Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 14 Elemental Butterfly and Han Li's first battle

Looking at Han Li who was bending over and refusing to get up, Guang Ling and Qing Luan looked at each other, with some shock and joy in their eyes, and their expressions were a little unpleasant.

After a few days of contact, Guang Ling still had some understanding of his own apprentice. He was as naughty as himself when he was a child, but also as stubborn. It seemed that he had thought about it long ago and was waiting for him to come.

Putting aside other things, Han Li was willing to give up a 100,000-year soul ring and soul bone in exchange for the possibility of a little maid to practice. As an elder, he was angry and satisfied.

But he made the decision without communicating with his teacher at all, which made him a little angry. What? Does Guang Ling look like someone who would stop it?

Well, it's hard to say.

He was gentle to Xiu'er because of his own apprentice's face, but as for how much he liked her, that's not to say. That's a 100,000-year soul ring. Even if he can't bear it at that time, it's better to have a high-year soul bone.

Just a special maid, is it worth it? As long as Han Li wants, he can find a bunch of snake girls and cat girls for him without affecting his cultivation. Although this kind of semi-awakening is rare, it is not non-existent.

But Han Li insisted even though he knew it, and it might even anger his teacher who had just worshipped him. Then in the future, there may be similar things for him, how can he not be happy?

"Get up first."

Guang Ling didn't say anything, but Qing Luan on the side spoke first.

Han Li hesitated for a moment, looked up at his teacher, and found that his face kept changing, happy and angry, and he couldn't tell whether he agreed or not.

"Sit down."

Qing Luan said softly, and his eyes softened a lot when he looked at him. At the same time, he pulled Guang Ling, who was still immersed in his own world, indicating that he should make a decision.

Guang Ling glanced at Han Li who was still standing, and said unhappily: "Sit down."

Han Li's face showed a hint of joy when he heard it, knowing that the matter was probably settled, and he happily replied: "Thank you, teacher."

Looking at the joy on his face, Guang Ling felt that he seemed to be understood by this kid, so he deliberately frowned: "I can promise you, but you have to agree to one of my requests, how about it?"

Han Li answered without hesitation: "Okay. Teacher, you say."

Guang Ling was quite satisfied to see that he agreed without any hesitation, so he knocked on the table and said slowly as if thinking: "It's not difficult for you. Since you gave up a 100,000-year soul ring and it's nothing to talk nonsense, then, when the time comes, you can make up one yourself. If you can't do it, I will let you know what regret is."

Guang Ling said the last part, and there was a grim smile on his face, as if telling him that he would hang Han Li up and beat him when the time comes.

Han Li was not frightened by his posture, but was relieved. So that's it. Even without Guang Ling's reminder, he didn't want to give up the 100,000-year spirit ring and spirit bone.

"I promised you, teacher, maybe I won't need to be a Titled Douluo, and I will fulfill your condition." Han Li answered confidently.

Guang Ling and Qing Luan smiled at each other and said nothing. They were the same when they were young. It's better for young people to have some spirit.

In the following time, Guang Ling and Qing Luan personally taught him the precautions of the new meditation method, and even let him enter the meditation state on the spot. They personally corrected him.

He confirmed his physical strength again, talked about some misunderstandings that might be encountered in the early practice, and told him how to absorb the spirit ring in the safest way. According to his personal situation, some training resources were re-finalized, and the specific arrangements were made after absorbing the spirit ring tomorrow.

They talked for more than three hours, and when Xiu'er came to remind him that dinner was ready, the two stopped. After eating and drinking, they left a message for him to have a good rest tonight and left.

Before leaving, the attentive Qingluan handed him a new storage necklace, saying that it was a gift for Xiu'er in advance, wishing his plan to succeed, which made Han Li grateful again.

Han Li lay on the bed, playing with the new storage wristband and necklace, roughly estimating how many times he had become rich in half a day, and did not choose to practice, but fell asleep early.

He has been very tense in the past few days after the awakening of his martial soul, and he has been tossed on the road for nearly two days. Tomorrow he will get his first soul ring, so it is best to rest up at this time.

No words all night.

At six o'clock in the morning, Han Li woke up automatically. This was one of the few times he woke up before Sister Xiu'er called him.

He had a good sleep quality last night. Perhaps he relaxed all of a sudden and went directly into a deep sleep. His current state can be said to be the best in recent times.

After lying down for a while, a familiar voice came from outside. At Xiu'er's urging, Han Li completed a simple wash and walked towards the training ground outside. He had already gotten familiar with the environment yesterday.

He didn't always let Xiu'er serve him, or rather, Xiu'er only took on the job of a maid when he didn't exercise.

Breathing in the fresh air, Han Li began to exercise, one set of "Young Eagle Takes Off" and one set of "Time Calls". He only remembered these two, and he randomly picked one set every day to warm up, trying to do it as standard as possible.

There was no other way, this was his own "gongfa". Anyway, it was better to have it than not to have it, and it was better than just running, right?

After the warm-up, push-ups, burpees, and of course the most basic running, and finally the quick swing of the knife, this is his training method for the past three years. He also built a swimming pool in his house in Notting City and swam two to three times a week. Unfortunately, there is no swimming pool here for the time being.

When he finished exercising, Xiu'er handed over the prepared towel and salt water in time. She did not participate today. Knowing that Han Li was going to become a real soul master, she wanted to ensure the best service.

After the two turned around and left, entering the room to clean their bodies, the two figures on the wall looked at each other and disappeared.

Just after breakfast, Guang Ling and Qing Luan came together, holding a huge box wrapped in soul power in their hands.

"Let's go to the training ground and get your first soul ring."

Guang Ling didn't say much, threw down a sentence and took the lead to leave.

Han Li didn't say much either, and followed him into the training ground.

Seeing him arrive, Guang Ling opened the box directly and revealed the contents, a beautiful-looking butterfly, but much larger, with several different colors flashing on its wings, which was very dreamy under the sunlight.

"The element butterfly is just four hundred years old and is very rare. The color on its wings represents the elements it has initially mastered. It has no fixed survival range. It was accidentally absorbed by a soul master decades ago and acquired element-affinity soul skills. Later, tests by the martial soul research department showed that it can only produce this one soul skill. Well, in addition to this, it will slightly enhance its mental power, but the elements it mastered during its lifetime will not be attached to the soul ring. It can be said that it perfectly meets your requirements."

"No one who has absorbed its soul ring has mastered powerful attack capabilities through soul skills. The most powerful one can only rub a fire to light a cigarette. It can be said that how it is developed depends entirely on the ability of the soul master. Now, you still have a chance to regret."

Guang Ling said with a serious face, as a reminder again.

"This is it, teacher, believe me."

Han Li did not hesitate, staring at the element butterfly that kept trying to break through the soul power shield with a fiery gaze.

"Okay, let's take a look at your initial attack power."

Guang Ling stopped persuading, and while dispersing the soul shield, he slapped the elemental butterfly.

Han Li looked at the elemental butterfly that was still flying shakily, and then looked at Guang Ling who had closed his eyes. He didn't believe it if he said it was not intentional. He sighed in his heart: My good teacher, have you forgotten that your apprentice used to practice swordsmanship and can't shoot arrows at all?

Looking at the elemental butterfly preparing to take off, Han Li knew that he didn't have much time to hesitate, and then decisively summoned his martial soul. The ice and fire blades instantly swapped positions, and the ice blade came to his right hand.

As Guang Ling quietly opened his eyes and showed an "ah?" look, Han Li sprinted and jumped up suddenly. The ice blade with a chill instantly chopped the elemental butterfly's head. A wound appeared on its head, but its blood was frozen. At the moment when its body was stiff and about to fall, a fire blade had already stabbed into its soft abdomen, and at the same time burned the flesh near its wound.


As Han Li shouted, a layer of flames suddenly burst out from the fire blade, igniting the phosphorus-covered wings of the elemental butterfly, while Han Li turned around and drew his sword and ran away, without any intention of taking the opportunity to attack again.

In just a few steps, he ran back to Guang Ling again, leaned back, looked at the elemental butterfly that had fallen to the ground and rolled all over the ground, but could not extinguish the flames, and quietly waited for it to explode gold coins.

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