Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 169: Successful execution of tactics

A huge round of smoke rose slowly on the spot, rising to the sky, forming a mushroom-shaped cloud.


  In an instant, the ultra-high temperature burned everything around, and there was no sign of life. If Zhu Zhuqing hadn't left early, otherwise Uranium would not use such terrifying skills.


   In the face of human beings, Uranium is all-only.


   Facing the soul beast, Uranium fisted heavily.


   Although nuclear smoke cannot be easily dispersed, it is gradually being absorbed in Uranium's hands.


   is different from the second-level energy mix that used to kick and explode the evil spirit master. Currently, he only uses the first-level energy combination, which is alpha energy, in order to prevent the ten thousand year soul beast from killing the bloodspin cat.


   His purpose in doing this is to allow nuclear radiation to contaminate the opponent, and at the same time show his strength to avoid the cat, coming over to attack him and Zhu Zhuqing in the middle of the night.


   You need to know that in the dark night, the Desolate Bloodthorn Cat is invincible. It is a creature of another dimension. It can now be dealt with during the day, but at night, it may be killed by surprise.


   Otherwise, he only needs to open the radiation field, and he can infect the other party without having to move his hands or feet.


   After a while, the smoke and dust slowly formed like a whirlpool, and the dust rolled and rotated, and was absorbed by a single figure in the central area.


   The smoke subsided gradually.


   The uranium kicked with a nuclear blast this time was no longer the same as the last time, trembling, sweating profusely, exhausting the soul power of the whole body, and even unable to walk.


   Even his surroundings are only within an absolute shock wave range of about one kilometer, a high temperature of about 7,000 degrees, and an absolute lethal range within a hundred meters. Adding the second kind of energy and letting them carry out violent collisions between particles will produce more than one hundred times the current power.


   Just like before, the shock wave with a radius of 10 kilometers destroys the range, and the absolute lethal range of 3 kilometers, the remaining prestige can even reach a hundred kilometers away, and there is still a breeze.


  The third type of energy is added, and the power of the nuclear kick will be amplified to more than 10,000 times, and the power is fully opened, which can be infinitely close to the real nuclear explosion's high temperature of 100 million degrees!


   instead of the current high imitation temperature of several thousand degrees or tens of thousands of degrees.


   As for the real meaning of the ‘nuclear explosion’ kick, Uranus knows very well that he himself can’t hold the power, but he can release it.


   However, this may also be his last nuclear kick.


   This is his trump card, and it is also his confidence that he dared to see Tang San before. He knew that Vast Sky Douluo was there, but he was not afraid. The power of the nuclear explosion kick in the second stage was enough.


   He also understands that Haotian Douluo has only his son and wife in his mind, and he may not even know that he is from the Uchiha clan. What he is worried about is all in the mirror.


   The surrounding ground slowly rises with heat that can vaporize people on the spot, but visible to the naked eye, these distorted and transpired spaces are gradually recovering, and the heat is gradually being absorbed by the uranium as a dragon absorbs water.


   The hard and crisp golden red glazed ground quickly rose with a mist, began to turn black, and collapsed on its own.


   It didn't take long for this amazing beauty to turn into powder, blending with the scene like the big pit nearby, and it was never seen again that the most magnificent picture in the world had appeared here.


   Of course, it's a person who can only see the picture once in his life.




  Uran gently exhaled a mouthful of foul air, slowly exhaling it, like a sharp sword, suddenly pierced through the dust on the ground like thin paper, startled waves of small gray-white fragments, and splashed around.


   This battle plan was successfully achieved.


   has already debuffed the target, nuclear radiation will continue to torture, and will continue to cut down the opponent's blood bar limit, and eventually, it will become Zhu Zhuqing's most perfect spirit ring, cat soul beast, with cat martial soul.


Moreover, this soul beast can be said to have a cultivation base of ten thousand years, as long as it successfully cultivates a domain, it is enough to challenge one hundred thousand years. It is the same challenge level as the dark devil and evil **** tiger. Under the level, it is not its opponent.


   But the Sunset Forest is not a hundred thousand years old, which also guarantees why this Desolate Bloodspine Cat was not killed on the spot, but let it continue to grow.


   Any one hundred thousand-year-old soul beast with a brain will clean up this highly threatening soul beast in advance, and there will be no boss in the sunset forest, otherwise it will not be there.


"Good luck, but Zhu Zhuqing wants to speed up his cultivation. I have arranged nuclear radiation. If Zhu Zhuqing does not have level 30 when the opponent falls to the millennium limit, then this high-level spirit ring will be wasted." , Uran said slightly while looking at the direction Zhu Zhuqing rushed out of.


He is not worried that he will not be able to find this radiation-infected spirit beast after escaping, because he can sense the approximate location of the opponent after opening the radiation field. Then, as long as the time is almost there, he It's time to start.


If it were an ordinary spirit beast, maybe he would worry about whether the continuously weakened high-level spirit beast would die in the mouth of other spirit beasts, but he was not worried about Destroying the Bloodthorn Cat, because it was just a fight. He has a hunch that if the domain is not fully awakened, then its ten-thousand-year limit is not much different from the one-year limit. It cannot be attacked, and it can escape into the shadows.


   If you really want to make a difference, it means more means.


   Whether it is a shadow jumping or not entering the dark space, the body can already be vaguely alienated. It is most likely to be obtained by increasing years, and even without these, the Millennium Desolation Bloodthorn Cat can still kill the ten thousand year soul.


   "Okay, it's time to leave, there is nothing to wait, I hope I can find her later."


   The power of radiation was absorbed, and after looking around, there was nothing to miss. Uran directly turned around, facing the direction Zhu Zhuqing had escaped, and the second spirit ring flashed.


   The next moment, Uranium, who had just stayed in place, was suddenly blurred, and the dust in the place was directly exploded by such a fast speed, and it was scattered around in a circular shape.


   The fuzzy figure It was just an afterimage left by too fast.


   The scope of the nuclear explosion kick this time was not very large. After only a few breaths, Uranium had left the place, and was flying towards the distance, constantly turning his head left and right, observing the surrounding changes.


   Just when Zhu Zhuqing left, he said something in her ear.


   "If you feel dangerous, use that belt, it can save your life."


   So he was a little worried. After leaving his own Zhu Zhuqing, whether he would fall into some crisis, otherwise, he would really bear the blame.




   Suddenly, an inaudible splash of water fell into Uran's ears.


   Accompanied by the sound of splashes, there is also the familiar cold voice.


   Suddenly, Uran was overjoyed, turned his head to look east, and after a little determination of the direction, he turned his head and ran away without hesitation!

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