Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 170: Foothold

It is a waterfall.


   As the sound of the waterfall became more and more rumbling, the water vapor in the air continued to stimulate Uran's nasal cavity, making him a little itchy.


   In less than a moment, Uran followed the sound and came to the front of the waterfall. What you saw was a huge pool of water.


The    water pool is round as a whole, with a length of more than 50 meters and a width of more than 50 meters. Above the nearly 1,000 square water pool is a huge waterfall.


  The waterfall is very wide and the sound is also very noisy. Uranium was a bit stunned for a while.


   With such a noisy sound, how did he hear Zhu Zhuqing's voice?


  Difficulty, Zhu Zhuqing’s voice has formed a specific audio channel for him. As long as Zhu Zhuqing speaks, he can hear it within a certain distance?


   This is too incredible.


   The next moment, Uranium felt that a cold gaze fell on him.


   with excitement and some worries.


Outside the waterfall not far away, a human figure jumped directly from the tall arbor tree, and the moment it fell to the ground, it rebounded and unloaded again. Although there were so many movements, there was no sound, as if it had entered a silent mode. Normally, weird, but extremely natural.


   is Zhu Zhuqing.


   "Uranium, how is it?"


   Before the two figures met, Zhu Zhuqing's voice came from a distance.


It can be seen that she is worried about Uranium. After all, the ten thousand year soul beast, Uran said in person. As a soul master, she naturally understands what ten thousand year soul beast means. This is not an enemy that the soul school can deal with. At least it needs to be at the Soul Saint level. Although she has never seen such a strange cat-like soul beast, it does not prevent her from trembling at that amazing murderous intent.


   That is not an ordinary ten thousand year soul beast.


"Don't worry, that guy has been chased away by me, and has been marked by my martial soul. It will be weakened every moment. You are now at level 30 as soon as possible. That ten thousand year soul beast is your bag. It's something in it." Uran smiled indifferently to Zhu Zhuqing's concern and said directly.


Indeed, after showing its combat effectiveness, the soul beast naturally did not dare to provoke him again. The soul beast is the one who knows how to examine the existence, and it will not heal itself. It naturally faces its prey and has to consider it. Do it, facing such a piercing existence, if you still choose to continue to smash, then it will not have a ten-thousand-year cultivation base.


   The stupid soul beast has long been expelled and killed in the fiercely competitive resource, water source and other places.


   Suddenly, Uran thought of something.


   Water source?


   Suddenly, Uran turned his head directly, looked around the waterfall, his eyes were full of fierceness, and the spirit ring that had just been extinguished on his body lit up again. With such a large water source, I am afraid that the soul beast occupying this place is not a weak one.


   There was silence around.


   A sound of wind blew past, causing ripples on the edge of the pool closest to him.


   There is no sign of any soul beasts around, as if what I am worried about is just a disillusionment-like bubble.


"It shouldn't be, such a large water source... Is it possible that this is the territory of the original Desolate Bloodthorn Cat? Otherwise, the other party would not appear so fast, otherwise it would be unreasonable at all. Not long after the Corruption Ape fought, the Desolate Bloodspine Cat immediately attacked." After a little thought, Uran immediately came to a conclusion.


   After thinking of this, Uranium couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but instead of putting away the martial spirit on his body, he opened the elemental pupils, observing everything around him, including the bottom of the pool where ordinary people's eyes could not penetrate.


   He wants to make sure that all of this is safe, and he can be completely at ease only after finding the habitat of the Desolate Bloodthorn Cat.


   That soul beast is not a weak one. There must be a way to find another territory on its own. I just hope that the other party will not be mad, look for this territory, and get it back even if it loses its life.


"If it dares to come back, then don't worry about this spirit ring. The danger is too great. If you don't pay attention, not only Zhu Zhuqing, but even me may be instantly killed, especially after nightfall, I have no ability to resist. I can only take Zhu Zhuqing to escape." Thinking like this, Uranium began to sense the position of the opponent in the senses of the radiation field.


   The next moment, the corners of his mouth raised.


   Very good, a thousand miles away, he doesn't need to worry anymore.


   Zhu Zhuqing walked over to meet Uranium, and looked at Uranium's whole body with some worry, until he found that apart from the messy clothes, there were no more wounds. He lifted his heart loose and slowly returned to his place.


"Zhu Zhuqing, let's find out if there is any soul beast lair here, if possible, just settle here, until you reach the 30th level, we will set off and look for that soul beast." Immediately, Uranium said decisively.


   There is a water source here, and there is no soul beast in the pool. On the contrary, there is something in the pool that faintly emits spirit power fluctuations, but at this moment, it is not convenient for him to plunge directly in, and the surrounding dangers have not been determined.


As he thought about it, Uran turned around and started, following Zhu Zhuqing's back, his falcon-like gaze constantly shot towards the surroundings, all concealment, all dead spots, under his eyes, unreservedly showed him all!


   This place is very good, the mountains and clear waters are beautiful, although there are waterfalls in the forest, this really surprised him.


   But when he thought of the two eyes of ice and fire in the middle of the sunset forest, which looked like a volcano, he let go.


The world's great wonders.


  If the hidden dangers of the family are solved in the future, maybe he can take a trip to various places in the mainland.


   Go to see those beautiful scenery and different wonders.


The Far North, the Lost Grand Canyon, and even the Soul Beast Forest in the Star Luo Empire. Although it is not written in the original book, as a ruler class stronger than the Heaven Dou Empire, it will not rely on a star battle. Should the forest make spirit rings?


After a while the two of them circled around the waterfall. Except for a lair that exuded a stench and was full of bones, there were no traces of soul beasts. There are not many footprints, it can be seen that few soul beasts come here to drink water.


   This also confirmed from the side that this is indeed the field occupied by which Desolate Bloodspine Cat.


   "Zhu Zhuqing, find a place to arrange the location of the camp in the future. I will clean up all the attached soul beasts. Don't forget to use the belt. This is very important."


   After checking that there is no danger in the surroundings, Uranium immediately got up and walked towards the outside world. On the way, he continued to say: "I will be there soon."


   Soon, the shadow of uranium disappeared without a trace in Zhu Zhuqing's vision.


   Watching Uran's back leave a little bit, Zhu Zhuqing, who was still a little confused in his mind, couldn't help showing a trace of worry.


   Everything he did seemed to be designed for her in advance, and she was like a puppet that only needed to follow.


What should she do?

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