Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 658 The Power of the Soul Guidance Device

It took a long time for the explosion to subside, exposing the barren and barren land, everything turned into scorched earth, and even the soul ring and soul bone were not left behind. Under the power of the soul guide shell, it was wiped out.

Seeing this scene, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva. How many people will die if they attack humans!

But this is indeed a major weapon of the Qing soldiers, just like Pandora's box, once opened, it will be difficult to stop.

A few people returned to the top of Gengxin City, only to see the height of the building was a bit disorienting, with trembling hands.

"It's done, it's really done, fixed-installed soul guide shells!"

"That's right. Lou Gao, this is an invention that shocked the world, don't we..."

"Blockdown!! Strictly seal and lock the method of installing soul-guided cannonballs. Today we will pretend that nothing happened and nothing has been seen. Fixed-installation of soul-guided cannons is really harmful. Once it is really used on a large scale, it will cause future troubles." endless!"

"What?! Isn't it good for us to use it to deal with the beast horde now? With it, no matter how many soul beasts there are, how many casualties can be reduced! Do you know that even some soldiers on the front line are still Use the most primitive weapons to fight against the beast tide!"

Xuan Yuanmin stood in front of Lou Gao and said.

Lou Gao glanced at him lightly and said:

"Isn't it a disaster for soul beasts? Have you ever thought that once it is used to deal with soul beasts, everyone can hunt and kill soul beasts. With such a soul guide, ordinary people can also kill soul beasts." Having the power to fight against soul beasts is also a disaster for soul beasts."

"The ecological balance cannot be destroyed. My original intention was to invent soul guides that are beneficial to people, not to bring disasters to mankind. This is just a seven-level fixed-installed soul guide shell. From level ten to level twelve, what kind of scene will it be? Once it is used by people with bad intentions, it will be an irreversible disaster!"

"Destroy!! Destroy the drawings of the custom-installed soul guide shells and all the rest, do you understand?"

"Oh, of course, I allow you to use aggregated soul guide cannons and ion rays. Their power is to deal with soul beasts below the soul king level and the ten thousand year level. It is still helpful for the front line. With such a big commotion, it is impossible for other forces not to intervene, so you just use these two things to fool it, I am tired, I am going to rest, and the rest, you can figure it out."

Lou Gao solemnly stopped watching them return to their residence, and Xuan Yuanmin saw them. I had to say with some disappointment:

"You have heard what Senior Lou Gao said just now. Remember, start to put away all the soul guides now, and send samples to the front line. I will not accompany you. You are still young. At this time, it is you who are making contributions to the mainland. , when you are defending your home and country, go and let the world know how powerful you are!"


Xiang Ziling and the others responded, packing up the remaining soul tools and planning to leave.

"Teacher, where are you going?"

"I have to go to Xingluo Palace. I made such a big commotion and destroyed half of the Nether Mountain Range. There must be an explanation."

With that said, he just left.

The remaining seven people, headed by captain Xiang Ziling and deputy captain Zhang Ye, packed up the remaining soul tools, and Zeng Erning and others came over to ask.

"Captain, where are we going now?"

"Aiding the front line, judging from the marching trajectories of these soul beasts, it is very likely that they attacked Jialing Pass as a feint attack, and the real goal of breaking through should be the Misty Grand Canyon. Although the terrain is rugged there, they can escape the defense line and penetrate deep into the siege. The method in my Xingluo territory is to quickly inform the frontline guards of this news."


With that said, several people packed their bags and planned to go to the front line.



Melo City

At this time, Meiluo City is already a ghost town.

The gate is still expanding, and countless undead and ghost corpses from the underworld come out one after another, and they wreak havoc on the mainland.

Several bodies descended from the sky, and one of them pointed to Mei Luo City and said:

"Just like here, a few days ago, the soul beasts opened the passage to the underworld hell here, and released all the soul beasts from the underworld hell."

"Is it here?"

Ming Tian looked at the gate of the underworld hell passage in Meiluo City, which was quite similar to the one in the Underworld Sect.

The group of people was Ming Tian who brought his Holy Hades. After leaving the Gelong base camp, Ming Tian did not take the Holy Hades directly to the front line, but came to the source here, trying to solve the problem from the root. question.

"Is it impossible to close the door? Which of you can do it?"

"Stop joking, boss, if the door could be closed, someone would have closed it already."

"Where did the key go?"

"After opening the door, the key disappeared. It should be taken away by Jinyu Ji."

"Without a key, how can I close this door..."

"I have a way."

Deng Chanxue said suddenly.

All of a sudden, everyone looked at her in unison, and Deng Chanxue said:

"The keys to the two doors are common. I have the key to our Nether Sect door here. It has lost its role, but it can still be used here."

Hearing what Deng Chanxue said, everyone was overjoyed, as long as the door can be closed somehow.

But Ming Tian was obviously not so optimistic, he asked Deng Chanxue:

"What's the price? It can't be done so easily. Moreover, this gate can only be the undead and evil spirits coming to us, and we can't go through it. Otherwise, I will go to the snapdragon garden I found the ghost lamp."

"This is the last door that can be opened on the mainland. If you close it, you can pay any price."

Deng Chanxue's eyes were firm, as if she had made up her mind.

"How can we help you?"

"Ming Tian, ​​you can just kill Yan Mo."

"Of course, Yan Mo will solve it even if you don't tell me."

"Just leave Sister Guan Ruobai here to accompany me, you go."

"Okay, let's go! Go to the Tianquan City battlefield!"

Ming Tian wanted to settle accounts with Yan Mo a long time ago. It can be said that this disaster of the undead was entirely caused by him. He must kill Yan Mo to atone for his sins.

Watching Ming Tian take Sheng Mingwei away, Guan Ruobai looked at Deng Chanxue, feeling sorry for her, because at such a young age, she doesn't have any family members.

"Don't pity me, Sister Ruobai, don't you have only one relative left? For me, Ming Tian is also my last remaining relative."

"Huh? You?"

"I can read minds."

"Are you really sure? Close the door again and prevent this disaster."

"Yes, but there is a price to pay."

"What price? It shouldn't be killing Yan Mo."

"That's right, no, what is needed is for my Bai Ze to form a suppressing soul seal, thereby sacrificing me and preventing this disaster."

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