Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 13 A bold vision and a high price

In the enshrinement hall, Guang Ling excitedly talked about his apprentice's martial soul abilities and development ideas, and finally said plainly that he might have found a way to go further. The three of them, Xiong Shi, Qian Jun and Jiang Mo, couldn't stand it any longer.

Qingluan is not unusual. He has always doted on Guangling. He will only be happy if his brother improves. Moreover, although he has a beast spirit, the spirit itself also has elemental attributes. After listening to Guangling's story, he also Faintly touched.

Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile didn't say anything. They looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes. They didn't expect that what they just said casually when Guang Ling accepted him as a disciple actually made Guang Ling feel something. reward. Moreover, they keenly noticed from Guang Ling's description that Han Li's talent may not only be reflected in his martial arts, but his thinking is the greatest wealth.

Just as you and I began to discuss the follow-up path of practice in the enshrinement hall, Han Li had already followed the guards to the residence prepared for him by Guang Ling.

From the exchanges with the guards along the way, Han Li already knew that apart from the few worshipers, the only people living here were their two new siblings. And a few worshippers only live here occasionally, and only Guangling and Qingluan live here permanently, right next door to their residence.

After thanking the guards and sending them away, Han Li walked into the place where he would live for the next few years. As soon as he crossed the threshold, he saw Xiu'er running towards him quickly. She had obviously been waiting for a while.

"Master, you are back."

Xiu'er stopped in front of him and shouted in surprise.

"Well, Sister Xiu'er, I'm back. How are you? Are you satisfied with the place arranged by the teacher?"

Han Li took the initiative to hold her hand and asked with a smile.

"Well, it's much bigger than the courtyard in Notting City, but... there are a lot more servants. I told them that I was just the young master's maid, but they didn't listen. They insisted on calling me miss and serving me. It makes me very uncomfortable.”

Xiu'er's little face was full of tangles, and when she talked about servants, she secretly looked at Han Li's expression, as if she was afraid that those people would steal her job as a personal maid.

Han Li naturally noticed Xiu'er's little movements, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he looked around and pulled her to sit down in a pavilion.

"Sister Xiu'er, An Xin, and you should know that I have always regarded you as my sister, so don't say anything about the maid in the future."

Han Li looked at Xiu'er who stood up anxiously after hearing his words, waved his hand, pulled her to sit down again, and then spoke again: "Don't be anxious, listen to me, I know what you mean. Xiu'er Sister, you also know that the teacher is a Titled Douluo, so we can only learn to adapt. Since he says you are my sister, then you are my sister."

Han Li, who had already persuaded him many times, directly used the Light Feather Douluo as a big killer this time. For the aborigines, nothing could be more lethal than this.

Looking at the girl who was still entangled but no longer resisting so much, Han Li struck while the iron was hot: "This is all arranged by the teacher, so, sister Xiu'er, you don't want the teacher to vent his anger on me because of this trivial matter, right?"

Xiu'er's expression changed and she hurriedly said, "Then I'll listen to you, Young Master... Xiao Li."

Seeing Han Li nodding with satisfaction, Xiu'er whispered in a low voice: "Xiao Li, does that mean that I can't take care of you like before?"

Han Li was a little dumbfounded. Take your time. This is the knot that belongs to Sister Xiuer.

He said seriously: "Of course not, sister Xiu'er, you are my sister. A sister takes care of her brother. Who can stop me?"

Seeing Xiu'er raise her head in surprise, he continued: "And I'm used to Sister Xiu'er's care. Here, I only have one personal maid, Sister Xiu'er."

"Of course, I will take care of Young Master...Xiao Li from now on." Xiu'er said confidently.

"However, Sister Xiu'er, promise me, you have to accept the care of other maids. Is that okay?" Han Li asked.

"No... um, no problem."

Halfway through her words, Xiu'er wanted to refuse, but then she seemed to think of something, so she hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Done, Han Li gave himself a thumbs up in his heart. The job of unlocking the girl was really difficult. This time, with the help of the teacher, Xiuer was able to make some concessions. There was a long way to go, so take your time.

Looking at Xiu'er who had lost her anxiety and returned to her normal state after the conversation, Han Li's eyes flashed, thinking of Qian Daoliu's promise.

Perhaps, the plan to allow Sister Xiuer to practice again will also be put on the agenda.

He has been planning this matter in his mind for a long time. After determining that reawakening was useless, he came up with a bold idea through reading various books in the past few years, but he has never been able to try it. But now, he sees hope, and hope comes from Qian Daoliu.

Allowing the happy Xiu'er to take him to get familiar with the new residence, Han Li became more determined in his heart about what conditions he should offer.

It is true that he can take Sister Xiu'er directly into the divine world after becoming a god, but before that, her life was too boring. As for the fairy grass, it's not that he is reluctant to part with it, but that even if it is the weakest and gentlest fairy grass, he is not sure whether an ordinary person with no training at all can bear it or whether it will explode and die.

There's nothing to hesitate about, right? Han Li looked at the very happy Xiu'er's back in front of him and made a decision.

After visiting the entire new residence, it was already dinner time. Han Li finally waited for his teacher, accompanied by Qingluan Douluo. Xiu'er decisively chose to run to the kitchen. She had to tell those people about Xiao Li's favorite taste.

After saying hello, Guang Ling threw a few things to Han Li, including a meditation method suitable for weapons and martial souls that he modified based on the angel lineage meditation method, an offering token, and a manual.

Han Li opened the manual curiously and heard Guang Ling say: "The people in the book are my followers. You can contact them to solve some small things. If you can't solve the problem, tell me. As for the meditation method, except for you My relatives and disciples are not allowed to be revealed to the outside world, and you can’t spread it, and Xiu’er can’t practice it either.”

As soon as Guang Ling finished speaking, Qing Luan poked him. Han Li looked up at Guang Ling with a stern expression, knowing that his words were unintentional. He also saw Qing Luan showing an apologetic expression towards him and shook his head. fine.

He turned around and looked around, and after confirming that Sister Xiu'er was not nearby, he looked at the two super Douluo and showed a serious look: "Teacher, after I get the first soul ring tomorrow, I want to see the great worshipper. Make a request."

Guang Ling and Qing Luan looked at him with surprised expressions, as if they didn't expect that he would use up that promise so soon. They looked at each other and saw doubts in each other's eyes.

Guang Ling coughed and took the initiative to speak: "Disciple, you probably don't know how important this promise made by the Great Enshrinement is. Master, let me give you an example. Do you know about the hundred thousand year soul ring?"

Han Li nodded, indicating that he knew.

Guang Ling continued: "I suggest you don't be anxious. It's best to wait until you are ready to be promoted to a title before making a request. Maybe you can get a hundred thousand year soul ring and the corresponding soul bone. By then, you will become a master. Just a matter of time."

Han Li still nodded, but his expression did not change. He looked at the concerned eyes of the two people and said, "Teacher, I understand very well, but I still want to mention it now."

Han Li stood up respectfully, saluted the two of them, and said seriously: "Teacher, uncle, please listen to what I have to say."

"I'm not blind and ignorant, but for me, there are more important things than a hundred thousand year soul ring and soul bones. I have an idea, which may only be realized through a large offering."

"You have also seen the situation of Sister Xiu'er. She was semi-awakened because of the previous things, but she was still unable to practice. And I have a bold idea. The reason why Sister Xiu'er cannot practice may be because of the wrong awakening. The soul power circulation route in the body has not been completely opened, so she is in a semi-possessed state. I need a bear soul bone that is no more than a hundred years old, or the weaker it is, preferably ten years old. If I absorb it, I might be able to use the energy from the same source to reactivate my martial spirit and start practicing again. If not, I might be able to give up completely."

"But I also know how difficult it is to obtain this kind of soul bone. I know that my choice may be a bit naive, but this is what I want. Besides, it's just a hundred thousand year soul ring and soul bone. I believe I can do it in the future. Come. So, please ask the teacher to help you.”

After finishing speaking, Han Li bowed and saluted, but did not get up for a long time.

Please read the new book~~~~~

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