Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 659 The Divine Deity

The undead army that came to the human continent has ravaged every corner and can be seen almost everywhere.

There is no place where people don't hate these undead and evil spirits when they see them. As long as they have a little soul power, a soul master will fight these underworld creatures.

The five long cyan claws slashed out powerfully, tearing most of the undead and evil spirits in half.

In front of the army of the Holy Spirit Cult, led by Lu Qing, he couldn't help feeling angry when he saw these undead and evil spirits that could not be killed.

He grabbed a young man next to him, and clasped five blue and gold bear claws on his head, his eyes were fierce and menacing.

"Say, how to solve these undead and evil spirits completely, don't hide anything from me, my Holy Spirit Empire will never accept traitors like you who betray the entire continent and the entire human race!!"

The person captured by Lu Qing was Nan Ji who had escaped from the Underworld Sect Dong Cang and defected to the Holy Spirit Empire.

However, the Holy Spirit Empire is not a fool, it is easy to be fooled, and soon found out that Nan Ji did not really join the Holy Spirit Empire, and was secretly looking for the door to the hell of the underworld, trying to open it in vain.

At the beginning, he didn't startle the snake, and after all the investigations were completed, he arrested Nan Ji and was under control.

Nan Ji knew that he had been exposed, and I am afraid that time is running out, but his wish has been fulfilled, so naturally he has no scruples, he laughed and said:

"Don't think about it, once the door is opened, it can't be closed. Unless the high-level soul beast in the underworld personally suppresses it with a blood sacrifice, otherwise, the entire door will expand to swallow the entire continent, hahahaha!!"

"You beast!!"

Lu Qing angrily dropped five green and golden claws, directly tearing Nan Ji's body into pieces, with a serious expression on his face.

"What to do, if we don't solve this problem from the source, these undead and evil spirits can't be killed at all!!"

"On our mainland, are there any high-level soul beasts from the underworld hell?"

Qi Tong thought about it.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and a charming and beautiful figure appeared in his mind.

It's her, there are soul beasts on the mainland that fit what Nan Ji described just now...

"Go!! Go to Meiluo City!!"

"Hey, what's wrong with you? So nervous?"

"Bi'anhua, Bi'anhua is a high-level soul beast from Huangquan Hell. Now that the mainland is facing this situation, she must know how to deal with the undead army and close the door!!"

The flustered Qi Tong rushed towards Meiluo City like crazy, because he didn't want to, he didn't want Bianhua to sacrifice because of closing the door, because in his heart, on that day, her figure had already been deeply imprinted on him. bottom of my heart.



Melo City

The soul beasts coming out from the other side of the door are getting more and more advanced and difficult to match.

Creatures made of lines all over their bodies roared. They crawled out of the hell of the underworld, and they were stronger than the previous soul beasts.

"Cicada Xue dodge!"

Guan Ruobai picked up Deng Chanxue, released the nine soul rings, and Tu Shan Nine Tails exuded a ferocious aura.

"This, what kind of monster is this?!"

A soul beast that has never been seen before, and has never been recorded on the mainland. It seems to be composed of simple lines. The whole body is black, and the lines are purple, yellow, and blue. There are seven colors in total.

They also come in different shapes and forms, including hummingbirds, spiders, giants, and apes.

Seven such huge monsters came here through the door. It seemed that they had a high status in the underworld, and the undead, evil spirits and other underworld creatures gave way one after another.

"Nine-tailed sky lock!!!"

Guan Ruobai shouted loudly, the light of the soul ring on his body was bright, attacking this strange guy, but it did not cause any substantial damage to them, but instead attracted their hatred to her.

"Ah! Be careful!!"

Helpless, Guan Ruobai had no choice but to dodge, not knowing what the origin of these seven monsters were.

"Stupid, that's not okay."

"Flower Place·Twenty Eight Flower Ghosts!!"

A deserted voice sounded, and a large piece of Bianhua appeared on the ground, and the Bianhua was in full bloom, like a grand scene of manjusawa.

Among the crimson flowers, twenty-eight flower ghosts appeared, and every four flower ghosts entangled a monster, and the red flowers around them bloomed lushly, eliminating the danger of Guan Ruobai and the others.

Deng Chanxue looked at the familiar Bianhua, searching with her eyes, and finally saw a flirtatious and cold woman standing on a ruined wall. Her eyes were cold, and it was Bianhua, the Bianhua who killed her father! ! !

The twenty-eight constellation flower ghost skills are one of the most powerful taboo secrets of the Bianhua family, and the Bianhua has just learned it and comprehended it not long ago.

"It's you?"

"Yo, little guy, long time no see."

Bianhua also recognized Deng Chanxue.

"How will you be here?"

"Of course they are here to deal with these monsters. They are Earthbound Gods, high-level creatures in the underworld hell, and they come from Nakas."


"Hmph, you don't understand even after I said it, but you understand it when you come here, right? If you want to close this door, we need us underworld creatures to turn into soul seals again to suppress it."

"Of course I know this. I will use Bai Ze's power to release all its power to form a soul-imprinted gate."

"Your strength alone is not enough."

"What's the meaning?"

"I will be with you to close this door, even with my strength."

"Don't you want to..."

In an instant, Deng Chanxue understood Bi'anhua's intentions. She didn't expect that Bi'anhua would be so selfless that she would take the initiative to give up her cultivation and stop this disaster for their human continent.

Obviously she is also a soul beast, this disaster has not affected her at all, and she even thought that she could help the army of the underworld to deal with humans.

But she actually made such a choice...

Why exactly?

"Hey! Don't you want to avenge your father and brother? Although I didn't kill your brother, I am sorry for cutting off his hand."

"Now I'll give you a chance to take revenge. After pulling these seven earth-bound gods back to the door, you can kill me. Of course, I won't die. I will sacrifice to you and pour all my strength into it." Enter your body, and then help you enter the door, I will blend with the Bai Ze blood in your body, then you will be the door, and the door will be you, and you will become the queen who walks between the world and the underworld, suppressing evil spirits Hell, isolate humans in Jiuyou, do you understand what I mean?"

Bi'anhua asked Deng Chanxue, and Deng Chanxue understood what she meant.

The human world and the underworld hell are not connected by a single door. The door is the medium. There is a layer of passage between the two worlds. Some parts of the passage are opened to become doors, and the places that are not opened are narrow and long narrow spaces.

It’s just closing the door to treat the symptoms but not the root cause. It’s better to directly control the isolated area between the human world and the underworld hell, so that the ghosts of the underworld have no chance to enter the human world. You can also directly control the doors left in other places except on the mainland.

At that time, the key will no longer work, and it will be within Deng Chanxue's thought to master the passage between humans and the underworld.

"Have this opportunity to kill you, of course I would."

"But you have to think clearly, in this case you will not live in the human continent, but in the gap between yin and yang. There will be no ghosts, no humans, no sunlight, no darkness, no life span, and no life. only eternal solitude and long hours."

"And no one will know what you have done, the price you have paid, you will be long forgotten, even so..."

"You, are you still willing?"

"I do!!!"

"For the peace of the mainland, for the people I love and protect, I am willing!!!"

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