One second, two seconds, three seconds.

A full five seconds passed, and someone began to move their bodies. The first one was Bibi Dong, followed closely by Guang Ling, and then Qingluan and the others slowly broke free.

The first moment after they broke free, their angry gazes were directed at Han Li.

Then, he was ignored by Han Li.

It was not his intention to directly control the entire field.

Moreover, this was very draining for him. The moment the domain expanded, it almost drained his soul power. Fortunately, he had prepared a lot of elixirs in his sleeves early in the morning. He could use his soul bones to directly Only by draining it dry did it maintain its condition.

Well, he also secretly took Longzhi Ye, which allowed him to barely recover half of his soul power, and then he had the energy to control the field and release the suppression on a few people.

Among them, Bibi Dong, Guang Ling and Qing Luan alone consumed nearly half of his soul power. You must know that Tang Xiao, a level 96, only consumed 20% of his attack.

Of course, the effect is also quite good. In just these few seconds, the power of faith rushing towards him has tripled, which is not a loss.

All of this is just for safety. If it is just Tang Xiao's explosion, he can easily control it. The key point is that the thief has also dragged Xiao Wu. The attack may be blocked by the invincible golden body. He doesn't want to be left behind. Shocked several viewers to death.

Well, it's still acceptable to protest towards Bibi Dong.

Speed ​​up the process to avoid overturning.

Han Li glanced at the sky calmly. When he activated his domain, the sense of spying from the divine world appeared again.

The fifth soul ring flashed, and four arrows passed through the slowly rotating Liangyi field, hitting four people.

The moment Xiao Wu approached, she was given a look by Han Li. The mental shock made her roll her eyes and faint, and with a flash of light, she was sent into his left wrist band.

The other three people did not receive such good treatment. Behind Han Li, the evil god's hook had reached out at some point, and instantly penetrated their abdomens. The accompanying space power locked the flow of soul power, and they fell to the ground. At Han Li's feet.

In mid-air, as the three people fell, the field of Liangyi shrank to a range of ten meters around Han Li, and others could finally feel the presence of his body.


The domain has been taken back. Except for a few people, most of the people in the audience still maintained their original movements, looking up at Han Li who was still enveloped in the two-color domain.

Although their bodies were blocked, their minds were still active. For just a moment, they seemed to be dead. The feeling was really uncomfortable.

"It frightened everyone, but the crisis has been resolved, so don't worry about it."

Han Li's calm voice sounded in the air, finally bringing everyone back to their senses. The eyes of everyone affiliated with Wuhun Palace were a little hot, and they bowed neatly.

However, people from other forces, including some Sanren, had their eyes flickering and did not dare to respond.

Looking at Bibi Dong with an ugly expression, Han Li smiled and did not provoke her any more. This woman was crazy, but now was not the time to deal with it.

Liu Erlong, who he deliberately arranged for this competition, was completely ignored by her. She just didn't know if she would still be so quiet when dealing with Yu Xiaogang in the future.

Others didn't know it clearly, but he knew it very well. Even just now, when Tang Xiao took action, the woman had no intention of taking action.

"The Haotian Sect colluded with the soul beasts to harm human society. The facts are before our eyes and the evidence is conclusive. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Although Han Li was asking the entire audience, the three members of the Haotian Sect fell at Han Li's feet. The people he was talking to were just representatives of many forces in the stands.

"Just follow the Holy Son's wishes. Our Qibao Glazed Sect will also publicize this matter simultaneously to warn the world."

The first one to respond was still Ning Fengzhi. He was always the most aware of current affairs and the quickest to stand by.

Following his lead, people from other forces also spoke up and expressed their support.

The most ruthless person was Davis. In full view of everyone, he directly sent out the Soul Douluo behind him. After suppressing Dai Mubai with his momentum, he personally shattered his heart and said that anyone contaminated with the blood of the soul beast would Even if he is his own brother, he will be killed.

But after he finished speaking, the corners of his raised lips could not be suppressed.

Tai Lung was also sent away. With Davis in front, the Tiandou Empire showed no mercy at all. What's more, they were still members of the Force Clan, so they didn't hesitate at all.

As for Xiao Wu who disappeared, no one paid attention to her, and it seemed as if she had never appeared at all.

Everyone is smart, just like no one present asked Haotian Sect how to deal with it.

Han Li knew their thoughts very well, but he didn't care.

Because just now, Golden Crocodile Douluo had led the Angel Legion out of Wuhun City, accompanied by the two brothers Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo. If anyone in the Haotian Sect was still alive, he and Yu Xiaogang surname.

"The Soul Master Competition, is this over?"

In the venue, someone made a different sound. Not everyone was interested in these things. The fight was over and it should be over.

Everyone was stunned. Too many things had happened in a short period of time, and they had forgotten that they were here to watch the game today.


Bibi Dong took a step forward, ready to end this "farce".

Yes, to her it was a farce.

Han Li and his men had not discussed their actions with her. Although the disappearance of the Haotian Sect was in her interest, it undoubtedly disrupted her previous deployment. She needed to think carefully about the follow-up actions.

Han Li's strength was somewhat beyond her expectations, and the aura of the gods was too strong. She had many things she wanted to ask the Rakshasa God. Perhaps she had to put everything aside first and devote herself to the God Test to become a god first.

"Your Holiness, wait a minute, Han Li has something else to say."

Bibi Dong's footsteps paused and she stopped in place. She glanced at Han Li, who bowed slightly. His etiquette was impeccable, and it was also a legitimate request, which she could not refuse.


Bibi Dong looked at him deeply and nodded in agreement.

What else does he/the Holy Son want to do?

Even the crowd that had prepared to disperse before stopped. This person was a little dazzling today, so he was not in a hurry to leave. It would be okay to listen.

"Everyone who can come to the scene should know one thing very well, that is, soul masters must have innate soul power to practice, even if it is only level one."

In the venue, although no one knew why Han Li suddenly mentioned this, everyone nodded subconsciously. This is common sense, even if they have not read books, they know it.

"But if I say that I have found a way to allow people without innate soul power to practice?"

Han Li's voice was not loud, but the people who heard his words couldn't help but tremble.

Can you practice without innate soul power? Are you kidding? This is their first reaction after being excited.

Then, looking up, they saw Han Li's warm smile.

"Is this true? Your Highness the Son of God? Can I practice too?"

After a long silence, a trembling voice sounded from the crowd below.

Although the finals were held in Wuhun City, the number of soul masters was still a minority compared to the population base on the mainland.

Nearly half of the people in the venue were still not soul masters, and the person who asked the question, although dressed well, obviously did not have the slightest soul power fluctuation on him.

"Of course, I never lie."

A resounding word came out of Han Li's mouth, answering his question.

"Blue Silver Grass... is it okay?"

Next to him, a woman holding a child, holding the child's right hand, on his right hand, a blue weed was floating, and the mother and son looked at Han Li with hope.

"Yes, if you don't mind, I can show you."

Han Li's voice became softer again.

"Okay... Your Highness the Son..."

The woman was stunned at first, and then she pulled her son to kneel down, but was lifted up by a force and floated towards Han Li.

"Come here, just in time, you can also show it to everyone."

Han Li just glanced and determined the level of the mother, level 17, most likely also a lucky person with the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit?

Looking at the somewhat restrained mother and son, Han Li just smiled and pointed a finger at the child's forehead.

Originally, he didn't need to do this, but to be honest, it would be awkward if he just stood there, especially when everyone was staring at him.

Great Wilderness Prisoner Heaven Finger, cough,

Han Li teased in his heart, and the soft mental power and soul power had been sent into the child's body.

"Because it's the first time, and it's also to show everyone, I'll assist."

Han Li explained in a low voice while controlling the soul power to circulate in the child's body.

Because he wanted to learn quickly, he was running the original Xuantian Gong in the child's body, not the incomplete version that was ready to be put into the mainland.

However, he didn't mean to remind him out loud. Joining the Wuhun Hall in the future can only be regarded as a benefit. If he doesn't join, he can remember as much as he can. For many people in Douluo Continent, he is now a grandfather-level figure with a golden finger. There is no such thing as giving things and giving after-sales service.

Once, twice, three times, Han Li controlled the flow of soul power, and then let go of his hand. The child was still sitting cross-legged, and a faint soul breath was already emanating from his body.

It really worked!

Soul power, level three.

Staring at the people here, it was easy to judge the soul power level of the child who had no soul power fluctuations just now.

"The cultivation speed is only for reference. He has my assistance. For most people, it may only be the cultivation speed of the first or second level of innate."

"And for people with innate soul power of one or two levels, the cultivation speed may reach three or four levels?"

Han Li stood up, his smile was still sunny, but it made people dare not look directly at him.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, this cultivation method, I call it Xuantian Gong."

At Han Li's feet, Tang San, whose soul power, mobility, and language ability were blocked, couldn't help but dilate his pupils.

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