Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 540 Kamikaze Academy

The last day of the second round of the team competition of the preliminary competition began.

Xingluo Royal Academy competed on this day, but Ming Tian and Long En, who had gone out on leave, still did not come back.

Their opponent this time is the Kamikaze Academy from the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, this is the first time that the Star Luo Royal Academy has played against someone from the Heaven Dou Empire.

As the captain of the team, Jiang Ke naturally attached great importance to it. He took advantage of this time to study all the information on the previous battles at the Kamikaze Academy, and found out all the conditions of their players.

From his research theory, the best way to deal with the Kamikaze Academy is to play a seven-on-seven match and beat them at a fast pace.

On the day of the competition, Jiang Ke's original plan went wrong, but a small change occurred. That is, Ming Tian and Long En, who left the academy on leave, have not returned yet.

This is not a small matter for Jiang Ke. With Mo Yingqi and Nayaro suspended due to previous mistakes, Ming Tian and Long En are particularly important, and with Ming Tian, ​​he can make the team's cooperation Driven to the extreme.

What makes him angry now is that Ming Tian and Long En still haven't come back as the game is approaching. Jiang Ke sent people out to look for them and didn't know where they went. Jiang Ke was so anxious that he was like an ant on a hot pot.

"Damn!! Damn!! What are these two people doing?! Why haven't you come back yet?"

"Don't worry about Mr. Jiang, he has a sense of proportion in Mingtian, I believe he will come back soon."

But this time Mingtian really disappointed his dear teammates. Even though the Star Luo Royal Academy and Shenfeng Academy were about to enter the game, they still didn't come back.

"Please ask the team leaders of both teams to decide your game mode."

the referee urged.

Jiang Ke, who wanted to have a seven-on-seven match, was naturally opposed by the opponent.

In fact, Kamikaze Academy also knows where their shortcomings are, so if they can play two-two-three, they will definitely not play seven-on-seven, and they have all succeeded in the two-two-three mode of betting on character before.

"If it doesn't work, the teacher will use the two-two-three mode to delay the time until Mingtian comes back."

It seems that there is no better way than this right now, Jiang Ke sighed helplessly, all the plans he had carefully made were all ruined by Ming Tian's late arrival.

"Two-two-three mode, let's notify the competition."

"In addition, it seems that the Hao Xiao card has to be played early, Hao Xiao, you and Kun Yinhan will play in the first game, and you must win the first game of the first game."

"Secondly, the second round was dominated by delays, and it was still Tang Fengke and Huang Yuxia."

"As long as it can be delayed, let me delay it for as long as possible. In the last game, Sister Nie Shabai and Ming Tian will play. If Ming Tian can come back in time, if not, Liu Xian, you will play for Ming Tian. I know you never like to participate In the team competition, the current situation is special, you have to do this."

"Don't worry, teacher, we will win the game against Kamikaze Academy, even without Mingtian."

Several students comforted Jiang Kedao.

After confirming the two-two-three pattern, the dean of Kamikaze Academy on the opposite side showed a smug smile that seemed to be a successful scheme.

"Hmph, Xingluo Royal Academy has already hit the target. In the first match, Jinghu and Wu Siye, you only need to lose, not win."



Ming Tian, ​​who everyone is anxiously waiting for, is still fighting in the Kunlun Ghost Domain.

Seeing that its escape route was blocked by the Bianhua, Di Ting was shocked, it thought it was decided to escape.

"Where do you want to go? Listen carefully?"

"Ah? Why are you?"

"This is called the reincarnation of heaven. I have been looking for you for a long time."

"It was none of my business back then, please spare my life, your eyes of Yan Mo didn't see me being killed by you!!"

"Of course, I won't kill you, but I will let you experience a more painful punishment than death!!"

The cold Yan Mo said that there were a few resentful ghosts beside him, and they wanted to take Di Ting away.

"Oops, Di Ting was taken away!!"

The people who were fighting with the Yaodao Heya family shouted.

"rest assured,

No one can take it away today. "

Shi Ji remembered what Xue Huangji had told him before, and seeing Di Ting was captured by Yan Mo, he thought it was time to implement their plan.

"Evil stone ghost thorn!!!"

"Thuk Thuk!!!!"

With one move, he forced the demon knife Jagoya stabbed by Leyang, and Shiji made another move, killing the weak Anyu with one blow, severely wounding Leyang, and making him fall to another place.

"Yan Mo, you can't take Di Ting away today!!"

"Oh? Is it up to you? Shiji?"

Yan Mo, who lives in the hell of the underworld, is naturally a soul beast, which only exists in legends like demons and monsters, and is not a fallen and dead soul like Di Shitian and Gong Gong.

And Yan Mo has cultivated to the level of six million years, and Shi Ji is only four million years old.

Yan Mo, who wanted to take Di Ting away, was entangled by Shi Ji, and the people who rushed over saw Le Yang, who was seriously injured, and An Ye, who was dead, and couldn't help but sigh.

"That Leyang still has a breath, arrest him, and can't let Yan Mo take Di Ting away. She lied to us so much, she must destroy her plan."

"I just don't know if Ming Tian has already asked what Di Ting wanted to ask."

Ming Tian, ​​who was fighting with Gonggong, saw the situation in these four places, and he had a clear understanding of the situation, and asked Gonggong:

"Fifty rounds have passed, Gong Gong, can the previous proposal be considered?"

"Drive out all the guys who broke into your place, and return your place to cleanliness."

"Also, I really didn't expect Yan Mo to be the mastermind behind this incident. Presumably she, Yan Mo, didn't take you seriously either."

This provocation and aggressive method really aroused the dissatisfaction of Gong Gong. It is simply unforgivable that everyone wants to fool Gong Gong! !

"Yan Mo, Yaodao Prison Ya... Very good, very good!!"

"It's just that you killed my monster, how are you going to pay it back!!"

"Are you still feeling sorry for your ghosts and monsters? They won't die in vain."

Ming Tian smiled, and a deep layer of cosmic light appeared on the surface of the Tiancongyun knife in his hand. Seeing it, Gong Gong exclaimed:

"Could it be you..."

"Spirits and ghosts, show me!!"

The three martial spirits appeared on Mingtian at the same time, each with a hundred thousand year soul ring, Mingtian waved Tian Congyun, but the target was Yan Mo.

"Underworld Prison Dragon Break!!!"


The falling cosmic dragon went straight towards Yan Mo, and Yan Mo, who had properly suppressed Shiji, was shocked when he saw it.

"It turns out that you have comprehended the nether world, and even you have the inheritance of ghosts and monsters. Shiji was also called by you?"

"No, I don't know why the soul beast called Shiji came here."

"Forget it, let me solve the current situation."

Gong Gong let out a long sigh, and first dealt with Yan Mo's side, trying to block Yan Mo's attack, but was destroyed by Gong Gong's blow.

"Yan Mo, I have no objection if you want to take Di Ting away, but if there is trouble in my Kunlun Ghost Domain, I will not agree."

"You still want to stay, try?"

In terms of cultivation, Yan Mo is no match for Gonggong, and there is no bargain in his territory.

"Hmph, I see how long you can stay in the underworld after leaving the Kunlun ghost domain!"

The deflated Yan Mo naturally left Kunlun Ghost Domain immediately, leaving only Wen Chengqin.

"Yaodao Heya Wuhun, it's not easy for you to cultivate to this level, do you want to die in my Kunlun ghost land?"

"Damn it, you don't want to kill my people!!"

Wen Chengqin roared.

"It seems that you want to stay here completely."

Gonggong is no nonsense, even the ultimate Douluo at the peak of human beings is not enough in his hands. Within a few moves, Wen Chengqin is completely defeated.

"Okay, the bugs that got in the way have been cleaned up, and it's time for you to leave."

"This time I entered the Kunlun Ghost Realm to make trouble, and I apologize for the trouble I caused you."

Looking at Bianhua, Ming Tian saw his companions again, and finally looked at Shi Ji who was on the other side of Long En, and asked:

"May I ask who came up with this idea? Shiji, why did you come to save us?"

Naturally, Long En, who co-confessed with Shiji, would not reveal the whereabouts of Xue Huangji, Shiji smiled and said:

"Well, you don't have to ask me, it's just that someone is secretly helping you."

After saying that, Shiji just left.

Ming Tian vaguely guessed who the person Shi Ji was talking about was, he looked at Long En, and Long En had an expression of "I don't know, you guess who it is".

Could it really be him? Then why didn't he come to meet him.

After leaving the Kunlun Ghost Domain, everyone was on the road of the dead, and Ming Tian looked at the dead souls around him, but there was no one he wanted to see.

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