The six soul rings fused in an instant, turning into a dark green soul ring in front of Lu Jiong. The soul ring was spinning, emitting a green bleak light, and was instantly swallowed by the hatred.


Roaring with hatred, a strong wind came out of his mouth, blowing Mingtian back, Mingtian looked at Lu Jiong in surprise, this move seemed to have turned all his soul power into evil, and Lu Jiong's whole body became When it grows huge, its soul power and aura are faintly raised to the level of a soul sage.

"Try this blow!"

"Body of the Abyss!!"

The next moment, a strange scene appeared, the whole body of the loathing seemed to be hollowed out, the torso seemed to be completely gouged out, there was nothing, it was as if it had been hollowed out, and then, a vortex Filling up the hollowed out torso, no matter from the front or the back, it is like a hole filling the original body of the abomination, or being replaced!

A violent suction force emanated from the body of the abyss, as if it wanted to suck in everything around it.

Mingtian in the air was surprised by Lu Jiong's ability, how could it be similar to his own devouring ability?

"Brother, I am Mingtian, your childhood friend Mingtian, remember? We used to play together in our small village, we played games together, although we avoided the world, it was like a paradise that belonged to us world!"

"Blue Silver Soul Devouring Abyss!!"

"Whirring whirring!!"

A light blue abyss vortex appeared from behind Ming Tian, ​​facing the dark red vortex in Lu Jiong's body. The two abysses seemed to be swallowing each other, sucking each other.

"This ability is Aunt You's ability, you..."

You Huamo was known as the number one beauty in the Holy Spirit Church back then, and everyone admired her powerful strength, the most powerful of which was her Blue Silver Soul Devouring Abyss.

"It's time to believe it, brother!"

"Really, you are really Mingtian..."

"Why are you here, and where is this..."

Lu Jiong looked a little strange, as if he had a mental problem. He raised his hands and looked at his own hands. Lu Jiong yelled when he saw the huge monster-like palms.

"Ah!! Monster, it's this monster again!! Hate, it turned me into this, I..."

"I hate, hahahaha, where is Lu Jiong!"

Lu Jiong, who was about to recall Mingtian, became evil again, his eyes became red, and he let out a sharp laugh.

"It seems that Lu Jiong's martial spirit occupies most of his dominant consciousness. Has he gone mad? To awaken Lu Jiong, he still needs to defeat the hatred in his body."

After thinking about it, Ming Tian had an idea.

"Ghost Horned Sea Demon Vine, Sea Demon Vine Flurry!!"

"Swish Swish Swish!!"

Countless sea magic vines split from Ming Tian's right leg, forming a forest covered by sea magic vines, blocking the sight of most of the audience.

"There should be no riots now."

Make sure that the next action will not be discovered by others, the spirit of the underworld is switched, the spirit of the holy angel is released, and nine standard spirit ring ratios appear.

"The eighth soul skill, Angel's Judgment!"


A golden light shot at Lu Jiong. The angel holy light of Wuhun Temple is the best weapon against evil spirit masters, and the holy attribute of angel Wuhun is also the ability to completely restrain evil spirits.

Under the holy light, the hatred became terrified, and the evil energy instantly dissipated.

With the Wuhun in his body, Lu Jiong began to turn into a normal human size, looking at the angel's holy light shooting towards him.

How could Mingtian let the angel holy light really hurt Lu Jiong, the martial soul switched, the thorn dragon martial soul came out, the first soul skill, space teleportation!

The speed of teleportation exceeded the speed of the holy light. Of course, when Ming Tian used the holy light, he deliberately slowed down the release speed of the soul ability.

As soon as Lu Jiong was mentioned, who was still in a daze, Shengguang rushed out of the field, breaking through most of the sea magic vines, and Ming Tian mentioned that Lu Jiong had fallen aside.

The referees hid aside in a daze,

I didn't understand what happened at all, and popped up a little scared.

"He is no longer able to fight, and I trouble you to announce the result of the game."

"Yes, yes, you won this game, take him away quickly."

Said to Mingtian, Mingtian took Lu Jiong and asked with concern:

"Come on, buddy, are you okay?"

Lu Jiong, who is of normal human size, is also a fat man, but he looks a lot naive.

"It's okay, you, are you really Mingtian?"

"Hehe, if you still don't believe me, I'll let you meet someone later."

Helping Lu Jiong up, Ming Tian smiled and looked around the field and found a figure who had just finished the game.

"Hey! Long En! This way!"

"Oh? You are over, Mingtian. I thought I would be faster than you. My opponent is a soul sect, and he is not my opponent at all, but that guy has a powerful defensive soul skill, which is too annoying ,I……"

While talking, Long En walked towards Ming Tian, ​​and saw that there was a fat man beside Ming Tian, ​​who looked familiar, so he slowed down a bit, and looked at Lu Jiong.

"he is……"

"Long En? Are you Long En? That black loach from when you were a child?"

Black Loach was Long En's nickname when he was a child, because his martial soul was the Dark Dragon, so he got his name.

How many years has nobody called him this nickname? Long En suddenly thought of something and shouted:

"Fuck! You are Lu Jiong!!"

"Big fat man! It's really you! What's going on?"

Long En looked at Ming Tian, ​​and Ming Tian smiled and told what happened just now.

"Amazing! You are also a soul emperor? It's a pity that you met Mingtian, who is even more perverted!"

"If we hadn't met me, we wouldn't have been able to find him! Now that's all right, we have one more childhood friend. I don't know when we will find Xiaoxue, Leng Yu and them."

"Let's go, Lu Jiong, you have to talk to us about how you got here in the past few years, and I will discuss with you later, are you okay?"

"It's okay. I originally participated in this competition by myself. I didn't join any academy or force. I just heard that there are geniuses from all over the continent gathered here. I'll give it a try."

"Then don't leave behind you! Stay! Stay with us! How have you been here for the past few years?"

"Wandering on the mainland, earning my own living."

In just eight words, it expresses the endless hardships. The Holy Spirit Sect was completely wiped out at the beginning, they were separated, and everyone lived on their own. And they were only six-year-old children back then. The important thing is that they didn't have as many nobles as Ming Tian. As ordinary soul masters, their survival was even more difficult!

"Brother, I'm sorry for you!"

Long En, Ming Tian, ​​one right and one left, hooked shoulders with Lu Jiong, walking back towards the college as if they were children.

Outside Xingluo City

A team of convoys slowly stopped outside Xingluo City. Xingluo City was under strict inspection during the competition, and soon someone wanted to step forward to check, but was stopped by the guarding officers.

"Hey, you're dying! Didn't you see the mark on the sedan chair? Angel! This is a soldier from the Wuhun Palace! Hurry up and inform Mrs. Wu Qiaoxue!"

Only then did people with discerning eyes see that the team that came was extremely proud and arrogant, and an angelic mark was ostentatiously engraved on the carriage and the flag.

Soon, above the city gate, a female general came down, surrounded by a group of people behind him.

It was Wu Qiaoxue, the nominal head of the Mixed Shadow Legion, the daughter of Wuying Bing.

Wu Qiaoxue looks a lot like her mother, and she also resembles her daughter Wu Yuelu a bit, and she is still a peak Contra.

The heroic Wu Qiaoxue came in front of the Wuhun Temple motorcade, and an old man in the sedan slowly lifted the curtain, revealing a benevolent face.

Seeing the person in front of her, Wu Qiaoxue's pupils shrank suddenly, and she saluted respectfully.

"Dancer Wu Qiao Xue, welcome to Your Majesty the Angel! Your Majesty from the Hall of Spirits, and everyone participating in the competition!"

"Thank you, I haven't been here in Star Luo City for a long time, and seeing it again, it's really different."

Qian Daoliu slowly got off the carriage. Looking at the prosperous and majestic Star Luo City in front of him, he put his hands behind his back.

"How is your mother now?"

"I'm afraid I have noticed your arrival by now, and set up a banquet."

"Hahahaha, we are guests from afar, and our Spirit Hall is a guest of Xingluo, so we will follow the rules of the master's house and dismount all! Get out of the sedan chair, and we will enter the city..."

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