Douluo's Luck Points Full Melee Archer

Chapter 306: The End and the Beginning

Han Li naturally noticed his changes.

However, he didn't care. To be precise, Tang San was no longer useful.

The only reason he was still alive was because Han Li needed to maintain his image. He didn't want the bloody and sticky things to be mixed in when the deeds were spread. This would affect the purity of the power of faith.

After all, in most legends and biographies, the relevant events were recorded as defeats, not killings. It was necessary to show the power of the gods and the mercy of the gods. Isn't this a common method?

What was he going to do? What did he want to do?

Unlike ordinary audiences, the representatives of major forces and some nobles were shocked, but their eyes were full of vigilance, especially the people of the two empires and principalities. There was also varying degrees of malice in their eyes when they looked at Han Li.

Unlike the sects, the sects were actually a school of talent, but the empires were different. Most of them, compared with the lower-class people, had the only difference that they had martial spirits that could be cultivated. Now, this advantage was gone.

Don't think that Han Li said it well. This technique will also improve them, but one is improvement, and the other is from nothing to something. The difference is huge.

Moreover, the most important thing is that there are too many people below.

Their short-term strength cannot always ensure the leading position, and their strength is not enough to ignore the number.

It's going to change!

Some people want to object, and then they look up and see the two Titled Douluo lying at Han Li's feet. The blood on their bodies has not dried yet, so they shut their mouths wisely.

They don't think they are stronger than Titled Douluo, and they are still in the territory of the Spirit Hall. They don't want to disappear quietly.

Is he collecting faith?

Unlike others, Bibi Dong knows more.

After a brief surprise, she quickly thought of what Han Li was doing. At this moment, she even felt happy and fortunate.

He didn't follow the path of divine inheritance, but wanted to imitate the Sea God and the Angel God, collect the power of faith, and then create his own position.

As a person who has inherited the divine spirit, she knows very well that this process will take thousands of years and may not succeed in the end.

The advantage is mine!

These four words appeared in Bibi Dong's mind.

She glanced at Qian Renxue calmly, who showed no emotion.

Not long ago, she started the divine test, and she smelled the disgusting light breath from her body, but she was not as fast as her.

In short, on the road to becoming a god, she is currently in an absolute leading position, and she seems to have seen the scene of her destroying the Qian family.

At the same time, she also noticed that the Wuhun Hall personnel affiliated with the Worship Hall were all looking at Han Li in the air with scorching eyes, and they didn't seem to be surprised by his actions.

Oh, it's being kept secret from me again, but it doesn't matter.

As long as she can become a god first, then everything that stands in her way is just a piece of shit, not worth mentioning.

Qian Daoliu, no matter what efforts you make, it will be useless. At that time, I will destroy your hope and let you watch all your efforts go to waste.

After seeing Bibi Dong's initial surprise, it seemed that the malice had faded a little. Han Li smiled in his heart and then looked away. What you think is what I want you to see.

"Mom, I have soul power, I can practice."

The child who was sitting cross-legged opened his eyes and stood up excitedly. The blue silver grass on his right hand was also swaying slowly with his words, and the soul power fluctuations also dispersed.

He forgot that he was still in mid-air, without fear and terror. He stepped on Han Li's soul power barrier and happily showed everything to his mother.

"Well, good boy... Mom saw it."

The young mother cried with joy and pulled him to kneel down to Han Li again.

"Okay, there is no need to do this. You are willing to cooperate with me to show everyone. This is what you deserve."

The bodies of the mother and son were firmly supported, and Han Li showed his gentle side to everyone.

At his feet, Tang San looked at the child with murderous eyes. That was his Xuantian Gong, a unique skill belonging to the Tang Sect. He had never taught it to anyone, but now, the child exuded the same aura as he did at the beginning.

When the child lowered his head, he met his eyes and couldn't help but stepped back in fear.

Both his mother and His Royal Highness the Son of God said that he was not a human, but a wolf thief who would eat children.

And the mother also met Tang San's eyes, she held her son's hand tightly, she was attracted to the competition, originally because of the rumored blue silver grass genius, but unfortunately, in the finals, she only saw the Clear Sky Hammer.

"Don't be afraid, he has been subdued by me."

Han Li's voice sounded softly, comforting the mother and son in front of him.

There were too many people paying attention to him, and the child's soul power was only level three, otherwise he would not mind, let him activate his martial soul, and give the lying Tang San a blue silver entanglement.

Unfortunately, Han Li actually felt a sense of regret in his heart.

After sending the mother and son back to the ground, Han Li met the burning eyes below.

"After that, the Spirit Halls at all levels will distribute Xuantian Gong to everyone for free. You just need to register to receive it. In addition, the Spirit Hall will send special people to provide guidance. Even if you are illiterate, there will be deacons to help everyone practice."

"At the same time, the soul master corps in various places will also help maintain order. I hope everyone can cooperate."

Han Li's tone became much more serious in the latter part. The soul power that burst out combined with the pressure of mental power, and the killing god domain that had been revealed before occupied the entire sky, shocking everyone.

No one doubted the murderous intent and determination hidden behind his words.

After the blood-red domain disappeared, Han Li regained his sunny and warm appearance again. Under the gaze of the crowd below, he slowly landed on the stands.

After a brief silence, the people in the venue became completely noisy with cheers and crying.

And on the stands, everyone looked at Han Li with complicated expressions and remained silent for a long time.

People's joys and sorrows are not the same. They are more thinking about how to face the situation in the future. As for resistance, after this young man showed his strength, no one is willing to face such an opponent.

Bibi Dong did not rush forward to perform the final ceremony. People's emotions need to be vented. She was not stupid enough to get into trouble at this time.

In the backstage, a soul master wearing the uniform of an official of the Tiandou Empire ran towards them regardless of the guards' obstruction.

"Your Highness, it's not good."

His somewhat hoarse voice fell into the ears of everyone. It can be seen that his mental state is very bad.

"Don't panic, if there is anything, talk slowly."

Xue Qinghe spoke slowly. She had already prepared for it, hadn't she?

After apologetically greeting everyone, she and the official walked aside and began to communicate in a low voice.

And on the spot, everyone almost tacitly covered their mental power, including the people in the Worship Hall who had known all this for a long time, and they still had to act like it.

After a while, Xue Qinghe came back, forced a smile, and said nothing.

But most people in the stands have already obtained relevant information.

The Tiandou Treasury was stolen, and Xue Ye was in it at the time. He was attacked and severely injured. He was in danger and didn't know whether he could wake up.

Among them, the national treasure was lost. According to the traces at the scene, the attacker was probably a heavy blunt weapon spirit, suspected to be the Haotian Hammer.

Just the five words "suspected Haotian Hammer" are enough to make people imagine.

The envoys of the Xingluo Empire and Davis were ecstatic when they heard the news.

But soon, their smiles froze on their faces, because they found that even if they knew the news, they could do nothing.

They all got the information, they didn't believe that Han Li didn't know, and for a period of time afterwards, it was the promotion period of Han Li's Xuantian Gong, and he would not watch the Xingluo Empire take any action.

As expected, they heard Han Li's voice.

"Old Master Dugu, you haven't been back to Tiandou City for a long time. Go back and live there for a while."

Dugu Bo readily agreed, and Xue Qinghe's expression also relaxed a little.

Bibi Dong ignored all of this. She scanned the expressions of everyone on the stands, as if looking down on everyone.

All of them were small actions that were not worthy of being on the stage. The stupid "country-stealing plan" was still successful, but it was just a wedding dress for her.

When the venue was quieter, she walked to the front again, announced the end of the competition, and personally handed the three soul bones belonging to the champion to Shui Bing'er and the other four, and left the venue first.

The crowd in the venue began to leave. On the stands, the people from the Worship Hall and Xue Qinghe did not leave, which was not surprising.

The people from the Xingluo Empire left first. When they left, they took Dai Mubai's body away. Han Li did not stop them, and even expected them to go back for related research.

Before leaving, Ning Fengzhi said something to Xue Qinghe, but after looking at the people around Han Li, he left first.

The crowd dispersed, and the news was spreading rapidly to all parts of the continent in various forms. At this moment, the Wuhun Halls at all levels also received the message and started to act.

"I have to go back to Tiandou City first to stabilize the situation as quickly as possible. I guess I will have to travel frequently between the two places in the future."

Qian Renxue didn't say anything nonsense. Although she didn't restore her clothes, her voice was not hidden, which made Tang Hao and the other two lying on the ground stare wide-eyed.

"Well, I won't send you off. If you have something to do, you can use the pendant to contact. Even if there is a certain delay, it can be regarded as instant communication. As for the crime, just put it all on the Haotian Sect."

Han Li smiled and pointed at the three people on the ground. He didn't care about the resentment in their eyes. This was part of the plan.

Although there are some coincidences, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that the timing is right enough to make a smooth transition. The Haotian Sect doesn't lack this black pot.

The charges of colluding with soul beasts and being a traitor to human beings have been proven, not to mention that they only stole national treasures and killed Emperor Xue Ye. As for the reason, who knows? Maybe it was just the task of Lord Soul Beast. Let those who like to guess guess.

"Okay, I'll go see Grandpa again and get ready to leave. See you later."

"Okay, goodbye."

The next time they meet, she will be the queen. Of course, the premise is that she can show her true face. Looking at Qian Renxue's back as she left gracefully, Han Li thought with some anticipation.

Looking at the venue where only staff members were present, Han Li let out a sigh of relief.

The Soul Master Competition was over, and a new era had begun.

"Let's go, Master."

Han Li looked at Guang Ling, who was squatting on the ground teasing Tang Hao and the other two, and shouted helplessly.

"Come on, come on, let's go..."

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