Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 219: Historic meeting, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Xue (4k)

Cold, shaking.........

Uranium woke up the next day.

Holding his forehead hard to straighten up, Uran looked blankly at the shaking surroundings.

The scenery on the road keeps retreating, the sound of the wind, and the feeling of constant shaking, is coming from below.

"Are you awake?" There was a soft voice in the ear.

Without looking back, Uran just nodded, and a hoarse voice sounded: "How many days did I sleep?"

In the past, what made him insist on walking was the desire to go home, otherwise he would not have to enter this Douluo world at all, but right now, there is no hope of going home.

Under such a blow, when he came to this conclusion, he couldn't even suppress the anger in his heart. He forced himself to suppress the tumbling blood and calm his mood, but in the end he was backlashed and passed out.

"It's one night, it's morning now." With a white arm holding a bowl of water, he handed it to Uranium, raised his head, Uranus saw the delicate and pretty face, "Drink, your mouth is dry and cracked. "

After receiving this bowl of water, Uran dries in one mouthful and wiped his mouth at random. His face already looked rather plain, without the anger and sadness of yesterday, as if everything had passed.

"how are you feeling?"

The gentle little hand suddenly fell on Uran's shoulder, Uran only felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing on his face, with a sweet, extremely alluring smell.

The next moment, Xiaoxue knelt down behind him, in the carriage shed, gently kneading Uran's shoulders.

Sniffing this smell, Uranium seems to dream back to the past. This invisible breath of murder is exactly what Xiaoxue once mastered, suggesting, confusing, and controlling, but at this moment, it is harmless... ...

"It's okay, Quandang has released the shackles. Originally, I just wanted to go home and missed many of the scenery on the Douluo Continent. Looking at it now, you are more important." Driving on the path, looking Uran smiled freely at the fading scenery around him.

In order to go home as soon as possible, in order to avoid unnecessary things delaying his footsteps, he missed too much.

After counting out what he had done in the forest, Uran was surprised to find that he hadn’t been anywhere except for the Tiandou Royal Academy and the Great Fighting Soul Arena, even the tourist city of Soto, Silvis In the Great Fighting Soul Arena, Tiandou City only came when something happened, and lived a two-point-one-line life every day.

The usual schedule is the academy training + the battle of souls...

The sense of urgency in the past urged him to become stronger quickly, otherwise it would be too late once he entered the period of the decisive battle, and the Wuhun Palace would definitely attack the family, seize the writing wheel, and increase the bargaining chip for the final battle.

But at this moment, Uran suddenly discovered that the family was actually in the divine mighty space. Not only was it agitated, he was vomiting blood and unconscious, but he was actually relieved.

The family has no worries.

"Perhaps, from now on, I can relax and take a good look at the world." Uran smiled easily, and flung away some of the melancholy in his heart, smiling, turning his head to look at the little blood behind him, but suddenly stunned. Froze.

Uran's attitude of seeing through the red dust suddenly made the somewhat sensitive little blood aware of something, and Xiao Nizi Shui Ling's eyes were full of worry and intolerance.

Uranium was also a little helpless about Xiaoxue's appearance. He was clearly speaking from his heart, and could only comfort it softly, which made Xiaoxue's mood slightly improved.

... Driving on an unmanned road, Uran stretched his waist. Today, when he arrived in Tiandou City, he had already visited the coachman outside. As expected, Xiaoxue controlled it.

Once he was not by Xiaoxue’s side, when this little Nizi encountered something, her first consideration was to use mind control to solve everything. She didn’t know if her life and death experience was too profound for her Sense of security.

And after hearing Uranium’s words to relax at this moment, although Xiaoxue still had some worries in her heart, she knew that Uranium’s sight would not be limited to this small Heaven Dou City. With his strength, Only the boundless sky outside can allow him to show himself as he wants.

Relying on his unique soul skills!

"Then what's your plan? After playing the Soul Master Competition in two years, where do you go to play? Don't tell me you have to stay in the academy all the time." Xiaoxue's gentle soft voice made De Uran stop his divergent thinking. Raising her head, looking at the beautiful girl beside her, she couldn't help but smile: "The world is so big, I want to see it."

"Well~ I'll accompany you later." Xiaoxue nodded, then blinked playfully.

Slightly squinted at Xiaoxue's extremely serious and pretty face, Uran's face showed a soft touch, smiled softly, stretched out his hand, patted Xiaoxue's head with his palm, and then quietly stroked along the soft red and silver hair Next, the feeling of comfort made him a little fascinated.

"Can you do it?" Xiaoxue whispered softly, letting Uran play affectionately with the hair that no other man had touched except himself.

Because the men other than Uranium, who dared to think of her like this, were all Sinai.

"Come if you want, but..." Nodded, Uran smiled lightly: "It's not just me and you."

"Is it Zhu Zhuqing?" An inexplicable smell was beating in Shui Ling's eyes, Xiaoxue bit his red lips lightly and whispered.

He paused for a while with Qingsi's palm, Uran shrugged, and smiled faintly, "After all, traveling on the mainland and traveling around the world is too lonely to be alone, um, wait, Xiaoxue, how long will it take you to transform? Will you become a one-year-old child after the transformation is completed? In this way, she and I will be mistaken as precocious couples who brought babies in their teens..."

Uranium suddenly warned.

Xiaoxue Liu frowned, sighed lightly, and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "I suddenly wanted to kill again..."

"Hehe, don't worry, even if you become a baby, I will take it the same way." Looking at the little blood that had suddenly become gloomy on his face, Uran quickly changed his words with a smile.


"He is such a person who has low EQ to girls, didn't I know it a long time ago? Don't be angry, don't be angry..."

After biting her mouth and pondering for a long time, Xiao Xue suddenly said, "Don't worry, after the transformation is over, she is six-year-old born with full spirit power, not a one-year-old child."

Xiaoxue deliberately said the word one-year-old.

With a wry smile, Uran shook his head, and sighed somewhat self-deprecatingly: "Six years old is six, anyway."

In fact, I am still looking forward to bringing a baby, especially if my daughter develops this kind, but I dare not say..........Uran said in his heart.

"I know you will definitely take me." Xiaoxue smiled sweetly.

Seeing Uran's depressed look, she patted the blood of his paws beside him, and suddenly chuckled triumphantly, but the next moment, her complexion became a little sad, "It will take me about three years to transform. Or so, I can actually start preparing now, and when I come out, it's probably almost the same."

"So..." Uranium was silent for a while.

The surroundings fell silent, only outside the carriage, the crisp sound of horseshoes kept repeating, like the intertwined echoes of the music playing...

At noon.

From afar, one could already see the banner of the Tiandou City.

Tiandou City is much larger than the cities Uranium has seen before.

This can be seen from the team of heavily armed soldiers on the wall.

Soon, the carriage passed through the five-meter-high deputy gate and entered Heaven Dou City.

"Is this the city?" Xiaoxue pulled up the shutter in the carriage and looked at everything around him in amazement.

The prosperity of Tiandou City is a little bit more than Xiaoxue's imagination, it is like awakening self-consciousness for the first time, facing the lake of life, shocking and trembling.

It feels that the surroundings are very novel. There are many shops on the street, and there are almost no hawkers who buy and sell on the spot. The whole street is clean and bright, regular and grand.

There are a lot of pedestrians, and most of them are spirit masters with great vigor and amazingness, but Xiaoxue does not pay attention to these. What she pays more attention to is the clothes of female soul masters passing by...

At this moment, a pure and explicit woman dressed in light veil, all exposed, passed by.

"That's so beautiful, I want to wear it too, hey, how does it feel so transparent, and it won't feel if you wear it... Yeah!" Just as Xiaoxue's eyes were raging, a pair of jade-like palms Covered her eyes.

"Don't look at the ones that shouldn't be seen. I will wait for you to transform. I will buy you whatever clothes you want." Uran just wanted to pull Xiaoxue back, but suddenly thought that she would not be able to touch her current incorporeal body. , In case of a strong pull, there will be a little girl who suddenly appears as horrified as a hand outside of her head, so she can only persuade softly.

"Speaking counts." Xiaoxue also seemed to realize that the woman she just saw might have something wrong with her career, she immediately retracted her head, withdrawn her thoughts, and sat quietly in the carriage.

After a while, Tiandou Hotel arrived.

Uran winked at Xiaoxue and was about to get out of the carriage.

The next moment, the little blood of the shadow turned into a light-colored wind, which dissipated in the carriage.

Enter the hotel.

Looking at the luxurious front hall, Uran suddenly stunned.

It wasn't because of the beauty here that shocked him, but he suddenly forgot about one thing. He didn't ask which room Zhu Zhuqing was in.

No way, he can only go to the supervisor and ask Zhu Zhuqing where he is.

However, it turned out that he was sullied. The supervisor made it clear that he would not sell customer information, and even the supervisor was wondering if Uranium had ulterior motives and was ready to call someone. He was not afraid of what soul master he was.

Based on this alone, Uranium felt that the background named Tiandou Hotel might be a bit big.

Finally, Uranium can only passively use its own means to let the supervisor speak out.

After a while, Uran directly went upstairs and walked to the door of the heart of the ocean.

"That's it." Enduring the excitement, Uran recalled the information in his mind and took a deep breath.

No see for three days, as if three years have passed.

"No, not three years, I have been born again."

The next moment, Uran knocked on the door of the room.

Tuk tuk...

"Who?" There was a cold female voice inside the door, but Uran did not hear the sound of coming over to open the door.

"Guess?" Randomly adjusted the haircut, letting the silver on the chest be distributed to the back, and then took a rope to tie it up, Uran smiled and continued tapping.

In a daze, he seemed to hear Xiaoxue's stinky voice...

Zhu Zhuqing in the room was stunned, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

Just when Uran thought something was wrong, the door opened instantly!

When the fragrant wind hit, a black light and beautiful shadow suddenly emerged from the room and plunged into Uran's arms!

At this moment, Uranium felt the huge impact and knocked him directly to the ground!


Uranium was crushed by Zhu Zhuqing.

"Cough cough..." Uran's pressed eyes suddenly widened, and he almost closed his breath. The spirit master smashed the ball with it, so terrible!

"Made... Isn't this too strong?"

Feeling the slight trembling of Ke Ren'er in his arms, Uran sighed without saying a word.

"I'm sorry, I worried you......"

"You're fine." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, looking at him nervously.

"Okay, okay, get up first, facing me, I feel very uncomfortable." Helplessly shook his head, helped her up, and patted the dust on their bodies by the way.

Zhu Zhuqing bit her pink lips lightly, worried.

She knew she had the spirit ability of nuclear explosive kicking, but in terms of power, he only mentioned something earth-shattering, but after Zhu Zhuqing came to Tiandou Hotel, he saw the mushroom cloud rising.

Reminiscent of the terrifying soul beast that once wandered in the sunset forest, and then seeing the giant smoke rising into the sky, she could think of it herself.

Something happened to the uranium...

She tried to find uranium in the sunset forest, but was stopped by the soul master who suddenly appeared. The pressure of the soul sage forced her to leave the forest. Everything around it seemed so strange...

Sunset Forest was faintly noticed by high-level spirit masters, and no foreign spirit masters were allowed to enter.

Zhu Zhuqing saw with his own eyes that the spirit master who must enter the forest, after being expelled, was followed by the spirit master, and immediately understood.

The matter in Sunset Forest is very big, and she can't solve it alone.

If she had to go in, she would probably end up dead.

She is not afraid of death, Uranium is worth her life to guard, but it is unclear that she cannot die in the hands of other spirit masters..........

There is no way, she can only nest in the hotel, anxiously waiting for the return of Uranium.

And now, he is back!

"Okay, don't look at me with this kind of eyes, isn't it okay for me." As he said, Uran turned around, with a bold expression, completely without the cold color he used to be.

Gao Leng is set, he doesn't want it, he has found his original intention!

The girl didn't talk too much, but pulled up his palm, and then the palms were connected.

At this moment, it seemed as if an electric current surged through.

At this moment, the girl let go of her sorrow, and returned to the cold and pretty calm like an iceberg and snow lotus...

She shook her head with a chuckle, Uran already understood, she probably understood her physical condition, the two possessed the martial arts fusion skill, and naturally they also had the special ability to communicate with each other.

Although I don't fully know what the other party is thinking so exaggerated, it's easy to feel the state of the other party.

Zhu Zhuqing took Uran's hand and walked into the house.

The azure wallpaper and warm white form an extremely comfortable color of the sea and the sky, as if you are on the beach by the sea, with the warm sunlight coming in directly, with an intoxicating breeze.........

This is Zhu Zhuqing's favorite color.

Without saying much, Zhu Zhuqing embraced him again, his small head pressed firmly against Uran's shoulder, and his mouth trembled slightly.

"There is danger, let's face it together, don't be alone..."

Uran grinned helplessly, Zhu Zhuqing's combat effectiveness, even he couldn't guarantee that he would win, she would be fully qualified if it were to fight together.

But what he faced was a complete body, **** killing fairy!

No one can beat her!

Speaking of Xianpin, Uranium had an idea.

"I will introduce you to someone who I met in the sunset forest. She is very important." Uran said softly in Zhu Zhuqing's ear.

Uran's breath blew the hair beside Zhu Zhuqing's ears, and her hot breath suddenly made her ears red.

"Xiaoxue, come out." As soon as the words fell, Uran yelled softly and said to the void on the side.

"Huh? Who are you with?" Zhu Zhuqing raised his head blankly, followed Uran's line of sight, and placed them together not far The next moment, Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes wide!

"This is..." In front of Zhu Zhuqing's eyes, an illusory figure of a young girl slowly formed.

Not tall, only to her waist.

The red and silver colors are straight and distinct, falling from both sides of the shoulders to the waist, especially the silver, which faintly gives her a very familiar feeling.

The cold and indifferent temperament of the young girl is like the first bloom of a clear lotus, a long purple dress, and the mats fall on the ground without making any ripples.

With his hands resting on her waist naturally, her eyes glowing like rubies, this young girl in a purple skirt, speaking of beauty and temperament, is undoubtedly better than Zhu Zhuqing in front of her, no wonder she is staring at her. Zhu Zhuqing is such a move.

Although she is still very petite, at this moment, all the light in this room is shining around her.

Everything was eclipsed in front of her, just like the brightest star in the starry sky, glowing with unparalleled color.

Little blood, gorgeous debut.........

At this time, Uran's voice broke the silence, and the shocking scene began to exit.

"She is called Xiaoxue, emmmmm, do you remember the mushroom cloud before? It was caused by me and her, and I have a blood relationship with me. She..."

"and many more."

Suddenly, Zhu Zhuqing interrupted Uran's introduction.

The girl's eyes swept over the two of them, especially if there was no connection between the hair and the two, like a father and a daughter, her eyes suddenly sharpened.

"I remember you said that you came out when you were six, you have always been alone, and the family can't go back.

Uran's heart suddenly snorted!

"She won't be your daughter?!"

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