as he spoke, there were bursts of bad smell from his mouth.

"Damn, how long has this guy not brushed his teeth?"

Tucao is Tucao, I don't know why, Ming Tian felt a strong and familiar smell from him.

"I'll give you the same words. By the way, big brother, it's time for you to lose weight."

"Fat? I hate people saying I'm fat!!"

"Remember my name,

Lu Jiong, my martial spirit is hatred! ! "


The green light exploded, and the already huge body grew rapidly, reaching a full length of about five meters. The skin of the entire body on the opposite side turned green, and countless rocks appeared, like the legendary mountain demon , Bo Gang.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black.

The standard ratio of six rings appeared, the abomination opened its mouth wide, and the first soul ring lit up.


"Whirring whirring!!"

The purple mist spewed out from the mouth of the abomination, and shrouded towards Ming Tian. Ming Tian lowered his body, his body bones lit up, and quickly sprouted eight wings of a dragon whale from his back and flew into the air.

"Abomination?? Why is there such an evil spirit as hatred in the world??"

Mingtian is no stranger to this martial spirit. As early as the early days of the Holy Spirit Sect, there were seven titled Douluo-level protectors in the sect, and one of the titled Douluo-level protectors was Abomination. His surname was Lu, but later he Killed by the people of Wuhundian.

"Lu Jiong? Could it be..."

"Second Soul Skill, Tongue Blade!"

Abomination opened its huge mouth towards Hades in the air, and its long tongue turned into a long blade to attack Hades.

"Angel of Sound!!"

The same ratio of the standard six soul rings, the beautiful angel martial soul emerged on Ming Tian, ​​it was the martial soul of Qian Weiyin, the mutated angel martial soul, and the music angel that Ming Tian had killed at the beginning.

"The third soul skill, Sonic Angel Holy Sword!"


The right hand is held empty, and the purple long sword is in the hand, slashing towards the tongue!


"The third soul skill, Soul Hook!!"

Hateful and closed his tongue, he turned around in a circle, and a long hook swung towards Ming Tian from his back. The hook seemed to hook the soul, and Ming Tian felt a little dazzled.

"The fourth soul skill, Angelic Sonic Boom!!"

The Angel of Purple Pronunciation behind opened its mouth and made a beautiful voice, but after the voice was released, it turned into purple circular sound waves, which exploded near the abomination.

"The fifth soul skill, fat!"

Abomination endured the energy attack of the sonic boom, and countless wounds were instantly opened on his body, but he didn't seem to feel any pain. The fifth soul skill lit up, and countless disgusting fat instantly blocked the broken body parts, very powerful Life-saving soul skills.

"Sixth Soul Skill, Hate the Dark Ball!!"

The huge abomination opened its mouth, and a huge ball of dark energy formed in his mouth, condensed quickly, and attacked towards the underworld! !

"Boom boom boom!!!"

"The sixth soul skill, Dance of the Angel of Sound!!"

Ming Tian dodged the dark energy ball, accumulating energy while dodging, the angel's holy sword swung out, cutting out a purple energy storm.

"It's useless! You can't hurt me, fat!!"

As if there was no pain at all, he hated the countless fats gushing out of his body, filling up the broken and injured places, making him completely invulnerable to damage.

"The fourth soul skill, food!!"

The last unused soul skill was released, and a more exaggerated soul skill appeared. The mouth on Han En's face instantly grew bigger, revealing a foul smell, and the corners of the mouth stretched directly to the base of the ears, and the mouth occupied most of the face.

"Let me eat you!!"

With such a big mouth, I'm afraid it will really swallow Ming Tian into his stomach at once.

"Tongue blade!!"

"Hate the Dark Ball!!"

This fourth soul ability is more like a soul ability to assist oneself, whether it is the tongue blade or the black hate ball, the power is several times stronger than before.

At this point, Ming Tian didn't recognize Lu Jiong again, so he was a bit stupid.

"Deep Sea Whale Guard!!"

Faced with the attack of Hate, Ming Tian chose to defend. At the same time, Yin Angel's martial soul was withdrawn from his body, his left arm bone skill was released, and his left arm turned into blue silver. It was tied round and round, as if to wrap it completely.

"Dark blue silver grass?"

Lu Jiong was not unfamiliar with this sign.

"Wake up! Lu Jiong, it's me, Ming Tian! Ming Tian of the Holy Spirit Sect!"

"Do you remember me? Awakening Day, Wuhun Temple, massacre..."


Hate muttered, as if remembering something, it was very painful.


"It's me!! It's me! Hades!!"

"Is it really you?"

"No, it's impossible!! My partners are all dead! You are not Ming Tian! You are the Wuhundian who came to lie to me and wanted to kill me!! I want to kill you!!!"

Lu Jiong was angry, the six rings all merged in an instant, and even more terrifying soul skills were released.

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