Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 660 With a mortal body, equal to the gods

"The person you like?"

Bi'anhua grasped something keenly, and looked at Deng Chanxue thoughtfully.

Just after Deng Chanxue finished speaking, she realized that she had slipped her tongue, and felt wronged, her cheeks flushed with shame, and she covered her mouth.

"So that's it, heh, you like Ming Tian, ​​right?"

Directly pointing out the small thoughts in Deng Chanxue's heart, how many secrets can the little girl have? A guess can guess almost.

Originally, Deng Chanxue wanted to deny it, but thinking that she might not survive, and might not even see Ming Tian's last face, she boldly said:

"Yes, I like him, because he is very reliable, like a big brother, and also very reassuring."

"At the end of the trip to the underworld, in order to protect me, he faced thousands of ghost corpses alone, killing a bloody path one by one. If it wasn't for protecting me, he could have left earlier. At that time, looking at him After being seriously injured, he still held me in his arms, supported the ground with a knife, and told me not to be afraid, who would not like such a person, right? "

Recalling that moment, that scene appeared in my mind again. In Ming Tian's words, Deng Chanxue's blushing cheeks seemed to be blissful. When Bi'anhua saw it, she didn't speak as if she was touched by something.

"This time, it's still thousands of ghost corpses, and I will stand in front of him and wipe everything away for him!!"



"Cicada Snow..."

On the way to the battlefield of Tianquan City, Mingtian suddenly sensed something, stopped, looked in the direction of Meiluo City, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm probably overthinking, let's go, let's deal with Yan Mo."

He didn't continue to pause, he didn't even return to Meiluo City, Mingtian didn't know that this farewell was the last time with Deng Chanxue and even Bi'anhua.

On the battlefield of Tianquan City, the scene was still fierce.

Under the containment of the Wuhundian army, the undead and evil spirits led by Yan Mo did not break through the flesh and blood defense line built by Wuhundian.

The titled Douluo from the Wuhun Temple each exerted their own strength, without even the slightest casualty, they forcibly blocked the army whose strength was far superior to theirs, and even Qian Daoliu, who was in the blood angel state, was firmly suppressed. After defeating Yan Mo, with the assistance of Qian Zaoyou, he was inseparable from this million-year-level soul beast.

For Qian Daoliu, it is the peak,

The battle of Conferring the Gods, but for Yan Mo, this is a shame! !

A mere Limit Douluo has nothing to do with Qian Daoliu, how is this possible! !

Is there no limit to this human being?

Of course, it is impossible for Qian Daoliu to maintain this state to the peak, no matter whether it is soul power, physical strength, or spiritual power, it cannot keep up with the consumption.

It is entirely because of the unyielding will in his heart, as well as the blood of the God of Angels, and the blessing of Qian Zaoyou's assistance that he can endure so hard.

He is already very old. If he was young, he might be even more powerful, and he might even kill Yan Mo.

But now he is almost buried in peace, for the sake of the mainland, for the people, for the Wuhun Palace, and for the Qianjia, he must persevere no matter what! ! He can't lose! ! !



With another blow, the blood angel's sword defeated Yan Mo's boy, Qie Angang, and forced Yan Mo back.

"Ugh, hateful humans!!!"

Yan Mo's face was ferocious, she roared, and the other Yan Mo's eyes widened, she had to gamble now.

She grabbed the boy Qie Angang again, counterattacked back, and glanced at Qian Zaoyou who was still assisting the audience.

If it weren't for this woman, as for this step?

She made up her mind that even if she was seriously injured by Qian Daoliu, she would kill Qian Zaoyou! !

"Yan Mo's Eyes!!"

In the eyes of the remaining Yan Mo, the red light was shining brightly, forming a strong energy attack, Qian Daoliu was affected, Yan Mo forced Qian Daoliu away with a single knife, looked at Qian Zaoyou, and shouted:



Vigorously throwing the boy Qie Angang in his hand, the boy Qie Angang formed a rapid red light in the air, the speed was extremely fast, and with flickering light, Qian Zaoyou, who was assisting the audience, felt a wave of death. She looked at the boy Qie Angang who was thrown in front of her. It was too fast, and there was no chance to dodge it!


When she reacted, the boy Qie Angang pierced her chest, blood spattered everywhere, her eyes widened in disbelief, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Life began to flow away, and she felt endless coldness spread all over her body.

"Zaoyou!!! No!!!!"

Qian Daoliu shouted, the voice piercing the lungs, resounding through the heavens and the earth, his eyes widened, and blood burst out inside.

Qian Zaoyou in the air fell slowly, Qian Daoliu hurried over to catch her, looking at his clan sister in his arms.

"Life is crowned!!!"

Qian Zaoyou is very popular, as a title Douluo of the healing department, she has healed countless soul masters.


"Zaoyou, hold on, hold on!! I will burn the fire of my life to you..."

Thousands of old tears flowed freely.

Qian Zaoyou in his arms grabbed his hand, shook his head, and said:

"It's useless, brother, my time has come, I'm finally going to see Shengyue, Meibai, Shuoning and the others..."

"My family of Wuhundian has cultivated countless heroes. For the sake of the family and Wuhundian, I have paid a lot. I didn't expect that you, brother, will be left alone..."

"Brother, please keep your original intention, take protecting the mainland as your mission, and maintain justice as your purpose. Never, never let my Wuhun Palace be stained. Wuhun Palace is the Wuhun Palace of the mainland and the people's Wuhun Palace. ..."

"Must, must..."


Before she finished speaking, Qian Zaoyou completely swallowed her breath and died in Qian Daoliu's arms.

So far, the talents of the Qian family have withered away, leaving only Qian Daoliu and his son.

"Ahhhhhh, Zaoyou!!!"

The fall of a generation of life angels is a huge loss to the entire Qianjia, Wuhundian, and even the mainland.

A little bit of green light dissipated, and a ray of light fell into Qiandao Fluid, which was the last gift from Qian Zaoyou, the essence of the Angel of Life.

"It's all you soul beasts!!!"

"I am going to kill you!!!"

At this time, the furious Qian Daoliu exuded a strong aura, already comparable to a god! ! !

Yan Mo was scared, and she didn't dare to fight. At this moment, she had only one thought, to run away! !

"Twelve Angels!!!"

Qian Daoliu shouted, behind him, there are twelve more virtual images of angels, each angel has a different color and wings, namely: light, darkness, life, destruction, thunder and lightning, ice and snow, storm, rhythm, jade , machinery, equipment, blood evil! !

Twelve angels, behind Qian Daoliu, with twelve different attributes, they raised the swords in their hands together, and killed Yan Mo, turning into streams of light one after another! ! !


Twelve different rays of light passed through Yan Mo's body, Yan Mo's eyes widened, feeling that he could no longer live, and the boy Qie Angang in his hand fell to the ground.

"Why, how is it possible..."

"You are not a god, why can you..."

"kill me……"

"I don't agree..."

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