Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 541 One person, one knife, ten thousand ghost corpses.

Ming Tian, ​​who couldn't find the figure of that person, was at a loss. He had a feeling that he knew he came here, and even helped him secretly. In the confusion, Ming Tian probably understood why he didn't come to see him .

The soul beast Shiji naturally left after helping them, and this time their trip to the underworld and hell has come to an end.

"Let's go, don't see me off."

Bi'anhua patted Mingtian's shoulder, and glanced at Deng Zhi who was not far away, only to see Deng Zhi looking at Bi'anhua, a little angry.

Of course he would be angry, but Bi Anhua killed his father!

"I'll let you take care of the rest. I'm taking my followers back to the Holy Spirit Sect. Is there anything you need me to say to your sister?"

"No, didn't you say that you wouldn't tell Xiaoxue about what we met this time?"

"Just think of an excuse to give her what I gave Xiaoxue, and I will trouble you to assist her in revitalizing the Holy Spirit Sect."

"It's natural, you just wait and see the day when the Holy Spirit Empire grows stronger."

Thinking of something, Bianhua quietly said to Ming Tian:

"The mainland may be in danger recently. After you go back, tell the Star Luo Empire that you are ready to enter the state of war and defend the mainland at any time."

"What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

"I don't know the specific situation, and your sister is not very sure. In short, it is right to be careful in the future."

"I see, thank you."

After bidding farewell to Mingtian, the Bana flower left, and now there are only a few of them left.

Everyone felt like they were alive after a catastrophe. Ming Tian looked at his partners, and Deng Zhi looked at him, hesitating to speak.

"Ask what you want, I do know Bianhua and I."

"That soul beast, she killed my father! I want revenge!!!"

"You will not be her match."

Ming Tian mercilessly poured cold water on Deng Zhi.

Yes, Deng Zhi wants revenge, but he is not the opponent of Bianhua at all.

"Brother, it was Dong Cang who really killed my father at that time. If Dong Cang hadn't led the wolf into the house, Bi'anhua would not have killed my father."

Deng Chanxue said with a cold expression, although she also hated Bianhua,

But there is no way to get the other shore flower.

"Dong Cang, let's go back later, I will get rid of him..."

When Dong Cang was mentioned, Deng Zhi became even angrier.

"Long En!"

"Don't ask me, I really don't know anything, and it's impossible for him to let you know about him."

Knowing what Ming Tian was going to ask, Long En answered in advance.

Seeing that there was no other way, Ming Tian also chose to give up.

"Brother Deng, I know that your late father's mood can't be calmed down. This matter has something to do with me because of the Bana flower. I can't make no compensation at all. I killed the ghosts and monsters and got three 100,000-year-old soul bones. On the dead Wen Chengqin, I have nothing to do with it." I also found three spirit bones, and put together a set of spirit bones, which is considered as compensation for you, so I will give you all."

Come on, Ming Tian took out six soul bones, all six soul bones are at the 100,000-year level, that's twelve skills!

Seeing the six 100,000-year-old spirit bones, everyone's eyes widened.

"No, no, brother Mingtian, this, this is too expensive, six hundred thousand year spirit bones..."

Deng Zhi swallowed a mouthful of spit directly, six hundred thousand year spirit bones, this temptation is too great, but it is somewhat impossible for him to forget the revenge of killing his father because of six hundred thousand year spirit bones.

"I know, when I gave you these six hundred thousand year spirit bones, I didn't think that you would completely forget about killing your father. After all, this is not something that can be forgotten casually. The hatred of the people has eased a little."

With Ming Tian being so sincere, how could Deng Zhi have the nerve to blame Ming Tian for anything, after the soul bone declined, he said that he would accept it for Deng Chanxue. In the future, every time Deng Chanxue breaks through a major level, she will absorb one of these six hundred thousand year spirit bones. Even if this problem is solved in a compromise.

For the people who wanted to go back, Yan Mo naturally couldn't let them do what they wanted. They couldn't solve them in Kunlun Ghost Realm. After leaving Kunlun Ghost Realm, they still didn't believe that they couldn't solve these guys, so they went back immediately and sent judges, ghost envoys black, The ghost envoy Bai led many Yin soldiers to encircle and suppress Mingtian and others.

Afterwards, when Ming Tian and the others met, a big battle broke out naturally.

"Go back quickly!! I'll cut you off!!"

Ming Tian, ​​the most powerful in the team, retreated while fighting, and came to the passageway back, and the people behind him retreated one by one.

"In the next three minutes, Yan Mo will come, and Ming Tian will come and follow us, otherwise you won't be able to leave when Yan Mo comes!!"

At the entrance of the passage, Deng Chanxue predicted it through Bai Ze Wuhun.

"Oh? Bai Ze?"

"If you can't solve Di Ting, you little bastard, Bai Ze, come here for me!!"

Seeing this, Yan Mo yelled.

"Get out of here!!"

"Underworld Prison Dragon Break!!!"

The cosmic dragon was launched, sending most of the underworld soldiers into the abyss in an instant.

But Yan Mo seemed to see what Ming Tian and the others were afraid of, and chased after Deng Chanxue.

More creatures of the underworld and Yin soldiers came to stop them, and the creatures of the underworld such as the Pluto Dragon and the Hungry Ghost made a comeback, but Mingtian had already reached his limit at this time, and he was not afraid of thousands of soldiers by himself.

"Go!!! You all go!!"

Ming Tian fought hard, protected Deng Chanxue, and blocked Yan Mo, and finally the passage was completely closed, leaving Ming Tian and Deng Chanxue to face Yan Mo and millions of underworld creatures.

"Cicada Snow!! Nether Sky!!"

The few people who were sent out by the passage roared, but where is the scene of hell in the underworld?

Surrounded by the familiar scene of the Netherworld Sect, Dong Cang had already sneaked into the Holy Spirit Sect, and had brought people to the entrance to wait for Deng Zhi and others who had returned.

"Hey, you guys are finally back, I've been waiting for you for a long time, come here, take them down for me!!!"

Dong Cang gave an order, and everyone rushed towards Deng Zhi and others.

Everyone who has been holding back for a long time has long been angry. In the hell of the underworld, they can't beat the Yaodao Heya family, and they can't deal with you little soldiers?

Long En and the others showed their supernatural powers and killed Dong Cang's ambush soldiers waiting in front of the passage, feeling very happy.

Seeing that the general situation was over, Nan Ji sneaked away and went to report to the Holy Spirit Sect.

How could Dong Cang, who failed, never imagined that this would be the case. When he fell into Deng Zhi's hands again, he could only keep begging for mercy.

"Forgive you? Forgive you, how can I explain to my father under Jiuquan? Go to hell!!"

Deng Zhi killed Dong Cang with a knife in his hand and got the key.

"This is the last chance. Enter the passage of the underworld again. After we get out, we will never be able to enter the underworld again. This is probably the last place on the mainland that leads to the underworld."

Several people nodded solemnly, and used the last chance to enter the passage of the underworld. When they entered the hell of the underworld again, what they saw was a shocking scene.

Ming Tian held the demon knife and jailed teeth in one hand and stuck it on the ground. He seemed to have no strength, and the other hand was still holding Deng Chanxue tightly in his arms. In front of him, thousands of ghost corpses piled up Chengshan.

In hell, judges and ghost messengers Black and White all died, and were absorbed by Ming Tian and turned into martial spirits. Yan Mo was terrified of being killed, and he didn't know where to flee.


"Everyone, I'm fine, Chanxue, are you injured?"

"No, brother Mingtian, you..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine, let's go!! Let's go back, I'm afraid this hell has already been killed by me."

The last chance, everyone finally brought Ming Tian back to the human world.

With the last chance running out, there is no longer any way to enter the Underworld Passage.

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