Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 220: High purity uranium ore (7k)

After a while.

"In other words... she is the fairy grass you mentioned before?"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Xiaoxue incredulously, and then turned to look at Uranium with her feet upturned, as if it had nothing to do with her trembling Uranium.

A hundred thousand-year soul beast can actually transform into a human form.........

"It's hard to believe." Sitting on the sofa, Zhu Zhuqing felt ashamed.

Does a hundred thousand year soul beast look like this?

A cute little girl?

"Actually, I am not yet a human figure. It will probably take a few years." Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's actions, Xiaoxue's pretty face softened, and her hands were put down. The girl's soft voice wandered slowly in the room.

At this moment, she was a little relieved.

It seems that the other party did not have any repulsive psychology because she was a soul beast. She felt like she was very gentle...

Obviously, when she was with Uchiha Uranus, her face was very cold, how come she feels changed now?

Xiao Xue also had some confusion in her heart.

She is ready to be secretly watched. After all, a 100,000-year soul beast means that a soul bone must be born. Is it because of uranium that Zhu Zhuqing unconditionally believes in her?

Xiaoxue didn't know it clearly. After Zhu Zhuqing noticed that the hair color was the same between the two, and the eyes were all magnificent crystals like rubies, he realized.

The relationship between the two is definitely not only good friends, or they have met as simple as they were young, they are definitely related by blood...

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Zhu Zhuqing's mind!

"Uranium, is he a human?"

Zhu Zhuqing sat on the sofa blankly, scenes in his mind flashed with the scenes that Uranium had been getting along with. The seamless cooperation, the ultimate combination of martial souls, and the power of creating a fragmented world are vividly visible... ....

In the next moment, Zhu Zhuqing shook his head and woke up from the state of blinding his eyes.

Uranium's martial spirit is the eye of destruction. Is it possible that his eyes are still refined? It must be a beast martial soul, and a plant martial soul can be transformed into an existence with a complete body. He must be a human soul master with one eye!

"Moreover, whether he is a soul beast has anything to do with me...I like him, there is no doubt..." Zhu Zhuqing murmured.

"Huh? What did you say? I didn't hear clearly." Uranium not far away heard Zhu Zhuqing's lips move slightly, suddenly puzzled.

Only the little blood on the side, under the influence of the soul beast's talent, she heard everything clearly.

Listening to Zhu Zhuqing's silent confession, Xiaoxue's delicate face was slightly embarrassed.

She can't help it~

The surroundings fell silent.

Silent light spilled in from the window, illuminating the three people.

The warmth filled the room, set off against the sky blue bedding, exuding a dazzling light.

"So, I have finished the introduction. Why, do you want to take you to Tiandou City for a stroll?" Uran glanced at Zhu Zhuqing with a quiet face, and the little blood in elegant costumes, could not help but suggest. .

He wanted to witness what this alien world city looked like. Since he left the Star Dou Great Forest, he hasn't spent much time on these so-called city streets except for going to the Great Dou Soul Arena.

But now, since there is still some time to kill the pigs, he can also take a stroll here, and Quandang will lead his little blood to see the world, so as not to be fascinated by the colorful world... .

"Huh? Okay~"

Xiaoxue, the girl in the purple skirt, was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly walked to Uran's side and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

It seemed that as long as there was uranium by her side, she would feel very at ease.

Seeing that Xiaoxue looked like this, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help standing up straight and suggested: "I know that there is a clothing store that is very good. Why don't we go there and take a look."

It seems that taking into account the special situation of Xiaoxue at this time, Zhu Zhuqing continued to add: "After you are transformed, you can wear it, and you should choose it in advance."

Uranus had already told her everything, including the one hundred thousand year soul beast, that encounter, and the fact that Xiaoxue was facing transformation.

She didn't regard Xiaoxue as a soul beast, but as a...


Just at this moment, Uran's spoiling of this little girl can be seen. If it weren't for this time, Xiaoxue was still in a phantom state, visible and intangible, I am afraid Uran has carried her on her shoulders to enjoy herself. .

"Okay, Zhu Zhuqing, come on here too, the three of us, let’s go shopping together." Uran shook his head helplessly, and his eyes jumped to the unmoving black **** the side. The smile on his face softened, "Don’t I stay bored at home to practice all day long, and go out more."

Hearing Uran's invitation, Zhu Zhuqing slightly chin his head slightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Wait for me."

He unexpectedly said nothing about cultivation and invited her to go shopping.

In the past, he practiced longer than himself.

After a while, the three people left the hotel.

The hotel is really convenient in the central area of ​​the city, with a spacious street right out of the gate. Tiandou City is indeed the capital of the Tiandou Empire. The streets are wide and clean, with many shops, and the streets are full of people.

Because they didn't recognize the way, the three of them walked through several streets one after another, without finding a trace of the clothing store.

While on the road, Uran suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly took out a dark black waist bag dotted with stars on it from the back waist. It was beautiful in shape and had a delicate silver pattern on the border.

"Zhu Qing, I almost forgot to pay you back." Uran smiled helplessly and handed out his hand to Zhu Zhuqing.

As soon as the two left the sunset forest, she handed over her Space Soul Guidance Device in his hand.

The Cronus adapter and its exclusive belt, as well as the wooden box containing the blood, are all taken out of it. Without it, Uranium would have to wear the belt all the time...

The girl took the pockets, and the touch that exuded a faint warmth, like static electricity, suddenly made her stunned.

In the next moment, a faint blush hung on the girl's face.

"Uchiha Uranus, what's the place over there?" Suddenly, Xiao Xue pointed to a domed building not far in front and asked.

"Crap..... I forgot to tell her that I have a pseudonym here." With bitterness in his heart, U Dang even felt a line of sight staying on his body.

"Uchiha...Uranium?" Zhu Zhuqing repeated dumbfoundedly. Although shocked, his expression seemed a bit inexplicable.

At this time, Xiaoxue also seemed to notice something wrong, strange, what's wrong?

Didn't Zhu Zhuqing sip one uranium every day and shout very intimately?

She also wanted to call his single name directly, so envious...

Uranium could only touch his head and smile awkwardly at this moment.

It's over... Uranium whispered with a bitter smile in his heart, Zhu Zhuqing's unmoving cold expression, as if it were a trial of a urging talisman, lifted the sharp blade, ready to swing at his little lamb at any time.

"Hey..." Zhu Zhuqing sighed suddenly, but her sigh suddenly interrupted Uran's groaning.

"Zhuqing, uh, there is a reason for me to do this, emmmm is correct, my real name is Uchi..." Seeing that something was wrong with the scene, Uran immediately explained, but was interrupted by Zhu Zhuqing's wave.

"I know you are a disguised name." Zhu Zhuqing's words dispelled the just-worded explanation in Uran's mind.

"Uh, when did you know?" Dryly, Uran suffocated such a nonsense.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, but Zhu Zhu had discovered early in the morning that he was not his real name.

"Since the first time I saw you." Zhu Zhuqing looked at the embarrassed Uranium that was embarrassing because of deceiving her. No, Uchiha Uranus, the corners of his mouth could not help but draw a curve, "So you are called Uchiha. Uranium, I thought you wanted to lie to me forever."

Uran's face immediately sank.

"It's not good for you to hear this name. That's why I haven't told you. You should call me Uranium, Xiaoxue, and you are the same."

There was a moment of silence, Uran raised his head, the corner of his eyes swept the surrounding passers-by, and a low voice sounded.

The voice was very cold, like a cold icy lake, with a bottomless icy cold, which made Zhu Zhuqing shiver involuntarily.

Uranium's reaction like this suddenly stunned Zhu Zhuqing and Xiaoxue.

He seemed to be a different person.

In the next moment, the cold ice crystals dissipated in the sun, and the coldness that was stashed in the uranium heart also melted in the warm sun.

Uran smiled helplessly. It was faster than the face change in the Sichuan Opera. Suddenly Xiao Xue and Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help being speechless, and looked at each other.

"Don't mention my name when there are outsiders in the future. Once these three words fall into the eyes of someone with a heart, I can only leave here." As he said, Uran smiled heartily, his eyes cold. The color dissipated without a trace.

"Sorry, I just couldn't hold back my emotions."

After sighing, Uranium Yoyo continued, "I am Uranium, Uranium is me. The first three words will only cause me trouble now. I just had a way of arranging all the people around me and forgetting that experience. idea."

"Oh, I know, I won't do it next time." Xiaoxue immediately understood the meaning of the period, and responded with a smile.

She was scared to death.

She thought that this special situation would not happen after she helped Uran to get out of the hidden danger, but she did not expect Uran's reaction to such mention of his name in front of people around him so much.

In fact, Xiaoxue didn’t know that if it was the previous Uranium, the mentally unstable Uranium, if it encountered this situation in the same way, it would not be just illusion hypnosis...

"I see..." Zhu Zhuqing also reacted and hurriedly replied.

But in her mind, Uran's dark back just now suddenly appeared in front of her, causing her to stagnate.

Scarlet, cold, dark, horrible.........

In the next moment, these pictures disappeared.

At this moment, the girl was suddenly embraced by Uranium.

"Don't worry, I didn't have a problem, you can feel it. Everything has me." Uran's voice slowly sounded in Zhu Zhuqing's ears, bringing a warm wind.

"Just as powerful as it is, the shadow is as strong as it is. This is a law that has never changed since ancient times."

The three of them were silent, but Uranium's transformation just made them afraid to speak.

"Hi, I said I'm okay..." Seeing the other two people downcast, Uranium couldn't help but feel a little angry.

He really hasn't blackened, really, his own affairs can't be more clear.

There was no way, Uran could only take Zhu Zhuqing's hand, looked for a direction at will, and walked out quickly, the little blood behind him did not say anything, and followed along.

Vaguely, she seemed to be able to see her smile.

"I can just call his single name by mistake, surprise, hehe..." Xiaoxue looks like a little fox who squinted and snickered.

Soon, the three of them walked to a building.

That was the direction Xiaoxue just pointed.

The building looked strange, it was completely round, as if a half ball smashed into the ground. There is no sign with any name on it, only a hammer pattern.

Uran's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered that the hammer should be a symbol of the auction mallet, "This should be the auction house, are you interested?"

Xiaoxue's eyes lit up, "The auction house? Shall we go and see? I have never seen how to auction things."

Uranium is also very interested in this auction house. He is also the first time he has visited the auction house in another world. "Then let's go in now, oh right, Zhuqing, do you have any money?"

Suddenly, Uran turned his head to look at Zhu Zhuqing, who was wandering beyond the sky, and asked in a low voice.

He didn't have a penny on him. There were some when the family came out, but after that fight, his body was completely exploded. Now he has to go to the auction house to see it. Naturally, he needs some financial support.

As for asking girls to ask for money is not embarrassing...

Just kidding, all his belongings and the money he earned from fighting on the battlefield are all with Zhu Zhuqing. If Uran had a choice, he would not be like this.

When it comes to money, Zhu Zhuqing subconsciously grasped the small bag in the lower back, and then slowly released it the next moment.

"Don't worry, the money is enough." Zhu Zhu said calmly after taking a glance at the small bag.

"That's all right, let's go." Uran nodded. He has been fighting on the battlefield for the past three months, and has been winning. You can imagine how much money he has made, but he is too lazy to count. They were all thrown into her Space Soul Guidance Device, and now it's time to use it.

The three of them walked towards the auction house.

Only when you get close can you really feel the scale of the circular building.

The auction site is very large, with a diameter of almost 500 meters and a height of 70 to 80 meters. You must know that this is just an auction site and does not require much traffic at all.

Moreover, this Tiandou City is the capital of the Tiandou Empire, which can be described with an inch of gold. This shows how important the position of this auction house in the entire Tiandou City is, and the background is even more unfathomable.

The gate of the auction house is also semi-circular. Like the whole building of the auction house, it is all creamy white. In front of the gate are four tall girls.

All of these girls are beautiful, well-proportioned little beauties. They are wearing long skirts on the floor, covering their arms, without exposing more than one point of skin. The actions of the four girls are exactly the same, with their hands together. With a smile in front of you, although this is a professional smile, it is easy to give a good impression.

Seeing the three of them walking straight, one of the four girls took the first three steps, bowed slightly, and said: "Three, do you need help?"

Uranium at this moment is quite strange. He is clearly holding a little girlfriend, but there is also a little loli by her side. Her hair is almost the same. People who don't know at first glance, think they are taking a younger sister and dating his lover.

"I have tens of thousands of gold soul coins, can it be used as proof of assets?" Uran said just like that.

The girl was a little startled. Although she did not despise Uranium, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiaoxue because of their age, it was the first time she saw guests like the three.

Carrying Golden Soul Coins with you? Could it be...... is the Space Soul Guidance Device!

Thinking about this, the girl was a clever one at once, and the Space Soul Guidance Device was rare in the Douluo Continent. Although there were a lot of people in it, she hadn't seen a few of them sold.

And the people who own them are basically senior spirit masters and nobles!

The thoughts in her mind were only half a second, and the girl smiled slightly and said: "Yes, we have a special gold soul coin appraiser here, please come with me."

The girl hurriedly made a please gesture, "Three, please come with me." As she said, she took small steps and walked towards the auction house.

Walk into the auction house. There is no feeling of majesty, the ground is milky white marble, the surrounding walls are decorated with various reliefs, the reliefs are not much color. It looks concise, lively, and extremely elegant.

Except for the relief. There are also some display windows built on the wall, which contain display items such as porcelain and armor.

The girl leading the way is very professional and will stop every ten steps or so and make a please gesture to guide the direction accurately. They took Tang San and Xiao Wu all the way to a room not far from the hall, in a room with a two-character appraisal sign.

There is a huge iron scale in the room. One end of the iron scale is a plate, and the other end is pressed by a square stone with a few words written on it.


And behind the iron scales, there are three black-robed men of different ages. Compared with the old man sitting in the middle, the other two black-robed men are more like coolies or porters. Chinese.

The girl explained to Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing: “This is the Golden Soul Coin Evaluation Room. I have to trouble the three of you to release the Golden Soul Coins and put them on the left plate to calculate the amount of the Golden Soul Coins.” While talking, she brought them. The three of them came to the innermost iron scale and stretched out their hands to guide them.

"Measurer No. 2, trouble you, these three distinguished guests want to estimate the Golden Soul Coin."

The estimator raised his head subconsciously, his eyes fell on the three of them, and immediately revealed a light of surprise, but the next moment, he put his eyes on the lead Uran and said: "Every gold soul coin has weight. This stone can offset 10,000 Gold Soul Coins. I have more offset stones, 200, 400, and 1,000. Which style do you choose?"

"Is each gold soul coin about ten grams? It is nearly twice as heavy as one yuan." Uranum murmured, and then immediately said: "Pick a 400-size offset stone."

"1000 specifications?" The estimator was even more surprised. 1000 specifications could mean 100,000 gold soul coins. Originally, he looked down upon Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing, but Xiaoxue was only three teenagers. Heart, "Okay."

With that said, the estimator used his arm to put four 200-size offset stones on the right side of the iron scale, and the empty large plate on the left was lifted high.

Uran gave Zhu Zhuqing a glance, and the other party immediately understood.

The next moment, Zhu Zhuqing leaped high, his hands flickering.

Gold soul coins shot from her hand towards the iron scale!

The appraiser is a veteran person. He is used to seeing the luster of the Golden Soul Coins. Naturally, he is not shocked by the more and more Golden Soul Coins in the plate, but the girl at the door watched the more and more Golden Soul Coins. A trace of sorrow and sorrow suddenly appeared.

But she was well hidden deep in her heart.

After a while, the 1000 offset stone was leveled by the gold soul coins released by Zhu Zhuqing.

Because there will be a lot of gold soul coins to be used, the auction house considers that the plate is deliberately bigger, so there is no situation where there is too much money to let go.

Looking at the piles of gold mountains in front of him, the estimator's emotions fluctuated rarely for a moment, and then he began to evaluate Uranium. His professional and stable hands did not tremble at all. Soon Uranium obtained the qualification certificate representing one hundred thousand gold soul coins. .

The girl who was in charge of the reception on the side saw that she had completed the assessment, and hurriedly said: "Two of you, please come with me. I will take them to go through the auction procedures first."

The procedure is not complicated, just set up an account associated with the Gold Soul Coin stored-value card in the auction house.

Through this account, uranium can not only obtain the corresponding income after the auction of the items, deducting the handling fee, but also conduct auctions, provided that the amount in the account cannot be exceeded during the auction.

at the same time. The reception girl also simply told the three of the rules here.

It was nothing more than some irrelevant background words, Xiaoxue yawned slightly as he listened.

It's Uranium, but listened quite seriously.

He thought of the Cronus Soul Guidance Adapter and the Transformation Belt, thinking about whether he should come to the auction house every day to search for gold. Once he bought one, he would almost laugh out of his dreams.

"Please take us to the auction house."

Under the leadership of the girl, the three walked into the real core of the Tiandou auction floor.

The auction center is located on the second floor of the auction house. From the lobby, there are eight stairs to enter.

Before entering the auction house, the receiving girl gave each of them a mask, telling them that they need to wear a mask to enter the auction in the future. This is for the safety of the customer. Next time, there will be no reception. Them.

But Uran shook his head, rejected the mask, and then took out his own special black and white corrugated mask, and signaled Zhu Zhuqing to also bring her animal look.

The auction center feels more like a large auditorium. The layout is similar to that of the main fighting spirit center of the Great Colosseum. In the center is a circular ceremonial table, surrounded by a radioactive ring.

It is divided into five parts. The three rows of seats closest to the podium are red, radiating outwards, followed by black, purple, yellow, and white. Obviously it is set according to different levels of bidders.

Uran took a look, then walked in the direction of yellow, found a seat at random, and sat down.

"Uranium, what do you want to buy?" Zhu Zhuqing took the voucher back into the Space Soul Guidance Device and asked with interest.

"In fact, if there is something interesting, I want to buy it too, hehe." Xiaoxue suddenly appeared between the two and said with a smile.

"Look at that time." Uran narrowed his eyes and replied softly.

The gold rush in the auction room itself requires chance, and maybe he just met something suitable for him. At present, what he lacks most is a weapon, a suitable soul guide weapon.

He has practiced swordsmanship for a long time, but ordinary weapons are really too hip to face powerful enemies. For example, in the battle against Xiaoxue, he didn't know how many weapons he had lost and touched them one by one. It's broken, and it makes people angry thinking about it.

At this time, there were not many bidders in the auction center, and only about a quarter of them sat sparsely.

A Soul Guidance device similar to a glove is being auctioned on the auction stage, and the price has been increased to 30,000 gold soul coins.

Beside each seat, there is a special price button. There are four different buttons, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, and one hundred thousand, which represent the additional price each time.

At this time, the Soul Guidance Device on the ceremony stage had been successfully traded at the price of 33,000 Gold Soul Coins.

The host on the ceremony stage took the megaphone and smiled and said to the bidders: "Next, what we will auction is a rare treasure. Please pay attention to those who are interested. Especially the soul master. "

While talking, he gestured to the audience, and three strong men pushed up a cart.

The cart is covered with red cloth, and the contents inside cannot be seen, but from the appearance, it looks like a big square box.

Uranium, Xiaoxue, and Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were all attracted by the new auction, and they stopped talking.

Uranium felt some inexplicable feelings in his heart at this moment.

As if attracted by the things in the red cloth.

The host said mysteriously: "Can you guess what this is? So let me tell you the low price first. The starting price of this lot is 50,000 gold soul coins. Each increase should not be less than 3,000 gold. Soul coin. This is a very useful thing."

As the host of the auction house, mobilizing the atmosphere and the enthusiasm of the bidders is obviously a required course, and he has successfully attracted the attention of the bidders.

"Next, please take a closer look at the distinguished guests." While talking, he pulled the red cloth and violently tore it off.

After the red light flashed, what was revealed was not a box, but a huge sealed transparent glass.

Inside the glass, there is a piece of bright green ore, with a bituminous luster, shimmering constantly.

Suddenly, there was a burst of cheering from the VIP seats around.

As if being fooled by a broken But looking at Uranium, his eyes suddenly widened!

An unbelievable look!

"Hehe, maybe everyone doesn't understand what this is. It is called the mother iron of the earth's core. It is also called the stone of death. It is an extremely rare ore from deep underground. Do you see that exudes a bright luster? That is the proof of excellent quality! In the name of death, this stone has unimaginable power. Whether it is a soul master or an ordinary person, once it is 100 meters around this stone, it will slow down. Slowly die in pain, and the suffering is beyond words. It can be said that this is the best way to torture and defeat the opponent's spirit."

While talking, the host had a cold expression on his face, as if he was facing the enemy at this moment.

"This ore is isolated by this special soul guide, so there is no need to worry about it causing any damage to the VIPs. On the contrary, it is extremely beautiful. In the ore, it can not only be used for viewing, as a torture tool, or even At night, it will emit bright light, dazzling, and magnificent."

"Awesome........I have seen high-purity uranium ore being auctioned for the first time. The gloss is so bright and the energy fluctuations make me feel shocked, obviously. The purity is very high, maybe it has reached 99%, the purity of nuclear weapons!" Uranium couldn't help taking a breath as he watched the special fluctuations continue to fit with him.

"If this thing explodes, I'm afraid it won't be Heaven Dou City!"

Once the mass of high-purity uranium exceeds the critical mass, it will trigger a chain reaction due to moving neutrons!

Going directly into the fission state is equivalent to Uranium's final version of the nuclear explosion kick directly at Tiandou City!

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